I have 10k link how much is my portfolio realistically worth by 2019?

i have 10k link how much is my portfolio realistically worth by 2019?

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I love her. Why cant all girls be thin why do they all have to be so fucking fat

A trip to mcdonalds for 2


fags wish they could have hips that wide

>every female on the internet is a trap
what a mental prison you have created for yourself

fuck outa here with that pedobait shit - gime thiccccccccc

congrats on getting PAJEETED

Look at "her" hands.

>a bunch of 30 year old fit women
kek, you're dumb

barely enough to buy kneepads

$50,000,000 USD

~11.2 million USD

check em

Given how consistent it is, it's either a psyop to foment trap fetishism or a really old tired meme that stopped being funny 4 years ago and newfags still repeat because they have sub zero IQ.

100 billion USD

check em faggot

Your 10k Link will be worth 10k Link.


Large if correct

stinky linky

$0 checkem you degenerate gambling idiots

I would say between 1MM$-2MM$


I sure hope so. I have 20k LINK. Its a small portion of my portfolio, but I figure if you stinky linkies are right it'll be worth it. The ideas are good. the white paper is good, so why tf not

Better question, why is she sniffing her hair?

I just want a woman who will wear aerobic outfits while I fuck her. Why must life be so cruel?


you posted guys though
open your eyes, sheep

how often do they have their pussy hair ripped off them?

OH shit! Another user watches MrE.

>implying men can have a waist like that

of course, you gotta know what (they) are doing

Wouldn't you?


I wouldn't even have sex with them

give me pic related instead

You are a faggot. I would fuck every single one of those girls til I drop dead.

>wants to fuck manly bitches with square jaws and no curves
>calls me a faggot


But i dont blame burgers. The average girl is fat there and they have to acceot their fate

Stop it bro I'm on nofap I can't... ah hell BRRRRRAPP SNIFF SNIFF

Don't worry bro, if you reverse looked this pic on google you see that she's just another landwhale that literally only looks okay in just this pic.

Damn I just did it and it returned no results. Confirmed its user's gf and I will now kms


yeah, okay, buddy

Seriously guys I'm on nofap because I want to turn my life around and now I'm about 3 seconds away from clicking "big ass" category on pornhub. Please I just want to learn about business and finance here


just jerk off without porn, dumbass

you will learn how to enjoy sex better that way too

Stay strong bruh.

Let me help you change over to Asians

not masturbating won't turn your life around, seems to me you just picked a specific boogeyman while not dealing with your actual problems in life

Those tits are faker than my portfolio in this moment

oh my fucking god theyre so hot its making me angry jfc

except the one on the far left... fix your hair part

He's gone now. Doing the deed.

Yeah they are fake

Damn I was about 75% baiting with that post but now you just made it real.

masturbating to porn fucks with your sex life