
Real talk, why is this not worth that much? What's stopping it from being in the top 10? Is there anywhere I can check for updates?

You will not get real talk on this board.

Linkies on Veeky Forums are FUDing their own coin so other people don't pump it too early.

If you look closely you will actually realize that extremely many people on here are talking shit about the project, but are 100% LINK holders themselves.

I also want the prize to stay low currently. This motivates me to shitpost about it and FUD the living hell about it.

Making posts that make it seem like you are a lunatic LINK investor also helps to stop new people from investing.

My advice for everyone here who is not autistic (like 90% of the people):

Do NOT believe what anyone writes on this board. You shouldn't even believe me, but oh well.

The guys that are shilling LINK are just as wrong and retarded as the people that are FUDing it.
The time people invest into talking about this project should indicate something to you /user/, what do you think?

its utterly useless?
my erc20 NIGGER token is as useful

autistic faggot number 1 spotted, keep them coming

>I also want the prize to stay low currently.
you've had more than enough time to accumulate already

No, I just recently got into LINK because it is a fantastic buy opportuniy right now. I am waiting for another coin to moon and will put my gains into buying more.

What the fuck is with all the link threads all of a sudden?

This reeks of coordinated discord shilling.

No it's normal Veeky Forums meme

Reasons for not being in the top 10

>mainnet not out yet
>major partnerships not officially announced (inb4 “much swift”)
>little to no shilling from the chainlink team (compare to tron)
>erc 20 shitcoin
>sergey is too busy eating Big Macs to finish development
>Rory is a cuck
>massive fud by holders
>too many forks
>oracle problem isn’t real
>smart contract? More like useless contract am I right?

discord pajeet detected

200 000 chainlink

Buy my bag

>look closely
>user postings on webboard
>somehow view their holdings
fucking brainlet

my sides

it's the "rick and morty" token. old Veeky Forums has already moved on to the nathan for you token and reddit is the only one shilling link still. No doubt they'll move on and ruin something else.

pickle liiiiiiinkkk

If it goes over $1, it defeats the whole purpose of the token. An easy 1.5x though

>Real talk, why is this not worth that much?

Because it a biz meme coin. Biz clubbed together to buy at at the ico which sergey fucked up. Dispite incredible OC memes and non stop shilling it failed to moon spectacularly This lead no a lack of mooning and much angst and heavy bags.

Luckily many normies arrived in November/December who were in fear of missing out. Oldfags dumped their LINK onto them at 1:20 and ran away reeeing at normie stupidity. It tanked shortly thereafter with everything else. However the OC originally generated was no powerful and radioactive that the original chainlink shill echoed in eternity. The newfags who bought at a dollar inturn preyed on even newer fags barraging them with my sides link meme material and LO THE BAGS WERE PASSED. Some, those with a cripplingly low IQ believe that this is in fact some revolutionary technology so powerful are the memes. Ignoring the fact its a couple of guys with ego problems who made themselves millionares by raping biz in their ico and now could not give a fuck about LINK or anyone who owns it and will never work a day in their lives again and don't, going mysteriously silent after they got much dollar. The end. Now shutup and buy link newfag.Look at my meme, see you are in a secret club! Buy fucking link phaggot.

shameless selfpost. Someone do an ED article pls.


the perfect crime

Hahaha, topkeks lads

What a load of fucking bollocks

How is this true?

Because ERC20 literally lose their purpose if they're over $1

It's not.

what he said, good advice. also buy more.

1) product is still in development
2) team has done zero marketing so far, only autists following this project
3) team has stated they will not announce any partnerships themselves (partners will announce they are working with chainlink)

its not, link can be used to the 18th decimals. so if link is $1000 you could sell 0.001 LINK for $1. theres no limit to the price, dont believe this fud. i mean, no its totally useless beyond $1. i didnt say anything!




Link is just a fucking token led by a team of soyboys and owned by stupid people larping as geniuses that never read the white paper and just think because biz makes memes for it that its going to "moon". Link is just a meme and it's not even fun anymore, just sad.

>This reeks of coordinated discord shilling.
how new?

Cut down the soy products. Cultivate patience, faggot. That's all.

>Do NOT believe what anyone writes on this board.

Heavy bags of oldfag reeeee semen with link floating in them at 35 cents. Piss party in /r9k afterwards.

Heavy bags of oldfag reeeee semen with link floating in them at 35 cents. Piss party in /r9k afterwards. If reeeeeeeeeeeeee semen wa worth 1 cent a sperm you'd have a million in your mouth