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Can you spoon feed me on this please


shh kid, they aren't supposed to know yet

No time just sell everything, even what you have in your bank account !@#!$!!

Stop ID hopping and explain

wtf WE are all fucked if true.
OP can you show us any other data to confirm this?
if your not larping, thanks for posting this

Wait what the fuck does this mean? How could $60B be that important?

There has been a silent crash for a while now. A couple of large institutions and Deutsche in particular are in deep trouble. Now banks don't want to lend to each other anymore because they are afraid they will not get that money back. The same thing happened in 2007. Only this time it will a hundred times worse.

Also it appears to be true according to this link:

Wew lads.

Yes. You see that correctly. INTERBANK LENDING CAME TO A VIRTUAL HALT, plunging from $68.034 BILLION for the week of December 27, to a terrifying level of $13.237 Billion as of January 3, 2018. That's a DROP of EIGHTY-ONE PERCENT (81%) in one week.

Also, for anyone interested.

I have heard about people intentionally spreading FUD at the time of the Dot Com bubble. I thought they must have been crooks for misleading innocent people.

Now I look at this FUD during the crypto bubble and just laugh. Nobody is going to take this seriously. The FUDders are just stroking their cocks thinking they may have just played a part in crashing the market while others just laugh at his folly efforts :D

Big if true

Damn, this could actually be pretty bad...

So this happened on January 3rd? If it had huge implications, wouldn't we have heard about it by now?

A sharp decline in transaction volume in this market was a major contributing factor to the collapse of several financial institutions during the financial crisis of 2007.


Financial crashes are terribly exciting when you basically have no money to lose anyway.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I’ve been researching inverse ETFs recently to try and profit against the stock market crash. This graph is one I was looking at that 10xd during the 2008 financial crisis. Has anyone got an opinion on this kind of product?

It’s pretty much a fund of shorts against S&P that increases in value as the stock market goes lower

Ah, the famous Bitcoin chart appears again..

quick guys, buy bitcorn!

Same thing happened in 1907, too :^)

Could be financial choices being made as a result of new financial legislation?

>Bitcoin chart
nigger you better be trolling

Is this the real chart?

Good, I hope the while corrupt system burns and takes 90% of the population with it, which would be almost entirely city dwellers.

I am wondering this as well, anyone know? Did the data just get published today or something?

>completely oblivious to the recent capitulation of the dow
bleeeerrrrrrrrrr gurrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>the dow
opinion discarded

true when if

Explain how this relates to inter bank loans.

I think that the real money is being on the opposite side of sovereign bonds.

The U.S. 10yr is already falling which is a canary in the coal mine for other sovereign paper.

it's real. real bad


>Banks have incredibly strong balance sheets after 2017 is the best years since the crash
>no longer need to get liquidity in the inter-bank lending market
>somehow this spells catastrophy

Yeah, ok dude

Correct. The recent VIX spike was just a side effect of one very very large player blowing up several weeks earlier.

You realize that things are always really good right before a crash right?
The mechanisms which trigger a crash are not decided by the buyers or sellers.

so if a crash is coming what should we do?
pls spoonfeed me

Buy kneepads

and guns/ammo/food

By my estimate they will be forced to hyperinflate by Q1 2019. So you know what to do.

Depends how bad the crash is.
I look at the long term movements and think we've been overdue a downturn for half a year now.

Selling all stocks you have, going short on the market.

Hoping institutional money goes into crypto (don't think so).

Stay low, and reduce your spending.

Is crypto even slightly a good idea at this point? I wonder if this kind of explains the current up tredn we might be seeing with BTC.

>Selling all stocks you have, going short on the market.

I wouldn't do that actually. Get out of bonds yes, but I think stocks will do well.

Holy shit we all done 4

Hold most of my current stocks (mostly ASX300 and SP500 with a bit in real estate)
>Get out of some underperforming shit (>inb4 buy high sell low)
>Hedge myself by shorting the market
>Just in case, also putting some money in a wheat commodity ETF


>just a healthy correction

Holy fucking shit, we are truly fucked

Meant to ask for recommendations. Do you guys think this is a good idea?

donal drumpf fault

But you have good survival chances. Because you're way ahead of the pack. Not one in a million of people know that this is happening right now.


Pull out of ALL of your investments that you aren't willing to lose (including crypto, if this goes full recession no one's gonna be buying fucking bitcoin when they can barely afford to eat, in fact everyone will be cashing out to pay their bills so the crypto market will be forced into an artificial second crash due to recession).

Basically, duck and cover, pull out of everything and shore yourself up against losing your job or getting fucked in some other way.

>3rd of January

Why did it take over a month for someone to notice?

So what do I do? I have 200k in an index fund trust I can't touch for another 5 years, $2000 in cash and no job.


Guys don't worry it's just dead pixels on your monitor.

Fucking shit, this is the end. My money will mean nothing.


Mommmmyyy stop itttt

Should I be freaking out right now? What the shit is happening

Take out a loan against it and buy gold.

> Has wealth in a trust
You're out of luck buddy. Buckle up buckaroo

doesn't look very healthy to me

looks like you're one of us now trust fund baby, I get first dibs, stick with me and keep me happy, and i'll keep you alive babe

could you give an explanation for low IQs?

What should I advise my mother to do more like. She's nearing retirement and we own our home, she has a steady job that is fairly recessionproof, and has a bunch of index funds and bonds.

Is this going to be a "things will be tight for a while and we'll have to eat less" or "buy guns and canned food" thing?


What's going to happen is that sovereign debt is going to fall which means that people are losing faith in nations to pay back their loans with fiat that isn't completely devalued.

QE4 is just around the corner. We just need a catalyst that we might get pretty soon.

can someone give a sub 90 iq brainlet the basic gestalt. why does this matter at all

Soo, wich one it will be this time?

There was some fag not long ago on biz, larping as some bank insider, telling that they were massively selling every asset. Then the dow happened

So biz, who do u think its going to be this time? Deutsche? JP?


I have 80 ozt. of silver, am I going to make it?

So wouldnt a store of value like cryptocurrencies be somewhat of an attractive asset if countries are worried about hyperinflation?

>Banks don't loan to each other
>This means banks don't feel confident that the counterparty can pay them back

I was planning on placing an offer this week (500k) on a home in one of the most competitive housing markets in the country (Seattle). For fear of soon being priced out of the market entirely.

So ... perhaps I shouldn't ...

It depends on whether or not this triggers a big recession that ripples through all investments, bankrupts businesses and gets tons of people fired.

If that happens then yeah, you and everyone on this board with most of their money in investments is pretty fucked. If it only affects loans and trusts, then most people will be fine.

>Soo, wich one it will be this time?

What will happen next?

>That volatility
>Store of value.
LMAOing at your life boii

>buy guns and canned food

I would say so, yes, and that's where I have my money. But, be aware that crypto will probably take a hit as well but the truth is no one knows the future

So how do we turn this into a profitable thing?

You might see deflation actually

Clever to crop out useful info. This chart ends at January 3rd. Shit has not been fucked, this is FUD of the actual stock market. Nothing special OP is literally a LARP

Financial Ruin
Almost all investments becomes worth a fraction of what they were
Everyone loses their jobs and gets fucked in the ass

This could cause all of that to happen. That is why it matters.

>Find a meme graph
>Create FUD


Its def Deutsche

Which is fucking great since it means Eurozone insolvency and crisis which means that Russia will do a chimpout in EE and since Turkey is already chimping ou tin Mediterranean sea and in Syria.

How long was it since there was war in Europe?

I guess this continent never changes

> the only one writing about this is some alt right nutjob

not one article by a reputable news site since over 1 month

> not worried at all

Deutsce hasn’t had a good run recently, but they aren’t going fucking insolvent.

This thread is jewish FUD. Saged for being fake and gay

Yep, the sovereign debt crisis is upon us.

Liquidity drops hard and interest rates go up organically because banks can't push out new loans and honour their commitments to each other because no one is willing to provide that liquidity so they stay in their positions and finance daily operations through income rather than shirt-term interbank loans.

Nothing will happen you idiots. OP is just trying to spread FUD. There will NOT be a financial crash anytime soon.

Are you actually fucking retarded? Holy shit.