Sentences you will never hear:
>Yeah, well, I got into cryptocurrency after 2015 and yeah, that's how I'm a millionaire now
>Yeah I joined in 2018 with 1k and now I'm rich
>Yeah my portfolio was about 50k in 2018 and now I'm rich
Sentences you will never hear:
Fuckloads of people got in early 2017 and are now millionaire, you can become a millionaire whether the market goes up or down it doesn't matter.
>t. Short trader wolf of kikestreet wannabe
No you can't
Fuck off you pessimistic fuck. There's plenty more opportunities. Fuck Tom Cruise.
>yeah I used to trade in WoW AH and some runescape ge, moved onto crypto in December 2018, now I'm a multimillionare shits so easy
fuck forgot to rename pic to arrojarlo.jpg
>I have crystal balls
Shut the fuck up, OP
literally fuckerberg
i got in 2018 with 1k
im not going to be rich?
im feelin pretty bummed out now
People have been spewing this since 2013, stay poor.
Jesus Christ, all these crypto scams look like shills from runescape in 2006
The sad part is people still fall for it, and literally more people fall for it in the crypto community than runescape. Amd runescape was full of 13 year old children
I've been here longer than that
No they haven't
Turns out that retarded people can be expected to act retarded in entirely separate economic spaces.
>Holy shit, I'm glad I dumped my LINK at $9.50
>mfw link was a meme all along
Oh, ok -- thanks for clearing that up, faggot.
Jan 1st 2016 Ethereum was 94 cents. At least one person got rich off that 1300x over the next 24 months. Which proves you wrong. Kys.
I second that.
So am i destined for poverty and or eternal NEET life without the poverty and being hungry all the time part?
How many Bitcoins do you have OP?
we had RaiBlocks go up like 300x or some shit in the span of a month
plenty of people had like $2k into $500k+
Over 600
ETH was $10 a year ago and a million people had heard of it. I was one of them.
Open your wallet and take a screenshot
Bought $40k ETH at $9 December 2016. 7 figures now.
>sold at $11
There are a bunch billionaires from that time.
Overall cryptos right now are meme coins to transfer wealth from stupid people to autists. BUT it's intended for that, at some point they take over and the current ATHs are a joke.
Yeah, not saying there aren't exceptions however we both know most sold ETH between then and now.
Few probably didn't, though.
nice larp faggot OP
If you put 10k on eth in 2015 you would be millionaire now
I was checking the /g/ archive from 2010 the other day and people were complaining that it was taking too long to mine a block and get 50 btc and some guy said that it was already too late to make any profits
>If you didn't sell*
I've looked through archives and seen my own posts from 2012~
Pretty weird
>Do what I say now or I don't believe you! xD
I don't care retard
>OP isn't a cunt
Good one
One thing you will never see or hear is coincucks helping their fellow loser. Oh you got scammed? Well I better get on my high horse and call you an idiot
The greed of the entire community is mind blowing
But OP you will hear all of those things.
Bullshit. They help people all the time. Same with Bitconnect, they tried helping for months.
What does help mean to you? Free handouts?
Probably t b h
replace crypto with stawks