How many of you here are actually homosexual?

How many of you here are actually homosexual?

Well I own 150k LINK, so, you know.

I’m not gay but the guy I’m sleeping with is

Fuck off CIA


Stop with this bull shit its nothing about business
Neck yourself

We're fairly representative of the general population if we're honest, so around 80%, more or less.

if this makes me homo than I guess I am homo

Yeah fuck off CIA. I doubled my initial investment, then sold my initial investment. I am HOLDing and I Don't care whether crypto goes up or down. Take this a a signal to end the game if you want, there's a lot of people like me who have your house money and are HOLDing, we don't give a fuck, I can go a week without checking BTC price or crypto news at all.

Homosexuality is a sin, faggot.

I am, why do you ask?

I'm an inactive homo.

So is being a Christian.

nice larp
must be why there has been thotposting here for years

im just glad that 2017 people surveyed were 12% less tolerant of faggotry. The degeneracy of obama are being rolled back.

Inactive by choice or incel?

Why wouldn't you be

Why don't you guys just sleep with women if you like girly men?

Same here, it me want to kill myself every day

Idk I've been like that since my freshman year in high school

Actual gay here.

If you like twinks you're not a real gay. That's almost as bad as being attracted to females.

Inactive (no homo acts)

Homosexuality is gay

>That's almost as bad as being attracted to females.
>being attracted to females

you wot m8.

all link holders

fuckin' chicks is for poofs tho...

v gay, love masculine men

since you thought it was a good idea to have a gay thread about nothing but being gay in the middle of a finance and business board, enjoy some community approved and loved thot posting

How so

Why not? Are you a devout christian?

After all, what could be more masculine than fucking another muscly, hairy dude?

Men who can't handle fucking another man must resort to females.

I'm fucking gay OP don't judge me

In feudal Japan, the samurai class believed a romantic relationship with a woman emasculated the man.

The bond between two men makes them both more alpha.

im gay i dont like girly men. theyre the fucken worst

Deluded barafag

Men have a prostate gland. Women do not.

This is why men derive more pleasure than women when receiving anal sex.

You've never had a true orgasm if you haven't done so while your prostate is being stimulated.

I'm gay and I am exclusively into big hairy masculine men like a real fag. Bonus points if they're 40+ and have a beard and belly, and are uncut.

>getting bent over and having a cock shoved up your ass is more manly than dominating a girl sexually

This guy's hot af

I can only get turned on by dominatrices. Some consider it beta or almost gay. I don't

n..not me

by 'dominating a girl sexually' do you mean jerking off to Chinese cartoons of school girls?

Why are there so many faggots here? I think it is orchestrated

I'm straight as fuck but I've fucked trannies

I'm gay

More pics pls

>falling for the gay meme

This duck faced cunt again...

70% of link holders are 4chaners, so i would say a lot.

No you don't

Yeah. It looks great except for the fucking cock and balls. Faggot.

I'm attracted to passable traps, passable trans, and actual women. So I guess partly?


what an ugly hairy pig. How can you be attracted to that ? Twinks are hot though

What's wrong with them?

lmaoing at you guys not fucking twinks/traps
unirocally kys

I'm a hapa femboy in Hong Kong. Life is very good right now to say the least.

Not gay but gay for pay,

Looking for a sugardaddy to keep me happy

i can send pics on request