NANO/XRB price predictions?

NANO/XRB price predictions?
20$ EOM
70$ end of march

Just stop, not just NANO, but in general. More reddit circle jerking faggotry “WHEN IZ COIN $100 DAE”

$4 EOM

Unironically $0

Headed to zero. Someone will probably find the seed to the burner account before the end of the month.

Why do I get the feeling this coin is actually a piece of shit designed to cash in on crypto rather than improve it

Please prove me wrong but that's the feeling I get

Yes it's sole purpose is speed which appeals to brainlets who are impressed by shiny fast things.

I bought xrb when it was cheap and sold at $25 when it was mooning. Kinda regret not holding until the peak of over $30, but whatevs. I got my shit off bitgrail immediately so I can’t complain since I didn’t lose my ass in that exit scam.

how 'bout $1 per nano... this shitcoin breaks every exchange, because it doesnt work... cool devs

nano devs exit scam...

sure buddy.. keep shilling this shit

Pretty sure it was that fuck tard spaghetti guy. Bomber

>bittrex issues resulting in it getting delisted
>cryptopia issues resulting in it getting delisted
>bitgrail issues resulting in exit scam
>mercatox issues
>kucoin issues
>binance issues

>not the coins fault

going to $0 fast

>going to $0 fast
i think this was said like the past 5 days.. still waiting for $0. weak FUD man its not an erc20 token u fucking retard ofc exchanges are smoothing out the process of adding a new protocol

Wait until nano unveils its crushing blow.

For the love of god, get out..

IF nano survives it has a long way to bleed out

>2 years and still not working on exchanges

That's almost like saying eth is new and exchanged need to get used to it. It got delisted from actual exchanges and the only reason it got to binance was fraud with mercatox and bitgrail working together to steal and freeze people's funds to prop the price up

How do you explain millions of xrb moving in between two no name exchanges when deposits and withdraws were disabled to the public

Not to mention the devs going on Twitter and promoting bitgrail and censoring doubts on reddit up until the day bitgrail comes out clean

$3-5 EOM
$3-20 EOY
I like XRB but it's only way to succeed is to become the USD of crypto and I just don't see that happening.
It's not the fasts tech, it's not future proof (quantum) and while no-costs is better than low-costs it lacks an incentive to run nodes, meaning it'll have problems becoming secure.

You have to think about the possible use cases. I'd love if it replaced bitcoin and became an actual digital currency, but who would adopt it? Do you really think Amazon, Starbucks and McDonalds is going to adopt something that's shittier than VISA just because it's free?
Shit no.

2$ EOM 5 cents EOY

wow...anyone that lost nano needs to go after this Zach guy. This statement would make me keep my money in bitgrail and he would be partly responsible.

I hope binance delists it lul

The binance lattice is suspended for erc20 smart contract protocol just wait my fellow micro penis having fudder

>How do you explain millions of xrb moving in between two no name exchanges when deposits and withdraws were disabled to the public

That was an error on the Bitgrail exchange and it happened wth XRB bc the person stole all the ETH/LTC and converted it to XRB. the nano protocol has no problems it was the exchange that had coding errors

>I like XRB but it's only way to succeed is to become the USD of crypto and I just don't see that happening.

your saying $3-20 EOY? try triple digits EOY lmao. Litecoin was $3 exactly 1 year ago, by your circumstances Litecoin should be worthless since it hasn't been adopted as worldwide currency yet. XRB already hit $35 ATH and it will hit it again in March once BTC recovers

well if a tweet is all you need to trust a small exchange...