Official Ambrosus Thread

It’s your daily AMB thread. Get in here AMBros. When do you think lift off is happening, 2018 or 2020?
How much are you holding? Will we make it Amber Rose bros.

Also post and discuss any new interesting AMB news here.

If you're gonna wait until 2020, i hope you have some LINK in your portfolio user

My comfiest hold. Doesn’t matter when it moons, it’s GOING to the moon. So either get in or get burnt. Angel is going to bring us to heaven, fuck the moon.

This is going to x100. Did you see what the owner said about MODUS? Or mobius or whatever the fuck it’s called. Modum maybe?

reporting in, 545 AMB bought 3 days ago
will i make it user?
swissbro can't get it wrong, can he?

Do people really think this? This is a x5-20 max. Stay salty faggots.

today i was thinking, how could a decentralized trading network be used to reduce inefficiencies in supply chains. in other words, how could a farmer in the developing world be paired directly with consumers in developed countries and receive the maximum amount of his rightful profits, only paying for transportation costs? additionally, how could we make this transparent, so that transportation costs are competitive and all farmers know they're getting a reasonable deal.

this would involve starting with a basic supply-chain automation network with sensors to make sure the goods are legit and they are in the correct location. that's when i realized ambrosus ultimately is about reducing costs for big businesses in the short term, but in the long term.... the sky is the limit in terms of the number of inefficiencies which could be solved.

the ideal scenario is one where a consumer purchases a product, and the only people who get paid are the farmers and truck drivers. no one else. can you imagine how fucking revolutionary that would be?

fuck this cuntcoin and the pajeet that shilled it last night, everything mooning while this piece of crap stagnates.

>being this dumb and impatient in crypto

Sorry faggot. You’re not gonna make it.

Yea if i hold this shit for too long i aint gonna make it


Hope it does something I was drowsy and bought 11k last night.. will I make it or am I a dum dum

This coin is bullshit. By the time it gets done in the year 3099 we will be in Mars on a Tesla roadster.

Wanna gain 1%? Just invest in 10 year bonds because this coin is going nowhere

Swissbro warned us about the shills.

protip: won't happen

t. consultant in the agribusiness supply chain

what did swissbro say about the shills?

>No new posts

he said they will come

Swissbro bailed out apparently they cant compete with vechain

That was a fake

but wasn't SwissBro shilling it himself?

Apparently founders are cashing out. I heard there is no progress at all in their sensors, which was supposed to be their edge. A pump will happen soon. Stock now while you can

>founders cashing out
>pump will happen soon
>stock now
pick one

Name checks out

name definitely checks out

Its deead for this year, will be dead during the next bull run as well. All cause a bunch of ppl are holding bags now.

No he didn't...he was talking about it yesterday in the telegram channel

How can you be sure?