FUCKING AMERPIGS! Why do you have to sell as soon as you wake up? You really need to cash out to buy burger? FUCK
FUCKING AMERPIGS! Why do you have to sell as soon as you wake up? You really need to cash out to buy burger? FUCK
Cuz we're smart money
I was wondering why it was dropping again, but then I realized Murica's waking up.
Murica. Fuck Yeah. Gonna fuck crypto up the motherfucking butt, yeah.
British people may as well be niggers. Only French, German, Northern Europe are considered white.
USA is still mostly white
"only the nigger/sandnigger infested countries are considered white" .... eastern yuropoor is the only white europe left
Yeah, but we have a lot of shit tier English incestual blood.
Slavs are not white.
la creatura...
>implying selling your overprized bags to retards isn't alpha as fuck
yuropoor here. understand the rules of trading, you literal cuckbois...
good. that makes me a realist.
get money or get rekt, faggots.
the cuck/soyboy plague know no continents/nations colors... and infighting on the board is encouraged by (((them))) as per the old meme "DIVIDE AND CONQUER"
when we post on here we aren't yuropoors or amerifats... that stuff is for /pol/. (fuck pajeets, though)
when we are here, we are shitcoin peddling, semi-jewish shitlords trying to flip a quick buck...
if you're interested in crypto for more than the money, go to reddit... they seem to "know" (lol) more about the political implications of cryptocurrency...
>wake up for early morning snack
>eat medium-sized burger (roasted half pig within 2 loafs of bread for euro poor)
>quickly check my blockfolio
>—0.5 %
>sells everything he got
>God bless America and trumpet
>Americans have to "come out" as atheists to their parents
>Americans must obtain a so-called "fancy booze licence" from their local sheriff to consume any alcohol other than Coors, Budweiser or Miller
>Americans are encouraged to become obese, as the extra fat serves as protection from gunfire
>Americans are implanted with a special microchip at birth which sends a moderate electric shock through their bodies every time they acknowledge that they lost in Vietnam
>Americans refer to the metric system as "The Forbidden Knowledge"
>Americans who find themselves in the presence of Israeli Jews must perform a "submission hoedown." This involves a highly choreographed dancing performance demonstrating the American's subordinate position to the Israeli. The hoedown ends with the American loudly proclaiming "YOU DA BOSS, YEE-HAW!!"
>Americans refer to Type 2 Diabetes as "The Burden of Manifest Destiny"
>Americans visiting Auschwitz are frequently reprimanded for attempting to restart the ovens for usage with their reheatable Holocaust-themed packed lunches
>American babies are "vaccinated" with shrapnel in order to ward off mass shootings
>Americans have formally petitioned the Oxford English Dictionary to change their definition of snow to "God's refutation of the falsehood of global warming."
>American children are required to undergo the "McDonald's Initiation Ceremony" on their fifth birthday, where they are taken to their local McDonald's and must ritualistically consume every item on the menu before reciting all the advertising slogans in chronological order
When the mutts realize their mistake it's off to the moon.
>Euros buy high sell low every day
>Americans buy low and sell the top of every euro pump
Why are Euros so bad at this
Sorry was gonna buy more, but my finger slipped on the burger grease :/ too scared to buy back in now
Freedom of religion was a mistake. Islam should be illegal in all countries.
>la creatura...
based burgers gonna crash the market
because these rednecks have nothing to eat and there is no working social security system in the US of A
As a euro I go long before I sleep, sell the Asian's pump when I wake up, and short during the day. It's a self sustaining cycle.
>implying its not chinks dumping to secure their gains before bedtime
Amerifat checking in
This is hilarious