Who selling at 9k here?



I'm just not ready for happiness yet, and soon the rest of you and the market will know it too

Why don't you just use stop loss?

Sell orders @ 8900

She is literally perfect

I bet Ben has totally tried to fuck her

How does a stop loss work?

It stops your losses.

Milk truck just arrive

Scatty - looks too much like her brother...


Does khazar braps smell any different from regular braps?

When the fuck 9k? these bags of mine are too heavy

What is she reacting to?

ffs use google, this is basic shit
fuck off to plebbit, apparently they are nice to each other.
kys tard

The average IQ of the white male

Khazars don't brap, they milk

your penis

stop pumping this shit europe, burgers want to panic sell at 9k.

Already sold at 8710

It doesn't have the volume to go much higher.

I mean I would if she was my sister. She's fucking hot!