BTC = $8500


I thethered up at 7.5k he told us there would be a flash crash. I want back in!



warn you, the oracle did

yet you listened to the Great Liar

be at peace now

It's not too late to buy in before we hit 10k.

If dubs, OmegaMaker shall be known forever as The Great Liar

So let it be written

so let it be done!

Press S to spit upon The Great Liar

Reminder to always do the exact opposite of what biz tells you.

It was never going to crash below 7k. People just say 4k and you believe it, because you're retarded.

I opened 20x short position with my full stack...

Did you get liquidated?


Fucking piece of shit.

I wouldn't worry about a bullrun lol... it's not coming.

I am literally in basement looking for rope.


no hate type

no pink wojaks

just watch the accurate charts


Omega has harmed you

Bitcoin has harmed you

But the charts will not harm

Be calm like the charts and learn something.

OmegaMaker show yourself you worthless piece of shit! You have ruined so many lives, my whole life savings were in crypto now I'm sitting on the sidelines after I sold at a loss. FUCK YOU!! Fucking tripfag

I tried to warn you, but you didn't listen.

He probably went long with leverage and went to bed, you've been played

what are your latest charts, oh great oracle

do the opposite of what tripfags say, you should have gone long
and now that that oracle fag is telling you it's going up NOW is the time to short

Lmao you fucking deserve it for listening to omegawanker, the guy who sold at 6k and has been getting publicly justed for the last 2 weeks

And who are you? At least he had "the balls" to put his "reputation" on the line. You're just an anonymous fag who's saying shit just to say it

>gets BTFO by attention whoring namefaggotry
>still doesnt see the value of an imageboard where everyone is nameless so the only thing you have is your ideas/content
Just fucking go >>>/back/ already faggot

Never listen to tripfags

how the fuck you managed to sell at 7.5k when we only went to 7800 yesterday

Sorry brah, I fucked up

wrong trip

I'm on my phone

>doesn't realize that anynomity allows you to say whatever the fuck you want without repercussions

> Muh "I told you so"

sell under marketprice, buy over marketprice

Nice try... i got his tripfag memorized, it haunts me in my nightmares. You will never inflict the amount of pain into me that HE has.

that's not how it works

why would you listen to some wish fulfilment poorfag on Veeky Forums?

You must have joined this board yesterday, but OmegaMaker has been making threads for four days now.

My trip code is extremely complex and i have it saved at home on my computer
This is my other one, google it

A whale keeps flashing a 100 btc buy wall, wonder if he's gonna use it...

Yea, anyone can say whatever they want. So you fucking examine what they're saying and decide if it's total garbage or not before acting on it, instead of going 'hurr durr this faggot has a good rep on this board so lemme just mindlessly follow whatever they're saying, hurr durr'. Enjoy continuing to blame some tripfaggot for your own carelessness

Zzzzzzz yea user buy. Then it will crash because the market revolves around you

Why do you think you listened to your teachers in school? Because they had credibility, and you thought they have something to teach you.

This is exactly that. I'm fairly new to the crypto game and OmegaMaker has called correctly some shots in the past. He had some credibility

OmegaMaker here
I suck cocks

>he had some credibility

are you still short or did you have a stop order? how much did you lose bro?

I have credibility.

Like when I said it was going to flash crash at 7600 around 5 days ago
And also when I said the crash is starting NOW 2 days ago
Perfect calls.
You don't listen to me, that is why are you still not rich right now.

Also I suck cocks.

I didn't lose anything, just made a thread to fuck with you all.

Stop larping with your fake tripcode
I am the real OmegaMaker

lmao i was like lmao

You guys are both pathetic

shut up omegamaker

Nah you shut up

holy shit go back you massive fucking faggot

Q predicted this.

lmao i want these retarded fucking normalfag cuckolds to leave

omegamaker? fuck him. wheres cryptobro at, telling everyone to sell at the bottom


Veeky Forums

Back to 20k by May. Buy now or stay poor again.

>MFW people unironically listened and made market choices off some anonymous TA Crystalball faggot
The state of Veeky Forums, if that faggot was able to know exactly what the market was going to do with his TA Voodoo bullshit he'd be a billionaire and not posting on fucking Veeky Forums.

yeah dude cryptobro is mud now. That shit was so funny. It was pretty much the exact fucking bottom

The majority of people who use TA effectively aren't billionaires user. Most successful day traders carve out middle class lives for themselves. Best of the best are in the millions.

When you have that amount of money, you have no need to fuck around with TA watching screens and trades all day. At that point, hire some jews to work your shekels for you and enjoy being a billionaire.

no he was right and you fags read too much into daily fluctuation. only look at 3 months graphs and you will see what he was talking about.

>listen to some larper on Veeky Forums because you're so dumb that you think his trip gives him some sort of authority
>lose money

TA is like reading chicken guts. it only works if a lot of people believe in it and becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Yeah, even if you're doing TA "right" there's no evidence that it works in your favor at all.

Don't buy now, there is no volume... it will go down before it rises any higher.

>he listened to a tripfag


that's what you get for listening to someone who seeks attention on a fucking anonymous image board. the last thing you should do on this site is read anything these autistic NEET bums post.

It was below 7k though...

In December I put thousands of dollars into some shitcoins, just because they were mentioned once on Veeky Forums. Got into PRL and BNTY the day they were listed (after inital drop) and also into DBC at 900 sat. Made me some bucks, but admittedly only works in retarded bullmarkets

if he really had the balls he would have posted proof his short position

that guy so full of himself lol
I spent 10 minutes demolishing his arguments and he didn't event reply

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA FELL FOR THE DISABLED OMEGA WHO SHILLED 5k for past 3 days!! Didn't happen I'm deaaaad hahahahaha Lekskekeks

I love these threads it's our locker room talk

BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! I went 900k long at $82. EAT MUH DICK BEARS!

we're coming for you

Remember "THIS ONLY HAPPENS TO THOSE WHO LISTEN TO ME" try and remember that now.



All of you are lowlife faggots. I am GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, deal with it.

We're going to 10k faggot. Get in now

>always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says