Ayn Rand

What would she think of cryptocurrencies?

Get this communist bitch out of here, she has no thoughts cause shes dead.

>Ayn Rand
the absolute state of Veeky Forums

>ayn rand

Who cares? She is literally a fucking joke


jesus christ, I know I don't need to point this out but don't spread your seed


“Rand was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum on February 2, 1905, to a Russian Jewish bourgeois family living in Saint Petersburg”

Regardless of if she called herself a commie or not, she is a Jew and they are all communists.

Please neck yourself.

Put a bullet in your head

unironically this

oh wow great argument purply

Thanks just put 100k in my head

Fuck off. I’m willing to bet you’re a Jew or some type of halfbreed mulatto mess.

>Russian Jewish bourgeois family who was tsarist and her family literally left in 1917 because of the Bolsheviks
>this makes her a communist according to you
I really believe you have under 100 IQ.


94.6% Azkhenazi.

>Goyishe kop

Probably hate it because
- it's new
- it's not gold
- people are having fun instead of suffering for it.

She a was a cunt. The only weirdos that give her clout are neckbeards and Mark Cuban.

Died on social security like a bitch.

Objectivism is for edgy teens/ fuckboys/brainlets

and you're probably white and so am I but thankfully I'm not you


Ayn Rand was a capitalist, though and through. Why do you think CEO's love her book?

Ayn Rand is the original troll.

This. I hate the dumb bitch. Why are we even listening to women btw? Soy boys like her.


I agree, however I wanted to know what she would think of it, and you both failed to answer, so get out.

In b4 people start shilling Galtcoins

Oh, I'm sure she would have a fun time with it...


James Taggart rushed into the room.... "Dagny, I've just saved the railroad"

Dagny lighted another cigarette [lighted, mind you, not lit].... "ok you worthless pussy, what great idea do you have now?"

"No, this time is different", he pants.... "I bought crypto currency. Look at the market cap, I have trillion dollars, I think I'll go to the moon".

"But where is the value? What gives it worth", she asked, posing against the window as only one of the truly great industrialists can.

"It's terrific" , he cries..... "the value comes from other people doing work. Well, not really work mind you, but doing calculations that serve no other purpose than to create value in the currency"

"So let me get this straight", she says while thinking about fucking Alan Greenspan "your worthless currency has value because people run a program on their computer, and the value of the currency is based on how hard people work to prop it up?"

"exactly", he smiles.

"Go fuck yourself James", she snorts as she fiddles with the bracelet of Rearden Metal on her wrist.

user....why would anyone care what a fucking woman thinks about anything.

>she has no thoughts cause shes dead

Don't know why I kek'd so hard!

"Crypto is Tulip Mania 2.0."


More like
>family probably had a role in the Jewish meddling and then left to avoid persecution

You really don’t pay much attention do you

Being raped by one would be AOK by her. She was took the JUSTed pill long before any of us

ashkenazi master race reporting in
white are literally niggers to us (100 average iq and 85 average iq seem pretty much the same from up here)

i do think a crypto that's backed by something tangible will be what wins in the end
ethereum is backed by the dapps and contracts on it. those actually do have value since they're a service. services have value.
a crypto backed by computing power, bandwidth, storage would also work. Something like 1crypto = 1GB@1MB/s@1Ghz
so if you wanted to you could take the cryptos you got from selling coffee and go exchange it for 1GB of storage at 1MB/s access speed with 1GH/z of processing power if you want to do any calculations on that data.
The value of this crypto would go down over time though since storage, bandwidth, and processing power are getting cheaper and cheaper.
It'd be like if a gold-backed dollar became worth less because we kept finding more and more gold.

>Enables Greenspan.
>Dies in publicly funded hospital.

Life is a funny thing eh?

^^ - this

literal brainlets detected

nice bait faggot

My Mrs is part Ashkenazi...

Which will make my kids that too.

How fucked am I?

Ashkenazi meme. Most of your people do menial labor

>can't tell the difference between two numbers

Brother, yeah, however my family is very liberal and while we still made some jokes

"Goyishe kop!!" ahaha we just try and keep to ourselves.

holy shit not going to lie, forgot that site existed

pseudointellictual Kikess

If it's backed by something tangible, political authority can interdict it.
Don't lose sight of the actual goal; destroy political authority. Everything else is a sideshow.


Except, at least in your example, the coffee shop has no need to purchase external processing.

Every restaurant company I've ever done business with just have computers in the store, and a server in the main office to push/pull data

Ya, you really should put that in your white paper.

Buy our crypto. It's only worth $0.25, but you gain the advantage of having your existing wealth wiped out when the revolution comes.