I will literally give you a 100 k LINKs for an asian girlfriend

I will literally give you a 100 k LINKs for an asian girlfriend.

thats like 500 lambos

But you can get one for free

I have a half Korean/half white GF. Will gladly trade you for the Linkies.

im desperate here. Ive been rejected by 3 whole asian girls so far

jus b urself

Stop being a desperate beta and they'll come around

For free

Not all Asians are equal.
I travel a lot.
I don’t take SE Asians seriously when we date. Filipina girls are the worst but good for fucking.
Only Japanese and Korean girls are waifu tier in Asia IMO. Taiwanese can be okay also.

my dude, drop me the link to your new discord server on the chat

i dont know hows that possible. I never been approached by one ever, except when one offered me her mittens.
i deleted my discord

but you can have all the asian qt gf you want if you hold on to that LINK.

>$2 LINK: Shit tier asian (indo, thai, pinoy, Pajeeta)
>$5 LINK: Mid tier Asian (Vietnam, taiwan, China, Malaysia)
>$10 LINK: High tier Asian (Korean, Japanese)
>$10,000 LINK: God tier Asian (Entitled American/Australian/Canadian/Brit Asian Roastie with a kick ass thousand-cock-stare)

Read the fit sticky. Then get plastic surgery. Finally fa.

Are you stupid? Stick with 2d and then you get to keep your money

Are you perhaps ugly?

And they won't kill you, chop your dick off in your sleel, sell you out for money, steal, or divorce you and take half of your money later

Do you like traps? Will maybe work something out for 75k linkies

Send me your pic, bio, etc and 100k linkies and I will find a match.

no. Ive had my face judged by 4 people on the internet so far. I got on dates from online dating. Im just really bad at talking
im thinking of just getting height surgery to make me 6'5" and moving to japan
match from where/

my asian gf can pretend to be your girlfriend on the internet for 1k link a week

>tfw tall white dude with a big dick
>tfw don‘t even have to try to make an asian girl want to fuck me

Isnt height surgery a meme?

idk. all i know is, being tall as fuck is the easiest way to get laid.

asian female here, would be down to talk and stuff. only because you hold linkies too

I wish it was that way but it just isnt true, dont get anxious over your height
Im 6"5 and turbo autism always gets in the way of everything, I'd rather not have social anciety than be this tall

are you the programming teacher?
yeah, but at least you dont have most...

no, I'm tablet girl

hm. okay. well just teach me how to not talk like an autist and how to keep convos going, wise asian girl

I'd give more than 100k linkies for a life partner

when I try talking to socially awkward people, I tend to ask them a lot more questions about themselves to show I'm interested. just ask questions. most girls like to talk about themselves and if you show interest in things that they talk about, they'll think you're not too shabby.

are you working or schooling? depends on your environment too cause you can't just walk up to some girl in class and ask her 20 questions

i love nono
im freshman at college. i have no idea when to approwch asian girls. because, is not like i get invited to parties.

At least I dont have most what?

does your college have bars in or around the area? I'm sure there are events that they hold every so often, at least mine does like every week. If you happen to make a friend/meeting someone decent in class you can ask them to tag along with you to one of those events and just try to socialize. just a 'hey, you there for ___ too?' and a 'what program you taking?' and 'oh wow that's cool, what year's etc is a good start.

even if you aren't looking for bar type girls, it'll develop your social skills and you never know, you might meet some asian qt3.14 there cause her friends dragged her along too

and im not being sarcastic. ive never been to party in my life. i have no idea when and where to talk to asiam girls.

heh. all my friends are anti social and arnt looking for dates and im 19.... so bars are oit of question.

ive been to like 4 clubs too.

I mean, you don't have to go to a bar looking to date
it's good for networking and possibly meeting people who can hook you up in the future.

what about clubs? I'm sure there's a gaming/animu club there. there's probably at least one girl there lmao

>im 19
lmao you're like a little baby

>waah I want an asian gf

I've been to like 3 and I'm 25 so it doesn't mean much lmao. been to plenty bars though.

i went to manga club and made some friends. i guess i could also try to hang out with people more. hmm

but, i dont how this leads to asian gf. anything but white girls.... i dint find them attractive!

but, is it still possible to find asian girl without going up with friends? the type of friends i have, i just dont picture them helping virtually at all.
well, that is what nonono would say...

If it'll make you feel better your thirst will only go down from here
you also technically start dying from around 21
good luck?

Where do you people live?
I consider myself to be pretty autistic by the standards of my country (Spain) but im 19 and ive been to a couple dozen clubs/bars at least
Im considering moving to the US/Asia when I finish my career so that may help
Are the social standards that different in your countries, would I be a chad there or just a little bit better off than here?

it's not that different to talk to non fob asian girls, they're pretty much the same as white girls in a sense. I think the cuter smaller asian girls tend to like the white knight types a bit more and the sporty asian brand name clothes girls like Chads. t
you just wanna develop your social skills with everyone else first so that when you go and talk to that one asian qt you've been day dreaming about you don't fuck it up.

on the other hand tho, you need to fail a bunch of times to get better. it's like interviews. the first one is usually the worst ever, but you learn from your mistakes

>your thirst will die down from here
well, if that makes me less desperate
white girls always want to race mix, so youll be ultra chad here

I will take that deal.

You will have to put in some effort too, though - I can't just ship one to you. Where do you live?

nice normyou thread

i feel like im only confident when im drunk...

>white girls always want to race mix, so youll be ultra chad here
b-but im white?

I’d give you a gf just to keep your stinky Links to yourself, user

Seriously you’d have to pay me to own Link

>delusional spaniard


hide a bottle of alcohol in your bag and take a shot before talking to someone lmao. slowly ween off the alcohol or become an alcoholic

it's ok, user. I was there too. I think over time, especially in your early 20s you start developing a bit more social skills and caring less about shit. you're on the right track so far though, so im not worried about you.

ayy yo hol up
you think i WANT them stinky linkies???
hell nah

Seriously now Im a northern spanish/swedish breed so Im whiter than 98% of americans
The race mixing roastie card is out of the way for me

You ain't asian, Shaneequa

We don't need more people, stay where you are and help Europe.

thanks. i hope. i just cant picture the light of day

fuck europe, they have merkel in charge of EU

Come to burgerland.

Europe will never get better if everyone that has a problem with the state of affairs leaves you fucking faggot. Our borders are closed, the ships are burned, stay and fight.

i love nonono so much....

Dont turn this into a EU VS US thread please
The social anxiety thread was comfy and nothing you say is really going to influence me that much

exactly. fuck europe. You guys are fundamentally flawed and need a nuke in order to be cured. Its a legit zpmbie land of socialism. I only support americas and asia now.

No, no no. This is the part where you reply with "la creatura". Cmon don't fuck up the bants script.

>our borders are closed, stay and fight
Tell that to albert einstein when he was in germany...

You guys are legitamely FUCKED. Merkel is basically thr Putin of Europe at this point.

BUT, i will say. I will happily trade Canada for Poland.

Ah yes, how can we forget one of the biggest memes in modern science. Thanks so much for perpetuating crap, Al.

>supporting (((America)))
Good goy, we need to help israel and depleet the middle east of the natives so they cant have a new home in europe

If he doesn't want yours, I have a mixed Hmong Thai, Vietnamese, who's pretty cute. 4'11", 100 pounds and can really take a dick.

Ok, I can work with that.

You are OP? Do we have a deal?

idk. how would you get it done?

this is OP

Let's take this off public board.

Give me a way to get in touch and we can go over details, make sure we're on the same page

for that kind of money you can have my asian gf.

>they arent "that" great once you get used to them.