why does this box have a cult following
Why does this box have a cult following
why not
It's not about the box, it's about what is inside it!
No idea, maybe it's just one guy?
Because it's unparalleled technology
bagholders trying to unload bags onto unsuspecting victims
because it's simply A M A Z I N G
If I open it will you die?
It would be extremely painful
why does this box have a cult following
The moment it is opened, life will never be the same. It is the box of singularity.
Thanks I just bought 100k
>imagine being a serious business
>hey there is that guy sergay who offers us smart contracts, maybe we should let him pitch his business
>google search sergay and chainlink
>dozens of pictures of sergay as a whale, jesus, fucking frogs
when linkys destroyed chainlink themself
People bought it during the October bear run so the holders grew attached to it.
>sergey nazarov is muhammad
>satoshi nakamoto is sergey nazarov
>satoshi nakamoto is muhammad
Yeah I know from first hand experience that BNP Paribas check the meme pages before committing to any major deal.
Because they want you yo buy their bags. A lot of people bought at 1.40. Now they are in too deep and fear selling so they shill their bags in a sad attempt to get others to buy up the price. Don't be stinky buy jpmc instead
you are a big guy
this shit comes up in every google search on top
no reason to go to memepages
Sir Gay ov NazarETH is the crypto prophet.
It's transcendent nature attracts only the most intelligent philosophers
Because we aren’t spoon fed the information. Instead we have to find some clues to connect all the information into a clear picture. I have to tell you it is a hell of a picture. Once you do some research and a few leaps of faith which are reasonable, you will find yourself among us.
supposedly is a revolutionary new technology that's about to take off any day now.
>BTC starts it all
>ETH does smart contracts
>LINK gives smart contracts external awareness
You're welcome biz.
Companies have all sorts of contracts for all sorts of things (obviously) but the legal system never works like it's supposed to. Let’s say you agree a contract to sell a table, say, for $20 next week. You give the guy the table but next week he doesn’t pay. Are you really going to take the buyer to court even though he legally owes you the money?
This kind of thing happens on a huge scale between companies. If they do decide to go to court it's expensive and wastes time. Usually, the side who’s owed money settles out of court for much less than they’re owed.
This is where smart contracts come in. Smart contracts are basically code that executes a contract when conditions are met. An example might be “I'll buy $100 of bonds if the base interest rate hits 1%”.
Once agreed, a smart contract will execute as written, no matter what. No one can fuck each other over once the contract is agreed (unless they BOTH agree).
What’s more, the contract is stored on a blockchain and so can’t be interfered with without hacking 51% of the nodes (this is practically impossible).
But there is another attack vector for smart contracts. Returning to the $100 for bonds example above, I could hack the input to the contract to (falsely) tell the contract that the interest rate is now 1%. The smart contract sees this and executes when it's not supposed to. The security of the contract is only as strong as the weakest link, which in this case is the external data input (also called an oracle).
Chainlink (LINK) solves this problem by decentralizing the oracle – i.e. the information that goes into the contract. It means smart contracts can't be triggered by false inputs (i.e. the attack vector I described above) without hacking 51% of the nodes (again, impossible).
And the bond example is just one of millions of use cases.
You make it too easy for them. But since you started.. of you believe eth has future than you certainly believe smartcontracts should be used on a huge scale at some point. All those smart contracts will need data inputs at that time as they will be used for a lot more than just tokenisation. That is when Chainlink comes in. All that data is going to flow through Chainlink network. Now close your eyes and imagine what is going to be the price of a token which on top of that also gives you a passive income by staking it. Hence, the following you see on Veeky Forums. The same as with eth and antshares. Oh, and Chainlink is blockchain agnostic and there are already adapters for hyperladger, btc, iota.
>blockchain agnostic
People just love boxes.
>aesthetic logo
>lead dev looks like an autistic neet
>handsome whales larping as philanthropic financial insiders
It has everything I want
it's the person behind the box whomst attracts the masses
>imagine being a serious business
>hey there is that guy sergay who offers us smart contracts, his product is pretty much finished and will cut our costs massively and put us ahead technologically of our competitors
>but oh no people make fun of him on the internet, done deal this is out of the question
>why does this box have a cult following
Have you not heard the word of the prophet, Assblaster?
Yeah those 7 decentralised nodes received information from the global table api lmfao. If the table would differ in quality or material your cyber table HQ would instantly feed the link nodes with those warnings AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Assblaster is full of shit, we're goin to $1k minimum EOY
He is a little conservative at $60 this year.
I expect $100+ eoy.
right now its vaporware with a github that is occasionally updated.
BLASPHEMER You will burn in cryptohell for this filthy lie
>right now its vaporware with a github that is occasionally updated.
weak fud, there is a private github repository with "shadow forked" code, it will be public once it's finished
you literally believe anything don't you?
anons keep on making sergey fatter
it's not us
The propaganda of this shitcoin pushed by emotional bagholders attract the absolute bottom of the barrel, the same kind that bought onto DGB and probably jumped on this trying to break even lmao
The coin is both dead and alive at the same time!
It's a really nice box senpai
Wtf is wrong with his arm? It looks so tiny and twisted
if you watch closely he's got his own gravitational pull sucking in light from his surroundings
>why does this box have a cult following
stupidity. A lot of people here clubbed together to buy the ico, which sergey fucked up leaving vast heavy bags of shitcoin on biz
stinky linky =heavy bags crap shilled and fudded into nothing
no thanx going under 40 again today. dump
just whales and bagholders desperately trying to sell this shitcoin.
it was the same shit with DGB, REQ, ....
>A lot of people here clubbed together to buy the ico, which sergey fucked up leaving vast heavy bags of shitcoin on biz
those "vast heavy bags" are up 500% since ICO
eh no they exited at 1 dollah to 1.20. Its just fuckwits who bought it because its a meme that refuses to die because a lot of oc was made for the initial shilling PnD and think biz is a super secret club. bagholders
ico was 17 cents you retard this != 500% ever and it got PnD in December. This is retards buying because of memes and oldfags having a laugh with them
you're correct, I dumped my bags on redditards at $1.30 after our group's initial pump
it felt amazing dumping on those normalfags
actually we're both wrong, it was 11 cents
>it felt amazing dumping on those normalfags
orgasmic. a huge splooge right in the face of normie newfags sweaty and wet with desperate fomo. Link is bukakke on newfags OP deal with it.
We have funny meems