Thoughts on this sjw normie?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmao who cares

imagine people taking this site seriously, just imagine that

imagine having "blockchain" in your twitter name what a faggot

Anyone who supports that sneaky whore needs to ironically pull a Praljak.

Veeky Forums BTFO!

What the fuck is that

>waaaaahhh stop saying no no words on the internet

Cryptos are inherintly CIS White male white supremacists and anti SJW

apparently a she/her

Bruh the fuck is that

yeah, lets just all go and use a new untrusted ethereum web client from a bunch of people that have proven themselves to be incredibly untrustworthy.

but no, sorry, we're supposed to give all women a free pass even when they've made all of the wrong decisions.

Random cuck is triggered
What he doesn't realize is that many people are BOTH on r/ethereum and Veeky Forums

>in4b you have to go back

good ol blockchain matias, defending the weak from hurtful words.

>wow its reddit come to 4chin to complain about how bad we are episode
FUck off fagget

repeat after me: she is a beautiful woman. she is a beautiful woman. she is a beautiful woman. she is a beautiful woman. she is a beautiful woman. she is a beautiful woman. say it. say it. say it.

delete this

And this is exactly why thotposting is a sign of protest against this mentality

fucking hell man i'm eating


link to reddit post?


kys autist

you will never be anime girl.

also its a staple of Veeky Forums after years


couldn't care less, wont change my bookmark

what is this what the fuck is going on over there?



I'd rather die than have anything to do with 3dpd.

>start thread on Veeky Forums about some shit no one cares about
>cite it as proof of muh soggy knees


this Veeky Forums topic happened a full day after the reddit explosion
why is reddit so desperate to believe we care about them? it's awkward and pathetic

>"please take me seriously, i's a wimmin nao. muh blockchain technology SJW communist revolushan"
nope, sorry. sjw freak tears are just too delicious kek

This is a fucking dude..

