VeChain meeting with Belgium Deputy Prime Minister


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Fucking unreal, vechain and sunny are killing it. Feel like I won the lottery getting in at 50 cents

>goes down 40 cents


he is probably going to slap his shit and then shit on his desk

>that fucking smiley or whatever theyre called

I cant believe his anything other than a burgerbrater

its called an emoji, gramps

Lmfao someone's dad got on Veeky Forums

Shady Sunny strikes again
BOOM! partnerships with no working product yet.

Shady shady sunny wonder whats the next partnership he will secure threw shady tatics

Is Sunny Lu 666 himself? How does he have so many connections?
I'm totally jelly. I want to be like him.

Rumor has it he's high profile member of a child sex slave ring, he probably has a lot of dirt on some powerful people blackmailing them into partnering with his failing scam company. Stay away!

You can thank the Norwegians for this one. DNV is a major business in Belgium.

i'm a millennial, on 4chen for over 10 years

i never used the "emooji" things -- then again im not a FUCKING normie

As a great man once said

Hit the weights, take a shower, have sex, and get a clue.

Should I stop fuding and shitposting about ven and get some? Or should I wait another dip?

Vechain is legit?

Lol. Ya think?

Sunny preach self help??

if youve never used a single emoji in your life youre either
a complete recluse
socially inept (see above)

which is it, boss

Ven is at bottom. Time to get.

Chink lies why would the Belgium go for vechain it isnproba ly unrelated

My country better have nothing to do with these chinks scammers. I hope he is just going to laugh about all those chink buzzword they will throw at him

>they fell for the partnership meme
kek. just as pathetic as xrp bagholders

No. No product, no developers, and there's not even a fucking whitepaper...

Someone just hacked his twitter. False news.

Alexander de homoooo

Don't buy into this shit boys

i am a belgian and i just found out i can buy waffles with ven now wtf
brussels btw

This daddies boy is not our Prime minister.
That would be another son-of-a politician.
Such nepotism.


Now reporting live from Vechain headquarters on their meeting!!!!
He plans on adopting!
THIS IS HUGE!!!! (pic very related)

If I had any VEN i would've sold them.


Because this news is so insignificant it's actually negative.
The guy they're meeting with is a literal nobody even in the context of Belgium.

>literal nobody
yea his entry is weak at best, going to sell the next pump

Man Walton cucks are retarded as hell lol pathetic

I don't own either.

>I want to by both lower.


This guy is the son of a politician.
A literal no body.
Venfags are the most annoying sheep in crypto.

>purposely spelling emoji wrong
Wow dude ur cool. Youre way better than those lame normies


>irrelevant coin, meet irrelevant country

tell me thats a robot cat

Hahaha. What are you guys? Salty IOTA fags that thought you had the EU in your back pocket?

I'm Belgian and i can tell you this guy is very far from a nobody. He's taken very seriously and he gets a lot of media attention.

VeChain is a sleeping giant

>Sleeping giant

Get out fucking normie

Salty nocoiners wanna buy cheap bags. You wont get mine faggetz


No he is not taken seriously. At all. He is what happens when a political party has no one half decent to stand up once all liberal money grabbing dinosaurs find a well paid position in some Europe institution.
Even at his own Christmas dinner table he is not taken serious. I should know, I cucked his wife's daughter last week.

>Belgium Deputy Prime Minister
literally who gives a shit