Can you see it?

This is the most accurate prediction for the end of the bear market you will ever find.
Consider yourself lucky if you see this thread tonight.
Probably you're blessed, this thread found you.

No need to thank me, but DOGE are always appreciated.

Who are you again?


nigga u just put a random green line

i dont get it

I can see my dick in your sisters mouth

thanks user

Easy explenation.
Failing to break the downtrend, Bitcoin will tank to double bottom at the 38.2 Fibo retracement, failing again to break out, ready for the real crash at $4k, landing at the 61.8% Fibo retracement. The real bottom.
Will reboumce from there breaking an easier downtrend line and killing the bear market.

>he claims it failed when we're about to break the fugg out
user I hope you aren't short.

thx for explanation, worth learning i suppose

No we're not.
We failed at 9000 and we failed at 8600, that's not just random.

when did it get to 3k?

nvm im retarded


Are you 100% sure my man? I want to buy low but not sure we will dip again in near future because of this steady gains.

out of all the fucking TA and indicators that exist,
Fibonacci shit has got to be the absofuckinglute worse, like what the fuck are you thinking?
>hurr durr it's the golden ratio fibonacci curve
>hurr durr it's in nature lets apply it to everything
if you devoted even a sliver of a percent of your pea sized brain to researching similar series you'd find that fibonnaci series isn't even that amazing mathematically speaking.
and as much as you want to believe, drawing a bunch of random lines on a chart will line up with something at some point,
and if fib lines are so amazing, how come the data never lines up so well,

at the -38.2 there isn't even a touch, theres a wick that sitts a bit above it but thats fucking it, doesn't even touch, not once, and how come those two earliest dips drop significantly below the +38.2% level? if all it takes it a wick coming close, how come there isn't a level matched up with those wicks huh? and what about at the 50% and 61.8% levels huh? that's just utter nonsense and doesn't even come close to matching any part of your fucking fibs,

honestly, my brain instantly filters out anything people write post or mention if fib lines/circles/ etc are involved,
out of all the retarded shit in existance,
you pick the retardedest

Sad cnts trying to monetize Z predictions.

Smart sad cnts

Tip sad op or don't tip sad op

Bull will still come


Then 9100



He's done it, he's started a cult

>He's done it, he's started a cult
Why so angry typing user?
no angy tpey anonn.

this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even Veeky Forums all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from reddit (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious.

Oh, good.

IOTA it is everyone.

so BTC's gonna go to like 4000, that's what literally everyone has been saying desu

and Veeky Forums is usually wrong, so it wont

Version: GnuPG v2


biz said 8k when we were at 13k

>just believing what everyone says

>just believing numbers accurately represent any construct in a non-truth

Just do the opposite of what Veeky Forumssays, bitcoin is going to 100k

You need more than just fib retracement. RSI, macd, Elliott waves are all important FUCKING parts of TA. You watch the order book aka level 2 to confirm hidden walls. You can't just use one thing and know how the market is going to go. It's all just a chance, occasionally you can expect where the market will go but never 100% . People who trade daily expect to lose some of their predictions. You just have to win over 50%

>biz says bitcoin is going to 100k
then this means it must be going to 1k

Bought high eh?

It's okay. BTC is too big boi for biz. Biz only chases scam shitcoins like link, bch, and tron.

Be a real man and donate to a real cause instead of buying and losing on shitcoins all day.

The value in knowing you did a good thing you get will exceed whatever greed fueled wealth you have temporarily followed by harrowing despair.

Start today buy visiting:


...and sending in your own donation at your budget. Every Bitcoin counts. Only then, can we write the history books of tomorrow and truly fuel the ethnostate to rise again.

***DISCLAIMER: Ethnostate offer only applicable to /biz visitors. Normie leftist cucks must think they are funding their own opposition.***