10% Daily Gains Guaranteed

I’ve been working on a python trading bot for the greater part of a year now. It has consistently made over 10% gains per day for the past 3 months, with minor tweaks to the code. I am offering 10 copies for 90% off in return for reviews for my website which will be live next week, and the price will increase 10x. Updates will be available to purchase monthly to ensure a 10% daily return. Email for returns, questions, and review in the link.


Other urls found in this thread:



90% discount? Shill me senpai

pics or gtfo


W-will you be my valentine?

>has a bot that makes him 10% a DAY
>can literally be a billionaire within 1 month
>offers to sell it to Veeky Forums
Jesus fucking Christ, if anyone actually falls for this, I will have no words left.

I’ll try it on a throw away account first

Lol this

pleasantly surprised op, impressed really. good luck with your site launch


Im not here to shill a bot, but i will shill a decent discord discord gg/pFGxB6r

I’ve used profittrailer, but wasn’t too happy with it. Worth it to try for me

Shot I wish I had bought this instead of a 1 month whalegate subscription... even if it doesn’t work I’d still have .04 leftover to fuck around with

mines downloading. That UI is sexy as hell

>some faggots will fall for this without checking the replies

Will the monthly updates be 90% off for the first buyers as well?


mine is already up 2%

Fuuuuu that looks legit. I should have sent ltc instead of btc. Have a feeling I’m going miss it

I just ordered the 5th or 6th copy

Lol no
It goes like this: OP creates thread, go to his phone, replies to himself saying it works, then make another comment asking for a free copy and then replies to himself with stuff like "no, just pay for it pajeet".
All this while turning 4G on and off and cleaning the cache on his phone browser to get a new ID
I probably gave too much information but whatever.

>Obvious FUD is obvious
Keep it up so my transfer goes through

literally a pajeet scam, half the people in this thread are just OP samefagging, please don't fall for this.

Poor pajeets, I just bought. There might be 3 left, good luck.

These are all OP. Same IP range.
He usually says things like "send ltc to get it faster" and shit like that
And of course, when getting called out he calls FUD as you can see here It's the same thread every day


same thing but half price

>10% return a day
>in 1 year I can have 328 trillion dollars

He posted pic related few days ago saying he was sorry and that he wouldn't try to scam us again

Thank you Herr Scamdefender

nice bought 100k

Soooo....anybody actually start using it?

he's from portland too supposedly so confirmed homosexual norman