Why is everyone so mean here? I started a thread just asking for help and people were so rude to me

Why is everyone so mean here? I started a thread just asking for help and people were so rude to me.

Say what you want about reddit, but at least people are respectful & helpful and don’t call me a faggot or make racist remarks.

You guys seriously have some growing up to do. I hope this board can clear up its immaturity and people can actually have meaningful conversations surround cryptocurrencies.


Fuck off nigger cunt

Fucking nigger faggot go fuck yourself. Pretty please.



That is the whole point of this place you faggot.

Good post.
Wow, that's insensitive!

seems larp though, especially this reddit logo seems like a bait.


Drink that.


Great post!

Because this is the only place these pussies get to be in anyway hetero. 99% beta faggots who couldn't defends themselves in the real world but are tough guys here. Like everywhere else on the internet really. Wimpy faggots.

Your bait is so bad you should shoot yourself in the brain in front of your parents

>surround cryptocurrencies

pajeet detected

>Wimpy faggots
oviously refering to reddit as they are beta online and off

lol at the fat autistic neck beards who feel a need to make racist statements because they don’t know what love is

please, and I actually do mean it, kill yourself; you are a waste of air and water on an already dying planet

Kys faggot pajeet

3/10 b8 kys

Explain me please what love is then faggot.

You ruined it with the reddit logo. Would have been successful bait with a different pic.


nice try

The concept of "bait" is irrelevant. It's either a valid point or it isn't, doesn't matter where it comes from.

Kindness makes others happy. Why don't you want others to be happy?

>you don't know what love is, unlike me, who is so loving
>so just kys
Woah, we have yet another tolererant liberal among us.

shut the fuck up nigger

So much edge! You people need to chill a lil bit huh. Op is right, unless you're under 18 you shouldn't be saying nigger and faggot unironically

Fuck you SJW faggots and know your customer!

Fuck yourself we’re sick of being told by Jews and their childless cat lady pets what we can and can’t say.

Jesus are you going through your first teenage rebelion faze or something? Nobody is telling you what you can or can not do. Just learn to chill and be more open with your emotions and be less of a bitter fag

Go back to Plebbit, kikefag.

The only good board (subreddit?) Is the pics of dead kids one. Reminds me of old school, no rules internet before women and niggers ruined it.

Fuck off LARPing faggot

Why don't you want others to be happy?

Why are you retards responding to this low effort bait thread

Actually I wouldn't call this a bait thread, since the intention was clearly that of parody

Kill yourself, you have no power here commie

Go back to your sucky reddit you fucking small cock pajeet.

sometimes i say something mean on Veeky Forums and then i have to leave for a while because i feel bad
i hope none of you take anything to heart
people just say things for the lulz

i dont know why i hate that little robot thing so much
i mean look at it, just look at it
change your fucking logo reddit

Fucking larping Communist.

Fuck you OP.

Since this thread is shit and I don't know where to ask - What is the source on /sp/'s brazil-germany banner?

Germany raped Brazil in the recent world cup in their own nation. It was such a depressing loss that Brazilians will remember the sting for 100 years.

The only thing sadder than this low quality bait is you sad fucking retards replying to it.

The absolute state of nu/pol/

Confirmed, Syria was a huehue blackop for revenge.

yes that is exactly what is happening. all the nigger cuck u have to go back plebbit kike shit is all 20 year olds and under with zero world experience. if they break this criteria and do have world experience, they have a social deficiency and never talk to people

germany beat brazil 7-0 in 2014 wc IN brazil.

raped em mate

>he didn't speak to me nicely as I was falling for his scam

You have to filter through the thick layer of various retards, OP. 70% of them are just belligerent for no reason and should be utterly ignored. 20% are chaotic evil. 5% are chaotic good, and worth listening to. The rest, like me, are purely objective observers and the best people on the board.

half the people on here are social retards too

Fuck off pussy
