I lost everything

i lost everything...

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Wow that sux op

weak hands, deserved

Id like 1 cheesburger please

Where are you trading that ?

>getting liquidated on BTC in 2018

Good shit OP!
Another dumb motherfucker gone.
Bye come back when you got some cash again!

I plan to get a 3rd mortgage and go long on this bullrun
100x leverage all or nothing

Some people work piss poor jobs and lose it all in crypto. Now they have to try and haul their ass to work and make some more cash to throw at crypto. It's fucked up.

You seriously have a problem and need to stop

gambler life aint easy son

Risking money in crypto isn't a problem. It's people who believe in the blockchain.

It is.. people need to learn more before throwing money at things.
This OP, I think you got a gambling addiction or something

should have done like this guy and win 50k dollars with 1 mouse click instead


This sounds like a pretty good idea.
You do not want to risk your home though.

Have you considered a loan from some private individuals instead?

Mouse clicks take effort. So in reality, he did work for that 50k.

Just getting on the computer takes effort for some people. They deserve what they can make from it for sure.

Risk management where? You should have longed to hedge. That was a costly lesson for you, buddy.

you deserved it.

You told me it was going to 4k........

Should I short btc right now?

W-w-would you like some fries with that burger sir?