Thank you Bitgrail
Suicide hotline numbers please
Thank you Bitgrail
Suicide hotline numbers please
How the fuck did you lose 99% of your investment? Lol
Don’t call a suicide hotline! Call for a hitman for Francesco “the bomber” Madoff!
Did you risk it all on shitcoins too many times?
If you have a possession (e.g. negative things constantly happening in your life, a seeming inability to advance / improve in life), then you shouldn't really make risky financial decisions. I advise you find someone who can cast the spirit out from you.
That's easy. What I want to know is how he made 99% of his money in December.
his xrb got stolen
Probably bought xrb early and didn't sell, watched it drop to $15 and then the bitgrail fiasco happened
Obviously bought raiblocks at a couple cents, then lost it all again when bitgrail got hacked
Easy come, easy go
That's old news. Been living under a rock?
it's not a loss till you've sold. going back up, cap this.
are you retarded
That trend doesn't nearly match the XRB price for the time he bought. He could have made like 10x, but not 50x.
XRB is the biggest scam in recent crypto history
it was stolen you retard
Then why does the portfolio show a value equal now to the entry point of approximately December 27 when the price was approximately the same as it is now, rather than zero, you fucking retard?
Maybe OP could actually have included units in the portfolio rather than just EUR value and a sidelong reference to shitgrail,. that affected the entire market pricewise, but didn't necessarily mean you actually got your shit stolen just because you held XRB?
My NANO wallet has been frozen on Binance.
Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says i bought nano at 8$ now at 10$. Thx biz.
>1 post by this ID
you dumb faggots are gullible
Fuck you
kill me please
wow that sucks, what did you start with like €700 of XRB? easy come easy go I guess, thats crypto for ya. At least you're part of history, can tell people you got GRAIL'd just like the old timers got GOX'd
Been doing some double spending ETH on Bitgrail hmm?
Not everyone is 100% in on a coin. If you know maths then you would know that nano hasn't lost 99% of it's value from its ATH.
started with 0.095 BTC which was worth under 100€ back in april 2017
Promptly forgot about everything and by the time I noticed I was filthy rich it was too late, I was Bombered
damn, is it all of your portfolio?
nah still cryptomillionnaire but I do feel the pain
It's linked to my real name too.
Shall I play dumb and act hacked?
if you're still a millionaire you don't know what pain is
Which is why I said it's not possible to know for certain exactly what is being illustrated by the chart without knowing what the portfolio actually contains.
It is however true that the price now and the price shown as the earliest possible entry point for nano there are roughly the same, and that the peak of the portfolio in question roughly matches the peak of the present XRB chart, so "all in XRB" is not a stupid assumption to make.
serves you right for being a dumb greedy faggot.
not like shitgrail users had any choice
There was no chance of anyone withdrawing. It was literally impossible.