RIP to the bulls from reddit.

Hello bear chads who called it since 20K and have never visited that circlejerking site.

Retard, it's the plebbitor TA faggots like OmegaMaker who are bearish as fuck, he sold at 6k.

OmegaMaker is a retard bear, not a chad bear. I am shorting too since 18k but not at 6k like retards.

Wow volume really is shit, I'm amazed it was able to rally.

>implying volume means shit

>$ volume worst since November.
>Bull run incoming

you know that colume means nothing! market can crash with huge volumes! being green with low volumes mean that people are confident and this will bring volume with all the fucks liek you fomo

>being this retarded

What the fuck are you talking about?

It's had the highest weekly volume since December 2015.

$6k bottom sellers are getting desperate.

November even.

Rebound had the biggest daily volume in two years you complete retard.

You do remember what happened with BTC in November last year, right?

this minute had the biggest 5 minute volume you faggot!

>market still rises
He is not wrong. Not that your cognitive dissociation will allow you see it tho.

i moved to poland last week and havent had time to come here since im plowing slavic goddesses night and day. they truly love amerimutt cock here.

Indecision or Uncertainty

When things are unclear many investors tend to stay on the sidelines and stop trading, so the volume dries up. But if some traders feel compelled to act out of boredom or to entice others to act, their trades can push prices up or down in a slow market. Other traders may act prematurely, hoping to be ahead of the crowd. But if others do not follow those moves, stocks can quickly return to their previous levels.

I'm happy going sideways, not too greedy and my optimism only takes me to hope to just test 10K by the end of the week. But I wanted to say that OmegaMaker is indeed a supreme retard. I don't care where he sold or where he bought, he makes 9234 calls and screencaps the 2 times he's near correct, LARPs about insider info then switches to pretend it's his TA, he's a fucking disgrace.

hmm and what happened in november

>i moved to poland last week and havent had time to come here since im plowing slavic goddesses night and day. they truly love amerimutt cock here
Nice larp, Rakesh

cool story bro

What does that tell you?

Pump it until 10k

We're in the hodl stage now of course its low who'd want to trade away ez gains