Is this unironically going to follow Ethereum's path? Ethereum was heavily shilled on Veeky Forums at $1

Is this unironically going to follow Ethereum's path? Ethereum was heavily shilled on Veeky Forums at $1.

true if big

who knows, I'm in it for the lols

large if accurate

This is more like ETH at $100

OMG makes this token useless


Brappf if buttocks


the absolute state of /biz

stinky linky =heavy bags crap shilled and fudded into nothing

no thanx going under 40 again today. dump

if it happens i'll kms for not joining the fun

No you fucking idiot the post has to be believable if you want to get paid


>Nov. 5
wew lad.

Honestly, the idea is great and if ChainLink works properly, we will see billions in MC. If I had to pick one project to 100-1000x it would be ChainLink, even though there are many good projects.

it felt amazing dumping on those normalfags

orgasmic. a huge splooge right in the face of normie newfags sweaty and wet with desperate fomo. Link is bukakke on newfags OP deal with it.

its a shitty ec20 token op. move the fuck on it was dumped and dumped in December. Its a fuking newfag hazing ritual to get them to buy this shit and then dump it on them. Its getting boring now tho

ETHEREUM also has a supply 100x smaller than stinky linky

this. buy mobius

Its going to fly right past eth

What makes anyone think Link will grow all that much when EOS serves a similar purpose and is already a huge market cap coin?

No, ETH at $4

Fucking lurk more pls. And get a grip on your weight issues

I've never seen it compared to EOS and Link posts are never informative

The first problem is you don't understand what eos is if you're comparing the two. I know eos doesn't have oracles natively because the first ICO was oraclechain (which is just a chainlink clone) be my guest and put your money there then.

Even the people who talk massive shit about this coin own at least $100 to be safe.

yes, literally the next 1000x

This coin is fucking worthless. And this is coming from a man constantly spamming memes about it on this board.

DO NOT get tricked into buying this shitcoin. Its used to trick newfags coming from reddit. You ONLY post memes about this coin but NEVER BUY!

oh shit just sold 100k!

this desu :^)

Just sold a 100k

Glory and salvation to the iron-handed Linkies.
Kek wills it.

This is like Rick Owens clothing on Veeky Forums

>This coin is fucking worthless

Because it a biz meme coin. Biz clubbed together to buy at at the ico which sergey fucked up. Dispite incredible OC memes and non stop shilling it failed to moon spectacularly This lead to a lack of mooning and much angst and heavy bags.

Luckily many normies arrived in November/December who were in fear of missing out. Oldfags dumped their LINK onto them at 1:20 and ran away reeeing at normie stupidity. It tanked shortly thereafter with everything else. However the OC originally generated was no powerful and radioactive that the original chainlink shill echoed in eternity. The newfags who bought at a dollar in turn preyed on even newer fags barraging them with my sides link meme material and LO THE BAGS WERE PASSED. Some, those with a cripplingly low IQ believe that this is in fact some revolutionary technology so powerful are the memes. Ignoring the fact its a couple of guys with ego problems who made themselves millionares by raping biz in their ico and now could not give a fuck about LINK or anyone who owns it and will never work a day in their lives again and don't, indeed going mysteriously silent after they got much dollar. The end. Now shutup and buy link newfag.Look at my meme, see you are in a secret club! Buy fucking link phaggot. It has now become chaincancer even spreading to the origami and papercraft board and indeed may one day rival the facepalm meme as a reaction to stupidity. However dispite this the bag pasing is now an endless cycle and in the year 100000 link will still be at 20-50 cents and shilled and fudded by aliens and artificial intelligences its roots being lost in ancient history

according to plan

Thanks, just bought 10k more!

Link in one picture

I bought 5000 only because i remember eth being shilled here and missing on it, i fomo but i don't really believe in link because they sound like they don't want to have partnerships

Why are you comparing this to ETH? LINK is blockchain agnostic. It works with any blockchain. LINK IS what will connect blockchain technology to the real world... There's already adaptors made and ready to go for IOTA and STELLAR and the fucking mainnet isn't even up yet.

Retard nigger. Kys.

>1 minute charts
The real charts show a familiar friend

Heavy bags of oldfag reeeee semen with link floating in them at 35 cents. Piss party in /r9k afterwards.

This guy know what's up. you can even trace the patterns on binance from the shill threads. This is the normie trap coin.

Is this something i will have to hold for years? or are we talking 6 months?

the longer the better

nice projection you literal faggot