How much did you guys lose from the peak?

How much did you guys lose from the peak?

Still down $500k here. Still have the same BTC value. Not feeling too bad here. Remember, Trump lost something like $8 billion in a year and made it all back. Don't lose focus.

Roughly half as far as fiat go, but the sat value has stayed relatively stable, and is actually a bit higher now I think.

So you have about 50 Bitcoin right now?

peak: 85k
now: 30k

So more than half. But the peak didn't last long so not sure if I could cash that out

i'm down exactly $500,000k too op.. i cashed out the $150,000 i had left a couple of weeks ago


I was retarded and only cashed out $50k to pay for other bullshit. It was hard to determine the top, and when I did want to cash out I couldn't find many better investments. Mostly everything is at its peak right now, housing, stocks, other property. Came this far and I'm not backing down.

like 100k

didnt get JUST'd as hard as most people here but it still hurts, given that none of my shitcoins are recovering REEEE

Down 1M from a peak of 2.5. Long hold so it doesn't matter to me. Variety of alts, no BTC.

Started with 12k and have a good life outside crypto so NBD. This be gamblin' money!

>and when I did want to cash out I couldn't find many better investments. Mostly everything is at its peak right now, housing, stocks, other property
This is my concern. I have a stack of money to invest but it seems like everything is at a peak (except crypto, but even that could drop 50% tomorrow)

>comparing the life of virgin NEETs to to the God Emporor


I put so much money in the dip my profits are equal. Now I am gonna pull that investment out and pretend nothing happened.

$550k to $100k

looks like Trump declared bankruptcy four to six times
this is very impressive. I would give up after first attempt

For those who lost 500k, how much was you initial investment and how long have you been trading?

Down 60%from initial investment because I started on 15th January.
Feels bad man.
I hope for recovery until April

There's going to be a housing crash soon enough. The boomers keep building AGAIN just like

what the fuck did you buy holy shit

Initial investment was around $10k over several years. Got in early as shit and kept throwing money at random shitcoins and felt embarrassed doing it, even made stupid sells early on but always kept a "stake" in it as I called it.

Now up $500k, already withdrew my original investment. I'm pretty much a NEET and made most of my money off flipping crap on fleabay.

I plan to stay with mom for another 2 years and then, if the housing market doesn't move, just rent an apartment or live in a van. I'm approaching 30 and don't want to say here for too long.

I've been holding off investing in crypto for years because i thought it was "at its peak". Don't be a brainlet like me.

>and made most of my money off flipping crap on fleabay

tell me more about this adventure of yours, op

300k top
88k bottom
130k. Now

started late December and still at roughly half my initial investment.

Interesting, thanks, this gives me some perspective.

>Peak 30k
>Current 7.5-8k

I'm not even larping, hodling is a total joke

peak : 1500-1700
now : 1200

Started with 500 right before december

I won't make it with trading tho, but this is fun