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I fucking wish, all those cucks getting in below ICO

Is this that company that outsourced their ICO to the third world?
Who then distributed the tokens to each address manually and is now trading at less that pre ICO?

Not just the ICO. the devs are also from the same company.

Lmao If true

aXpire is a huge piece of fucking shit.

It's going nowhere.

Lmaoo cucks get in -50% below ico, i bought from ico full price lmaooo

Yes they don't show the dev team on the team page (only show management), you actually have to search their blog to find them. They alsdo mention them in the whitepaper. Axpire themselves do no blockchain work.

They have some big announcements in the pipeline. Already partnering with Microsoft and R3. Big community. It's a sleeping giant!

Big sell wall on kucoin, clearly the whales are trying to suppress prices

They not partnering with Microsoft, they an IT company that resells a MS product so they add them as a partner on their website (which is BS really).

In short its a fake partnership - Any IT company can signup as a re-seller, you just need to meet certain criteria.


It's a partnership regardless of whatever criteria you personally want to put in to that term.

Put it this way, its like my IT company (I run a LTD) selling MS Office as a reseller then listing Microsoft as a partner.

Full pajeet team

aXp will hit $1 EOY. Screencap this.

Your fud is strong. Doesn't make it true. Their partnership is NOT just reselling MS Office.

How is it FUD, I didn't say they reselling MS office - they reselling another MS product and claiming they a partner. Do a google and confirm it yourself.

Regardless, Axpire do none of the blockchain work - its the company in India.

Nobody gives a fuck if you don't want to buy AXP. I bought AXP because I believe in the tech.

>implying they have tech

Who cares where their developers are located. Are you a racist?

What matters is if they have a working product that solves real life problems. Their software is already being used by a 24 billion dollars hedge fund, and you want to talk about where the developers live?

See you at a dollar, bitch.

Get in before it’s too late

LMFAO y'all shilling a curry goat pajeet coin ahahhahaa these guys are dumping a nice turd on u guys

They don't have a working blockchain product.

They have existing product and the company in india is going to "blockchain enable it" - this same company that advertises if your company is low on funds to do an ICO to generate money.

Also this hedge fund is never named - I presume its the same as their "MS partnership" where they making bigger claims than what it is.

half these pajeets in this thread are the ones that made this vaporwave pajeet turd coin dont buy if u want to save money just look at these ugly sand niggers

Some people are accumulating. You should too if you're smart.

It honestly doesn't matter how shitty this coin is. At its current price, it's basically reached the bottom. Add the fact that Bitcoin Jesus is an advisor and you'd have to be retarded not to buy

What am I looking at here?

It's probable, since BTC will be 100k by then

People buying up from the weak hands.

aka the pajeets trying to shill this so they can finally leave their shit hole country and come take a nice turd on us

You sound like a 10 year old kid.

Why would he advise it if it was a scam?

>shill CASH to unsuspected newbies
>get rich
he knows how to make profit from scams user

Nobody is buying this shit, under 10 ETH would literally wipe out the whole buy order book lol

Well whales are actually accumulating like you see from these 2 wallets and thats only few wallets, there are tens more ..

Really undervalued at the moment -50% below ico and will go at least 4x in following month

>Under 10 eth buy order book

Lol nobody is accumulating shit mate.

Are you a native English speaker?

Be greedy when others are fearful. Ever heard that phrase, user? Prick


Anyone buying this is not a greedy but stupid.

Ok, why should anyone pay for this coin over any of the blue chips out there. Don't say because the guy likes it, or because muh whales are buying it.

that shit works with proven and known cryptos like buttcorns, antshares and nano not ur pajeet bags

They going to tell you some shit about an existing product. They claim the product is used by a big hedge fund but never mention the name of the hedge fund (They will mention something about NDA which makes no sense, why would a company not want anyone to know they using your product - I work for an extremely large bank (yes I could be larping) and we pretty open with our product range (we have to be as we a listed company and its very common for banks to share the same product ranges, anyone that works in the finance sector will confirm this).

Anyways, here is what the score is with this.

Accubits advertise that if your company is low on funds, why not do an ICO. They run the ICO and in this case they will also "blockchain enable" your product.

For Axpire this is perfect, they have a product (f'ck knows if its actually used by anyone) and they a small IT company in need of funding.

So everyone its win win, well except for the bagholders.

I'm still learning in this space but I definitely know that an ICO isn't meant to be a fundraiser. And these Axpire folks are connected to someone who advocates this?

Wait until Roger ver shills this guys. Moon 100%

Accubits literraly advertise it on their facebook page that its a good way to get funding (go check yourself).

You will also notice in the Axpire telegram they will keep repeating its a utility token. I know they doing this to avoid any issues with SEC but when the company your outsourced this to clearly advertise why you doing it then I think it is illegal.

>development outsourced to India
>shitty whitepaper
>just used tokens for getting funds to further develop their existing product
>first version of product won't use the token

Bet those bags are heavy

*Screenshot is a linkedin advertisement from their outsourced development team. Do the maths

>competitive ERP market
>copy and paste token source code
>blockchain enabled in 2019

i got out minute 0 at kuckoin. these crafty boomers shilled on here and outsmarted a lot of us.

ICO is not meant for raising funds? How could it ever be anything but that. Every ICO is raising funds to make an idea come true.

bought at pre-sale and actually at loss now, fuck this pajeet shit now i'm forced to hold this garbage

Price is mainly down due to eth and btc down. You need to look at eth/btc prices and not $.

just dump your bags man, why keep something in your portfolio that you the hopes that it will somehow go up again. why not just invest in something else that you have more confidence in going up?

wtf you talking about, its below pre-ico price in both ETH and USD.

I doubt there are any legit projects below pre-ico at the moment as the market is doing good.

ICO price was 0.0007 - 0.0009. Anyone with a brain can see that you are wrong. And what are you talking about with markets doing good. Are you on drugs right now?

>sold eos at 2$ after buying at 6$
look at its price now
>sold bitcoin cash at 50% loss after ath buy
went triple the ath of it

no thanks, I've learned my lessons

How am I wrong when its currently trading at 0.00006291 which is BELOW PRESALE PRICE lol


ico price was 10 cents you lying pajeet. and a very small percentage got in at 7 cents for the presale lolollolololol

Less than 20eth would clear the whole order book, essentially putting this to zero then you even more fucked.

Sometimes you need to realise when you got scammed and move one.

You said markets are doing good and... I rest my case.


Imagine making a thread to try and sell your product but you get BTFO so hard your product looks even worse than it did before you made the thread

This is going to a dollar eoy

So you not going to bring up the fact you were fucking wrong and that it has been trading for days under presale price?

>Looks at BTC/ETH

Yes market is doing great,

the is an everyday occurrence for axpergs

We are at 421B market cap. Are you retarted?

I think its actually devs from Accubits that make these threads.
Remember this whole project was outsourced to them so they need to make it seem good.

We not falling for the low quality shills though.

Higher marketcap than we were at the start of December and on an uptrend, so yes the market is great.

Every coin I hold is doing great, this on the other hand has been below presale price for ages and has hardly any buy orders - so blaming the market is BS.