Only iron hands allowed

Only iron hands allowed.
Post here if you haven't done any trades from January. I was -49% and didn't even check my portfolio during the dip. This normieground called biz is best joke on internet.

I haven't done any trades since like November lol
Holding req and link and not selling till start of 2020

Have literally never sold, ever, only bought during dips for years

All I did was buy more

Did some retarded trading in december but quickly realized the easy money comes from holding through anything. Have been following the graphs even during this dip, but my hands are strong.

>not accumulating

I'm always wondering who are those imbeciles who post "wojaks" non-stop. What is happening in their brain? Are there people who actually do what is advised here?
Why would anyone sell low anyway?
So many questions but i simple don't get it.

>sitting still and not trading is the right thing to do
If you made a few trades you could have lost a lot less.

I bought some ETH during the recent sales, no sells or trades so far this year.

Went from 1.5k to 25k to 2.5k. Back on 7k now. Bought some extra shit. Glad I didn't sell.

Biz is full of l33t daytrader wannabes and retarded margin cucks who hop in and out based on ridiculous TA and shit rumours and get liquidated constantly.

Everyone who posts meme lines and 'EVERY TIME I BUY IT GOES DOWN EVERY TIME I SELL IT GOES UP' falls into this category.

Chads hodl and buy more on dips. I don't sit and stare at graphs.

-60% on fiat
-9% on sats

I wonder if there actually is intelligent discussion somewhere in the internet?

throws his money in a dark pit

deleted blockfolio dont even know whats going on right now. i hold xlm, req, link, icx

nice gains!

>he doesn't realize he could have only taken 25% of the hit and actually realized gains at this point if he had just sold anywhere near 10k and bought back anywhere near 7k

I only bought more between $6k-$7k on Wednesday.

me too man, have been holding over 100k in BCC (Bitconnect) since August, wonder how it's doing now

I haven't done much, nothing at all on the way down. But I have flipped about 10% of my holdings for 3% gains over the last couple weeks. Wanted to have some money in tethers in case things shit the bed again.

2500xlm since december

>People owning their own wallet is not possible, because users, unable to secure their private key, would lose their funds.
>Dr. Dionysius Larper
>Mining for Bitcoin? You mean running stupid computations to try and find Bitcoins? You're crazy!
>The Bitcoin has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of exchange.
>Everyone acquainted with the subject will recognize it as a conspicous failure.
>Worldwide trustless transactions are unpractical and insignificant, if not utterly impossible.
>The blockchain is here to stay, but Bitcoin is only a ponzi, a fad.
>technology "experts"
>The idea that bank notes will be replaced by these digital exchange codes is absurd. It's a little short of treasonous.
>Crypto is little more than a fad. It's a substitute for penny stocks. What investors really want to see is earnings and dividends in their portfolio.
>investment "experts"
>Digital currencies have no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a worthless piece of digital code?
>Peter Schiff
>Who the hell wants to have control over their money?
>Crypto won't last, because people will soon get tired of staring at their blockfolio every night.
>Their is no reason for any individual to have their own wallet.
>The truth is no blockchain will replace your bank account....

Thank you user, nice read.

Rather lose all my money than having weak hands LMAO at all these pajeets checking their portfolio every minute
>buy high sell low
Some people literally hate money

Does it count if i bought more during the dip?

Made me kek because I offten think about crypto as computers around the end of the 80s.

$20 tril by 2020 confirmed

Exactly. You win some you lose some. Rather lose everything than sell low.
You da man!