was this board ever good?
Was this board ever good?
ask the people who were around when this board shilled eth 2 years ago. Wait, you can't, cause most of them are living the dream outside of Veeky Forums
what happened to you then
I.... was on /gif/
Hurr durr
Yes. It seems to go through cycles:
>anons trying to get by and posting kneepads
>obvious pajeet scams and datamining
>hurr durr posting
>anons getting wrecked
>back to anons trying to make it
I think we are entering a good phase of biz right now
Seeing as most biz tards know fuck all about business no.
Just look at all the retards here who fell for the cryptomeme. And why the fuck did people buy when it was peaking?
yes. fapping over amDOGE and buying her shitcoin (while also stashing thousands of XMR) was fun.
Not exactly living the dream, but i've been here since August
$2500 initial investment
$27,000 current value
So over 10x (even with this 'bear' market)
Veeky Forums was good to me. Never before have I made over 20 grand doing literally nothing.
Anyone else remember when we discussed plans for small businesses, watches and interview techniques?
She was a trap ?
That's not because of biz that's because his pseudo market is retarded lmfao
i remember ebay generals, frugal generals, everyone shitting on coiners... was comfy
Agreed dude! I'm just gonna PSA a bit:
follow the price of bitcoin as well as the bitcoin dominance chart. If you are intelligent at all you can tell when it's time to be all in on a certain large-cap coin, tether-up/shorting, or in an assortment of alts.
Did you at least have fun?
this thread gives me hope
I'm still here. Not living the dream yet, but coming close to being able to.
I'm still here, feggit
but now I just cracked 1M recently again... January was a bitch
While I appreciate the cryptomarket I wish the third worlders and poorfags attached to it could just leave, this board needs more variety
Wtf are you boys still doing here? Diversify into property/index funds, buy some longterm bags in crypto and go live life.
>did poor choices
>calls successful anons larp
You're fucking jealous user, and it's ugly.
Start hodling instead of jumping from memecoin to memecoin and watch the previous one moon. This is actually how it works. Buy low, hodl, be rich.
But yeah, your pretty millenial ass will have to WAIT more than 6 months, and we both know you can't do that you chai the latte drinker.
I unironicly thought it would go up forever
>greatest transfer of wealth in human history
>how are you not making money in this market
>we are all gonna make it
Look at that it all just keeps going up
Fuck you biz
Fuck you
And why wasnt this being talked about when i came here years ago?
It really was just
Job interview tips
Sucking a million dicks
Then naturally cycles back to knee pads with the odd dropshipping thread here and there
Preach nigga.
Also stop hodling shit coins, follow the patrician portfolio:
50% ETH
10% ERC20 tokens
20% BTC
20% XMR
Pretty much my portfolio, thanks.
>cause most of them are living the dream outside of Veeky Forums
That's where you're wrong. Most of us have $1M+ folios, or cashed out a decent amount, but only a handful of people actually held on to the ETH until it reached $1k+.
The FUD surrounding Ethereum back in the day was immense. The people who believed smartcontracts were a big deal were shouted out by all these "smart investors" saying that they were doomed to fail, since big business would develop their own smartcontract platforms rather than rely on Ethereum.And they were sort of right, but that didn't stop Ethereum from gaining a $100B+ mcap.
ETH got me a decent sized house, a new car, made sure I could pay off my mothers mortgage and I still have a $800k folio. But I'm not a multimillionaire by any stretch.
In 2 years newfags on Veeky Forums will talk about how easy people in 2018 had it, because they all should have known that LINK/JNT/OMG/NAS/insert any random coin here would have been worth 300x in 2020.
We can't predict the future now, and we couldn't predict the future when ETH was $10.
is EOS a good ERC20 choice?
EOS will not be an ERC20 token, the irony is that its ongoing ICO is.
And yes, EOS is a very, very good choice.
yes, but very slow.
Nobody cared about this board till shitcoin hit 19K.
>Paid off house
>Paid off car
>800K Folio
>Even paid off mommy's house
>still thinks he hasn't made it yet.
Like, I dunno, lower your expectations or something. Create your fortress of fucking solitude
Statistically 90% of day traders don't make it. So either something about Indonesian Cartoon forums attracts successful people or nearly everybody on this board claiming to be successful is full of shit.
you have any tips for somebody who's just starting out?
Not everyone here is a day trader. Most people that hold mid/long term always end up successful.
No, it just used to be very comfy because it was slow af
ah see I thought because the ICO was, the coin would be too. Thank you.
I understand you have to verify your tokens after purchasing. Do I just need to verify the wallet's address or verify every time I add new tokens to my wallet? Sorry I'm still fairly new at crypto.
Not sure if it was ever 'good' but it did go from random financial advise, small businesses tips and stories, ebay threads, stock market analysis, etc to mostly coin FUD buy my coin to mostly half shitposting.
It's a fun board overall.
Anybody here remember may and reddcoin?
Holy shit what a ride, as a board we singlehandly decided to buy this shitcoin at 5 sats and keep pumping it to over 100, was fucking glorious
Hold is a meme for a reason. Don't look at charts all day unless you intend to daytrade. Don't touch your folio for at least a year, unless something catastrophic hits your particular project.
All the December newfags are oblivious to this, because they entered crypto at a time when we saw at least one 300% increase every single day, but the absolute most important thing in crypto is patience.
I miss when this place wasn't /crypto/
u sound like that bitconnect nigger u realize that?
also can you make me some tendies for dinner?
nobody on Veeky Forums was making money before crypto in early 2016
It's simple, really.
Grab a bunch reasonably well designed coins.
Hodl for 2 years.
That's it.
mid December yes. since then no.
no, but now its a lot worse.
Was this board always about crypto? Came here some time ago because they told me this was the place to talk crypto