Did I get pajeet'd?
Did I get pajeet'd?
I sold a month ago. So yes you did.
Check their roadmap. Writing software takes time. This is a long term hold, I don’t know why people are expecting lambos in weeks here
this. good team, realworld product, established links. req's a quality hodl.
They don’t write software. Your statement would be accurate if you said “it takes time to find people you can pay small amounts of money to write your software for you.”
The fucking REQ bag holders get more and more delusional every day.
“Good things take time user just wait.” For what? $1 EOY? How about throw a dart at CMC choose any top 20 coin and beat those gains? Add in some research, beat those gains by A LOT, and A LOT faster.
If you love REQ, fine fall for the HODL meme but I mean holy fuck doesn’t anyone care about gains anymore?
OP if you’re IQ is over 100 and you’re able to DYOR I’d dump those bags and find a new coin or two.
>This is a long term hold
lol no, holding Req shitcoin is holding bags
buyers remorse is a bitch
Crypto is extremely fast paced. I understand the hard work needed to make ends meet, but those who reach their goals and milestones first get the praise and the investors. Unless that specific project is the only one of its kind. Regardless, I'm still getting pajeet'ed
req have just made obsolete with coinbase pay with crypto button
i warn everyone for month req token have not use
sell now before hit 0
if no product in 2 month tops it worthless and time to move on
first reqt dev leaves so they outsource to india
coinbase make their own req now with button
who would buy req? no one that why everyone sell
sorry op you got bags
Wow, there is some starting pajeet fud happening in this thread.
you certainly did
Spotter another bag holder.
From what I understand fiat to crypto doesn’t exist on the coinbase plugin
I can smell the curry from miles away
sell now
Russian scamcoin
I fucking hate REQ but I can fucking agree any goddamn REQ thread is littered with curry shit skins it’s actually incredible.
Must be some call center or something that was donated some REQ long ago.
I loved REQ, and it became most of my profile. But HOLY. SHIT. The fucking Dev team needs to do weekly fucking announcements, they need to get aggressive marketing, the lackluster announcements and general silence is chasing their investors off. Step the fuck up
nobody has products in 2 months. The difference is just in how inflated the price is. Like REQ when it randomly hit a dollar or TRX ever
They are one of the most active teams when it comes to communication and updates. Don’t be a deluded bag holder. The updates just fucking sick dick. Creating more shitty updates that dump the price won’t help.
Have you noticed the have to make shit up every update?
update: your bags just got heavier
sell now before next update and price 0
He will never sell. It’s honestly not even worth trying to help people on biz anymore.
It was worth it when there were more whites here, but gone are those good days.
Maybe cos they aren't fucking doing anything?
delisted soon
when can we return with days of without nigger?
I'm holding 3300 still just on the off chance it'll pump to $1 then I'll dump it all
True. Not to mention its garbage, depressing volume. Is it out of the top 100 yet? Last I checked it was 98. Don't want to go on cmc and be reminded I'm being REQ'd and assblasted simultaneously
Thanks guys and pajeets, this brainless FUD makes me feel better about my 40k REQ
I don't understand why Req exists. It's a coin for paying invoices? Can't you just send someone a bill for payment in any currency? Why would you want to be paid with invoice-coin instead of a coin that everyone uses for commerce?
Can't tell if you're being honest or sarcastic
its a stock in their company / the way you pay transaction fees
when you use their service you automatically buy req with whatever youre paying with and it gets burned as the fee
its not a payment token.
It fuels the network, that is used. You can trade in any crypto or fiat, to any crypto or fiat, using REQ with ZRX on blockchain
>fuels the network
>req transactions also cost gas and thus eth
He is being honest and is beyond help. He will come back q2 2019 with an “i told you so post” where he shows us his all-in REQ portfolio when REQ is 1.40.
Then we can explain that it’s only 20 cents past it’s old ATH and cite things like “Yeah but ETH is 5k” “NANO is 100” “VEN is 200”
Literally anything will be better than REQ gains-wise.
>nano is 100
They are bi-weekly updates. Not bi-weekly major announcements. You can't expect them to drop huge news every other week.
Every time they post a solid update that does not include a Visa/Paypal partnership announcement you see the "what went wrong" and "it's fucking nothing" posts pop up. The absolute state of biz.
You are a fucking retard.
The coinbase pay with crypto button is a centralised payment platform.
The whole point of REQ is that it intends to be a decentralised, trustless payment platform.
Fucking retards in this thread.
fuels the network = used as consensus?
read the whitepaper dumbass Im not here to spoonfeed you.
>Only high risk high reward investments are good
>10x in just over a year is a bad return
I can't wait for all the ADD "crypto traders" who became experts after spending 2 months in a bullmarket lose their shirt.
I swear the majority of retards here are actually 12 years old.
They expect a 2-month out of ICO project pertaining to trustless, decentralised payments to have a product here and now?
This is why so many of you retards get burned, because the slightest retarded fud turns you away. If you're this impatient and clueless, just fucking put your money into something safe like Ethereum or Neo. REQ is pure speculation right now, doesn't mean its a shit project.
it's on the eth blockchain atm. But goes to people making Dapps or extensions for it, including REQ team/ gets burnt
Read the white paper? req is an erc20 smartcontract by nature these things require gas to interact with. Go fuck yourself. To use req you also need eth. Shut the fuck up or prove me wrong you inbred piece of shit.
No. They dont expect a working product. They expect a high market cap. TRX fags are happy they shot past 4bil, fair enough, I would be too before I dumped all my bags. But for example, TRX hodlers dont understand the problem with a 4bil market cap while on fucking testnet, meme partnerships and shilling count as news, they dont care about or understand actual projects. REQ is where it should be, let them lose their shirts
So I'm down 40% I usually don't sell at a loss. Should I sell or keep holding. Part of me likes to think it'll recover
Ok thanks for answering my question. Now that I understand it better I admit that it is a useful service. It sounds similar to what ripple is trying to do with Interledger.
sell and post after
Kyber has them listed, so they gotta be legit.