I'm wondering how many of you are actual shut in neets? I figure 90% of Veeky Forums probably go to college or already have a degree.
I'm wondering how many of you are actual shut in neets...
I drive a forklift
I'm a neet but go out once a week to buy groceries. I like to dress up in business attire and go shopping at night and pretend that I just got off work.
Last week a girl my age came up to me and said that she was new in town and looking to expand her business (?) and then asked if anybody I know was hiring (?)
Actual shut-in neet. Why would you even go on Veeky Forums if you have a job? Don't you have friends and social circles?
I haven't left the house for anything other than midnight walks or groceries for almost 1 1/2 years now.
I have too many mental problems to get a job.
This is always a mind bender. I wonder how many people on this board would make me cringe in real conversation. I'm a semi-chad and it's always been strange to me how out of the loop the world is about this site.
Same here but i get groceries delivered to my door so never go outside anymore lol
I have a GF, Job, college degree and im wealthy from crypto. NEET life still seems better.
I have a masters. Now I make a lot of money in crypto and am also a software company CEO. But a lot of people think I'm still a neet.
I've spent periods of 2~4 weeks without leaving the house a single time. Sometimes I feel the ''need'' to go out and then I'd take a walk to my closest park and sit alone for a few hours.
although i am in college, i didnt leave my room other than to go to class for about 6 months
last week i went to a bar to watch the super bowl, i met 3 dudes from ireland and also a girl while smoking a cigarette
now ive been getting laid the last week and havent really left her place since, been meeting her friends and going out and shit, its been very fun and making me realize how stupid i was for shutting myself in thinking i was actually autistic
guys its literally so easy to be a normie, just leave your fucking house
t. chad kill yourself norman fuck
kek nice
>yeah, wanna come to my house to get you a job application?
Married with a son, could you believe i hang in this cesspool?
>Same here but i get groceries delivered to my door so never go outside anymore lol
I'd do that if i didn't live with my parent. Buying groceries is the extremely stressful for me.
I am the original Veeky Forums Canadian plumber poster who created that meme but none of you retards would believe me anyways. I'm retired now at the age of 28 and enjoying the hell out of life shit posting on biz and playing vidya all day long. And yes I literally worked as a plumber for 9 years before quitting the trades. Thank you ethereum.
tbf she goes to work and i sit in her apartment playing diablo 3 and trading all day, i am no chad, we are all Chad
He wouldnt be your wife's son would he?
let me guess you're 6ft+ tall and atleast a 6/10 in looks?
totally not a norman guys!! im special and autistic like u xD !!!!
He s my son allright aaaaand my wife is a pajeeta
kys normie scum, you don't know what you're wishing for
Single father (full custody)
Long time college student working on second masters degree. Just master dissertation left, no more classes, so pretty shut-in yeah.
>29 years old
>Property owner
>Comfy at-home job with worlds most popular/profitable company
>Nowhere near rich, but far from being poor or struggling. Solidly middle class
>Lift/exercise 3-4 days a week to manage mental health
>Healthy relationship with a young qt3.14 ginger gf
My life is pretty fucking great, desu. I’m sure there are a handful of actual NEETS and maybe one or two rich cucks, but everyone else is larping. I come here for the memes and to laugh at said larpers.
ive never met a single girl who gives a shit about either of those, they are fictional projections. the only thing stopping yuo guys is yourself
hahahahahah fucking off yourself normie fuck
Engineer with baby and fiancée. Life is pretty normal, desu. But before you newfags call me a normie: I was in the original shoe on head chatroom.
I'm not sure if people like me have a term, but basically I am a "self-sufficient" hikikomori.
I have a good paying job but that is the only thing redeemable about me. I have zero friends, only people I interact with are my colleagues and that's only when I need to for work. Otherwise in the office I am silent.
Rest of the time I spend 90% of my time in front of the TV or my PC. Pic related is where I spend my days outside of work.
I want to get out of this antisocial trap but I don't know how.
Wow are you me? I wonder how you keep yourself sane after all that. I was a functioning normal human being who held a job before I suffered from a mental breakdown. I actually see my gf from time to time to keep me sane. I wonder how you get to keep it altogether without any social interaction.
i bet you're still in high school
with that in mind, continue being a neet, become very studious without taking anyones bullshit normie advice, get into a good school, be a neet somewhere else, try not to an hero for a while, and you will come out great
good luck user
shutin neet reporting in. I want to kms every day
get some therapy guys. It suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks, but helps in a couple of months.
invite your colleagues for a beer after work
I go to college, but 98% of my program is online and I don't have a job. I leave the house maybe once a week.
red leader shut in neet standing by.
such a fucking chad mentality man. be happy you got blessed with good genetics. some people are not as fortunate as you. keep this in mind when you spout platonic bullshit advice.
that being said, nice of you to not escalate stupid discussions. best of luck with your relationship and career to you.
>get drugged out of your mind
>cure you
Temporary band-aid solutions. Trust me, the problems I face won't be fixed by drugs. It's either murder or suicide for me. If I can "accident" people and let them suffer the same way they did to me and let me confront my problems, then maybe therapy will help.
I’m a PhD student but I spend most of my time shut in my room doing nothing.
I'm more of a NET. Go to uni for three hours a week, Put half my NEETbux in Crypto and half in the bank.
Once the last person I like dies I'll go live in Asia.
> Why would you even go on Veeky Forums if you have a job? Don't you have friends and social circles?
I have a job, a wife and 3 kids, the only social circles I have time for is Veeky Forums and various chat rooms.
Used to be neetish though, mostly due to mental health and drugs. Fixed my shit though.
everytime i scroll past this thread my mind tricks me into thinking it says "nut in sheets"
That's just your autism speaking. Trust me on that one.
>I'm a semi-chad
now I know you're lying lol
Great idea. Just get a bunch of retards together so they can determine who is the most dominate.
Sounds like a lot of fun, nigger. You should kys.
I am in college, I'd say the number of people who are lurking who are in college or working an ok-ish job is very big but the posters are probably the cream of the autistic crop. This is my first post on biz and I have been on a few times a week for the last two years
therapy doesnt do shit.
going to college, not a neet but slowly turning into one
I don't give a fuck where you were, you're a normalfag scum now.
He's not. You just have to be assertive and confident and not be an autist in social situations. Women honestly don't give that much of a damn about looks. They're wired differently.
also have a feeling most people on here with jobs grew up on a ton of various online communities that just cant be replicated IRL
i'd much rather hang out and talk about niche interests online without having to deal with consequential social bullshit than be around random ass coworkers who have no interests
you're just not looking in the right places, or not looking at all. my best friend growing up is 5'6 with acne and shit and he now has a 7/10 gf bc he's a genuinely smart, interesting, funny guy
>tfw failed normie
I feel like I can interact with normans and even leave a decent impression I just have to desire or motivation to do it.
maybe you should kys, sounds like you have absolutely zero friends so doubt anyone will notice if you put a bullet in your brain gl tho
Yep, why do people who haven't experienced what it's like to have a mental breakdown or life-destroying traumas recommend this? It won't fix your problems plaguing you. They're only patches to suppress our negative emotions we feel due to our life experiences.
Welder here. Was in uni for some time. Now just biding my time
>Women honestly don't give that much of a damn about looks.
Fuck you I have asperger and can't socialize.
>implying anyone gives a fuck about anyone dieing after a week tops
How retarded are you, user? Do you actually think people would weep your death for months on end? Or would they eventually move on with their life and forget about you?
Everybody thinks im a fucking chad. My work colleagues and my parents think i can enjoy life to the fullest since im basically in the best age and dont have any real responsibilities like kids.
But im here, lonely as fuck, browsing Veeky Forums and hating my life.
Absolute beta right here tryin to talk to chad and stacey
Well it helped me. I went from suicidal fucker to semi normal person.
Never been to college after what I read in investing books.
I'm 20 and was neet for a while until I couldn't afford it any more and got a shitty job. Aside from work I don't go anywhere except grocery store and even that I often times put off for a few days to a week longer than I should. Getting laid off from my job pretty soon and I can't wait desu I cannot stand working with the public. I just wish I could claim unemployment long enough to not have to work while I get my degree. I stopped coming to this site for a couple years and was a normie for a while had a gf and everything then she fucked me over and I moved out of town to somewhere I don't know anyone and have been in isolation ever since. Also fucked up my brain abusing prescriptions for a few years so my social anxiety is much worse than it used to be. So technically not a neet but live like one. Been coming to this site for the last 8 years or so with a few breaks in between
I'm not particularly good looking or rich and yet got a gf. I was assertive, confident and wasn't an autist before I suffered a mental breakdown. Essentially, I was a normie. You're just not trying hard enough or you're an autistic fuck who drools and shakes when women approach you.
just like, take a shower man and make sure you wear nice clothes. that's all you need to do!
>semi chad
sure bud
Maybe you were already depressed or had chemical imbalances in your brain before you were semi-normal. Some people actually do have REAL life problems that can't be fixed by letting your brain get high with drugs.
Neck yourself, cancer. This used to be a place where smart people came because they did not give a fuck, neet or not. Now it’s a circus for fags and troglodytes.
4/10 landwhales don't count.
i've been a neet since 18, 25 now. i have a decent net worth for my age. just been doing ecommerce, web design and crypto trading. literally live like a king
Idk what fucked up kind of therapist you went to, but therapy helped me get through PTSD and I’m now stable af, both mentally and financially.
Burnt out from office job, resigned after I saved up like 2-years expenses and ended up as a NEET, sleeping all day, watching Twitch all night.
Started learning how to write mobile apps just for kicks, one went viral by pure luck and I started earning decent amounts ($5-10k per month).
Put most of what I earned into bitcoin back at $1000, and rode some x2 x3 x5 altcoin pumps with like 10-20% of my portfolio each time.
Now I think I've made it really far financially, even though I'm down 50% from my ATH.
Don't even need to touch my crypto because I earn more than enough from my mobile app.
Still do nothing except watch Twitch all day, binge watch downloaded anime series, have food delivered, and go out at night only to do groceries or drop off clothes at the laundry shop.
It has been many years like this.
It's ok, I guess.
Math major graduating in December reportan
he's right, i'm a 6ft 7-8/10 face Veeky Forums guy but completely autistic and still a shut in virgin
>take a shower
>shave/trim your beard
>make yourself look presentable
>wear decent clothes
And yes, not acting like an autist is a must. You don't have to be a 10/10 chad to get one or you don't have to misconstrue my post on the extreme end of looking like a hobo but having confidence and assertiveness. People need to get back to reality. The world doesn't exist on opposite ends of the spectrum. There's a middle ground.
what the fuck are you talking about? i'm saying you should kill yourself because you offer nothing to society and no one will notice or care if you die
Would making money through stock trading still be considered NEET?
Studying. Have no issues hitting up girls. However for some reason I'm physically impotent so it's pointless to try either way. Might as well try to get rich instead, not much else to do when you can't do the whole relationship thing.
Drugs were used during therapy to break some barriers.
It didn't fix problems. It just made it possible for ME to start working on solutions.
>offer nothing to society
What are you basing that off of?
>Nobody will notice or care
Read my previous post again, retard.
wont do you any good to sit around complaining about it on the internet, awkward social interactions happen to everyone, its not the end of the world, maybe you will find an aspie gf trying to get out there too, who knows
ive spent the last 10 years of my life on fucking Veeky Forums all day and still managed to get solid advice/interests from places on here. go to Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums and get bullied into normie submission
Most definitely not. You're clearly working from home. If you were playing old-school RuneScape all day, then you would be a NEET.
Fucking kek
I catch myself fantasizing about a life like this, yet the reality would be crushing over the long term.
Lack of stimluation, purpose and human contact would probably kill me faster than my job does.
t. chad
I agree, well said. It also forces you to relive those shitty moments for no gain whatsoever. If anything it makes you more complacent and prevents you from actually fixing the problem.
Neck yourself.
Cause and effect.
There is no fucking middle ground. Everything is all or nothing.
[spoiler]too bad salary sucks ass on my country[/spoiler]
Shut in neet here too. Finished my major in uni last summer, and at around the same time I started making money in crypto. As time went by I made more and more and decided to just concentrate on trading. Made lots of money so far, I can support living the neet life for years so I have no desire to wagecuck. Still feeling kinda depressed though, I just trade, fap and play vidya 24/7 and occasionally go get groceries. Life is empty, even though I have lots of time to do whatever I want I have no motivation to do anything productive.
I just saved your pic for future reference. I have an HCIM. Haven't played in a year, still up on the hiscores I believe. I'm an efficiency scaper
>t. shut in who has no clue about real life
I maybe a shut in now due to my mental breakdown but I DID experience what it was like to be a normie who had friends and was a functioning normal human being in society.
Trading, napping, and playing online games IS the fucking life. Go ahead and try everything else. You'll want to come back to it.
I thought self-improvement was a core principal for you NEETs? It sounds like some of you are straight lazy and use social anxiety as an excuse:
-go to the gym
-take up hobbies
-find meaningful work or any source of income really
-develop relationships
>It didn't fix problems.
Well doesn't that prove what I said? Good for you if you finally got formulating around with solutions to your life problems. Mine can only be solved with murder or payback but that will just be misconstrued as edgy.
former normie mentally induced NEETdom marine checking in
im slowly getting integrated back into society hopefully, going to try moving to a new country and starting life over after i get my degree
hope you took statistics classes
You clearly don't know what the fuck cause and effect consists of do you? All of those fucking normies have their problems too. The more you try and hide it the bigger it grows and eventually they will breakdown. Nomies are just niggers in different colored skinsuits that are full of mental diahrea just like the next person.
My point? Normies are fake and hide their shit well. Cause and effect catches up to every nigger eventually
I've read that the 2nd best cure for depression or starting your life over is going to another place and reinventing yourself. Nothing beats facing your trauma or people who induced you this way head on though. Good luck on your life's journey bro. I know first hand what it feels like to be alone, isolated, depressed, used, abused and feeling worthless. Only people who have gone through that will understand.