When did you start?

When did you start?

How much did you start with?

How much do you have now?

2013: $400
2018: $40000

$40,000 or $400,000?

weak as fuck

2014, invested something like $2,000 Canadian dollars into LTC when it hit ATH around $50, and then subsequently crashed back down to $7. Normie fucking mistakes early on. Got upset and parked it into XRP since it seemed to have some institutional credibility until late 2016, where I noticed everything started growing. Had $40,000 by May 2017, but then XRP tanked and stayed in the shitter for most of summer, meanwhile, I missed out on all the ICOs that made people tons of money, like NEO, OMG. Finally decided to invest in 2-3 promising projects with solid fundamentals: REQ, LINK and RLC.

2018: Had $250,000 at the start of January, now $100,000 since everything is in the shitter. Nonetheless, I think 2018 is going to allow me to break a million thanks to this holy trinity.

2017: 15000$
2018: 140$

August 2017; $2500
Today; $27,000

Missed a lot of moon missions, caught ANS/OMG though.

can't you fucking count zeroes without a comma?
fucking american morons

that's the reason you're not a superpower anymore

2012: 0.5 BTC (Spent it all on SR)
2017: 0
Now: 3k USD


28.12.2017 $750
now: $3000

lel, really?

HOW? Describe the journey for us.

Mid 2017: 5k
Added more money in until I got to 20k or so. At the peak in early jan I had €70k total, now down to 30k. Not a happy user.


14 months.
Started with 1k. Now i have 30k. I also cashed out 15k. My ATH was 85k.

September with £100

Now just below that.

december: £6500
now: £6800

a-atleast I haven't lost money


living the dream

June 2017: $1800
Now: $3000

Peaked at $7500 at the tip, didn't sell because I'm a linkie

lambo season

1 month ago: 4.5k
Now: 5k


2017: $2k
2018: $50
im gambling degenerate so yeah

September - Feb

Started spending 500$ on 2.5 eth, got big gains, bought more eth, more big gains, put 5k more in

total in ~6k value now ~7k

Dec 14000
Now 6500


January 2018

I started four days ago.


I now have 2100. LAMBOOO

19th of December: $400
Now: $1100
ATH: $2400




Just been watching other people become millionaires. Strange feeling.

1.1.2018: $1100
Now: $2600
ATH: $3600
lost 300 in Powh

July 2017 $5500
Feb 2018 $10500

April 2017: $120
Now: $20 000
ATH: $42 000

How much did you start with?
>30k CAD

How much do you have now?
>200k CAD

Big holdings for this year include NEO, LTC, VEN (strength node), WGR, BTC. Hoping to hit 500k. I only follow one rule, no day trading.

August 2017: $15,000

Now: $150,000

ATH - Jan 2018: $280,000

Started: 01.09.2017 - 800 $
ATH: 22.12.2018 - 2600 $
Now: 1600$


When did you start? June 2017. Got hit by the June dip after my first few weeks. Didn't sell a thing. Kept holding. Oh, and I've cashed out about $20k CAD at the ATH in December, just to to take back close to my initial investment.

June 2017: 1k
Now: 2k
ATH: 4k

Why am i such a poor fag. Why did i only x2???!!! help some pleb biz

May 2017: $3000
Now: $350


October 2017, 5000€. Added 10k€ to that in November.

Today, right now : approx : 200k€. Almost 700k at ATH.

75% VEN

The rest - just random some random coins (CPC, MAN, HBT, EBTC)

Made profits from WTC, EMC2, NULS & POWR at the start. Went all in VEN in Dec 2017 - 6x my portfolio in a few weeks!

500 in september
ATH: 8000
now: 3500

2k in december
ath 25k
now 7k
we're all gonna make it anons

wasu wasu wasuuuuuuuuuuuu

Started with $10k

Now have $100k

I want $1mil

holyfuck i dont feel so bad now
$14k aug
$99k ath
$49k atm
only if i wouldve just fucking bought verge on dec 6th
i want to fucking kill myself

"Oh nooo, I missed buying a shitcoin at its all time low"

Invest in real projects with actual value in them and maybe you'll succeed.

5 december 2017 50$
Ath 4k
Now 700 in crypto and cashed out 500

Also held KMD - I think this coin is the dark horse of 2018 and will hit $50 this year. I'm waiting for the market to stabilise - will likely got 30% in KMD

bro we dont care abotu projects

we want moon

spring 2010 started mining btc with 0$ on my bank account. Mined quite a few, wanted to see if it could buy me some pizza. Didnt bother for very long, but got quite a few btc out of it. That wallet is now long gone..

Reinvested in early jan 2018.
1200$ into binance
7500$ ~ into mining equipment.

1550$ portfolio :'(

over half my port is ada and xlm
sold neo at .014
hey atleast i didnt fuck up too hard
if i had started early 2017 and had anything less than a mil id prob kms

June 2016:$3000

ATH was about $1.4 million in DEC/JAN

I started with 2000 in early 2017. I put 1000 into verge 500 into ripple and 500 into ltc. So I started with 2000 and made 3.4MM

I'm mirin' hard, user...

$400 in 2013 should be a lot more than $40k in 2018

1.2k in June 2017
Now 900

What are your holdings?

6K Euro

Bought RLC massively overpriced.
Accumulating REQ.

January 2018: 2500
Feb 2018: 1700

Plz halp

I got 5000 free stellar lumens when the project launched in 2014. Forgot about it until Jan, then moved into other coins then it was ATH. Portfolio at 6k now.

July 2017 with 1k
Now at 7k
ATH 9.7k
I know I will reach 10k one day, then moon.

That's what I'm saying, you nitwit. Solid project = moon. I didn't invest in shitcoins and ponzis and I got almost up to 46 times my initial investment in 4 months. Got in Raiblocks at 30cts, in COSS between 8 and 12cts, etc.

2016: 100k DOGE
2018: 100k DOGE

Future predictions: 100k DOGE


Their military says otherwise

2013: £2700
2018: £35000

Yeah I suck at this.