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Consider using redirects to my ref so we can get back 20% of trade fees!

>mfw it's real

*breaths in*

It is totally not Nano's fault that it kills every exchange it goes on

>it's not nano's fault it's Mercatox
>it's not nano's fault it's BitGrail
>it's not nano's fault it's Kucoin
>it's not nano's fault it's Binance


I believed that up until this moment.

>mfw when realised I made enough for a deposit on a house off a literal shitcoin, didn't sell the top and lost it all



And when I said nano's tech is flawed they laughed at me. What a fucking shitcoin.

kucoin's working fine though





>reddit the coin is shit
Wow who could have seen that coming

top kek. Stupid nano shitcoin.
>this is good for nano

Meanwhile there are multiple stores starting to accept nano and doing what it is supossed to do, being a p2p payment method

Every shit coin on binance is getting pumped so people can exit. Big players are exiting everything. I think this is bigger than nano. Pause deposits so people can't dump, but big players can.

They're implementing Nanex's "best practice" as described here:

if binance closes deposits from the bitgrail hack and the hacker trades otc, wouldn't they fuck innocent people over?
also what if he sends nano to every public addresss he finds? he can fuck everyone over couldn't he?

>p2p payment method
>uses weighed vote mechanism
>55,4% of weight is under dev's control
yeaaah, what can go wrong

I bought at $40 I was told there would be 3 digits

>a thief is going to give up all their stolen money

>ATH is $36
>you bought at $40
try harder

For how long will the daily nano FUD'ing go on?
Pro-tip, if you want to actually panic the market, focus on nano itself rather than exchange integrations.

You fucking retard how is this FUD?
NANO has had problems on every single exchange it's been on.
I hate delusional bagholders like you the most because you refuse to listen to reason and would prefer to lose all your money.

top 3 exchanges report errors with nano.

nano investors blame top 3 exchanges instead of coin team.

they deserve it.

did you buy a fucking domain

Bought at $3.5. Can't be arsed to sell. Gonna hodl for like 2 more months or when it hits 20-30 again.

nano is early in deployment and that should be expected.
But these exchange problems are pretty simple and is usually fixed by something as simple as "run two nodes and rebroadcast occasionally".
Hopefully an automatic solution will come out eventually so you don't have to bother, but this isn't anything dangerous.

it's just a bit of an annoyance for the near future.

Nigger faggot if I'm used to saddling horses and some motherfucker brings me his model T for an oil change, I fuck it up, and he tells me not to worry the last three stable boys fucked it up, should I conclude that cars will never work, or that people operating in unfamiliar paradigms with which they do not have prior experience are prone to make similar errors?
If there were actually a problem with XRB itself, then that's when there would be some reason to listen to, until then, it's all just unfamiliarity with the new paradigm, which is a temporary phenomenon
But you would know that because you're just peddling FUD to push the price down and flush out weak hands that don't understand the above while you accumulate, in all likelihood.
Sorry to shit in your cereal.
Not really.

5% dude... 5%

wow this level of cope
>muh paradigm
hahahaha whatever enjoy your vaporware, keep constructing conspiracy theories to make yourself feel better about being a total idiot with money

this is what happens when you try and implement new tech advances, as opposed to just Bitcoin forks and ERC20 copy-pasta's

55,45% dude... 55.45%

why do i bother, even all the xrb trolls own xrb

Redditfags btfo, they've been shilling this coin non stop for months

not an argument cuntface.

We do :^)
Let us have our fun doe

many of the "representatives" are exchanges initially incetnitvized to trade XRB/nano with stakeholds in return for costs of operating

mercatox initially had 5%, which mooned into some higher number as it's holding trader/customer funds

bitgrail's initial 5% mooned into 12% during course of trading and is now distributed amongst general population

there is no way the dev team is holidng anywhere near 50% idiot

This guy gets it, here let me help you out
NANO will eat your babies, it will also rape your wife and make you pay child support, it causes cancer in small doses, and explosive ebola in large, only a fool would do anything other than sell it all right fucking now if they hold it, and if they don't the last thing they should do under any circumstances is buy a single fraction no matter how fucking small, and if you ignore this you are a gaynigger from outer space and your cock will fall off.

>there is no way the dev team is holidng anywhere near 50% idiot

Well if i cant fight you trolls il join you.

Im all in nano but when Vitalik said its the worst erc20 token i should have dropped my bags.

Probably because binance is checking if the funds come from bitgrail exit scam.

McAfee was supposedly first to find flaws in the token. Word must have gone out to Vitalik and now we are here. 17mil NANO stolen.
I wonder if McAfee or Vitalik themselves could have had a hand in the theft. They do know a lot about computer security.

Anyway, that is probably why the price has been in non-stop dropping mode. The hacker(s) have been dumping it all. I wonder why people are still buying these tokens.

Sold. I really believed in this but it was too good to be true.


Fucking reddits shit coin lmao. I cant be too excited because my brother invested a little in it.

Now that Vitalik owns 10% and the devs are known to hold 50-80%... what the fuck, this dump is going to obliterate redditors harder than Bitconnect and Mt. Gox combined.

why is nano price recovering tho

It’s not even ERC20...

bullshit mate it's totally fuckin ERC20 and ERC30 and all that shit, except it doesn't conform to the standard cause it's fucked and the developers don't know basic arithmetic and why are we still talking JUST FUCKING SELL CUNT.

you are either a bit slow or don't know how representatives work. or both from the looks of it.
you choose your representatives. you can pick anyone. 55.45% of wallets are currently picking official representatives. official representatives are under devs control. these are the facts. nowhere i implied devs HOLD 50% of tokens. devs just hold 55.45% voting power. now tell me, who is the idiot here?

you are a brainlet, devs own about 5% of nano, but they have 50%+ of voting rights (voting rights are important to prevent double spends), it has happened because default representative in nano wallets (at least old wallets, in new ones it's changing) was one of the dev wallets and most users couldn't be arsed to change their representative

so users can choose to use any another representative
holy shit how can you be this dumb

yes, they can but
no, they choose not to

speaks volumes of the mental state of XRB holders - as you like to say "holy shit how can one be that dumb"

So they can be compelled by court to alter the blockchain. Sounds good. That’s not a cryptocurrency, it’s a database.





big if true

>That’s not a cryptocurrency, it’s a database
well said.

so you're saying XRB functions democratically, and this is a problem how? why would anyone bother changing now, those reps and dev team are trustworthy, if something serious comes up, users can change their rep if need be... same can't be said for ETH/ETC iirc

anyone holding XRB can change their representative

>only people with money can vote
>1 entity controls 55% of money
are you actually mentally challenged?

well a chosen few controls ~95% of the US wealth, still seems to be working to a degree

>anyone holding XRB can choose what entity holds their wallet's vote-weight
>magically no single entity holds more than 50% of vote-weight
>implying dev team wouldn't hold more than 50% of weight in early stages anyway for security reasons

XRp gonna make it big this week dont belive me just watch 1.27 incoming BRap

I don’t know but I bought a 100 of them yesterday

>Took 5 hours to receive my nanos and now they show up twice? Something is wrong here.

which of you did this

>magically no single entity holds more than 50% of vote weight

also, democracy is shit. democracy means retards like you in majority can influence rules for non-retards

>The current president of XRB is the official representative
>Therefore when users have ability to change their representative, the dev team will ALWAYS FOREVER be the president of XRB and therefore XRB is undemocratic

HAHAHAHA holy fuck

you were the one complaining it wasn't democratic/distributed who brought it up kek

>The Core team was notified this morning by KuCoin that approximately 20 withdraws had been double credited. They immediately saw the issue, fixed it, and contacted the Nano Dev Team.

>working fine

is this the mental state of a xrb bagholder?

Yes, this level of delusion is real.

>dev team will ALWAYS FOREVER be the president of XRB
nice strawman. doesn't change the fact that currently whole XRB system is in developers hands. which was my original point.

YOU brought up the word democracy. i just pointed out that it doesn't even fit your retarded view as votes are based on wealth

are you seriously this dense or are you just fucking with me right now? i can't tell. are you american by any chance?

omg next you will complain that the dev team is writing all of the code

Reddit btfo

deposits working normaly

quit the fud, you are better than this

Best practice yes but what about synergy?

ahah those reddit mods get btfod after banning vechain but endorsing this stupid cuck soyboy fags

Ive just sent 0,01 nano to binance and it took les than 1min

cry my a river fuddlers

How much does XRB pay you to troll?

God I hope so

>XRB bagholder likes democracy
checks out

no i won't although you'd like me to.
I just say that under these circumstances a logical thing to do is not to hold XRB as it is vulnerable to the very people who created it.

i personally like the part where they scream FUD FUD and later it's confirmed for reality
(btw fear, uncertainty, doubt are things that exist for a reason and there's nothing wrong with them many times - it's the opposite what is sick - people who don't have doubts or fear at all)


>anyone holding XRB can change their representative

Only if the representatives agree. Votes are transactions and transactions are confirmed by representatives. They can just ignore votes they don't like and remain in control eternally.

go buy ripple faggot

btw not necessarily democracy, more decentralization yes

how much do you receive to spend your life fudding on Veeky Forums?


Please be real

> early stages
Wew lad. So cucked you forgot what gf's ass taste like.

>xrb is from 2014
>early stages
>older than eth
>early stages

someone pinch me i must be dreaming

Lmfao. No way is this real.

You crypto newfags may not remember, but this is not a new issue for NANO.

They originally got put onto bittrex. Bittrex had to take them down because they couldnt get the wallet deposit/withdrawls to work correctly.

Literally going on for years.


lol the FUD is getting out hand, lol at the normies getting burned on bitgrail.Bunch of morons they are but the FUD tryhards are worse than anything.

I can inspect element too, faggot.

>Bad node coding/implementation instructions allow for millions of nano to be exploited out of exchanges.
>Literally every exchange has had issues with it's deposits/withdrawls
>Going back to 2016, it has had Exchange Issues but dev team screams "uhh uhh we didnt know"

quit it you fudders! muhhh perfect coin

Literally an erc40

Don't buy guys

Vitalik said it's not a work

i didnt know it was on bittrex, this reminded me that it got added to cryptopia early last year but then got delisted


>exchanges don't use idempotent requests
>anyone but their own retarded faults
It's like they want to lose money. it doesn't matter how weird the new tech is, if you're going to list it, it's your money you're risking by doing it stupid.