Daily OMG thread
I'm still accumulating and i wont be stopping, no one fuds strong enough to keep me away from this master piece.
>Gateway payment system
>50k merchants and 420+ million customers ( growing everyday)
>all merchants and customers of omise will be using the omisego blockchain
>SDK wallet release soon
>ETH needs OMG
>Decentralized exchange
>Plasma 1mill TPS in a real life environment, not in some simulation bullshit.
>Thailand governement on their knees sucking Omise 8 inch cock.
>Merchant volume over 30bill
>Vitalik Buterin working on omisego / plasma
>Joseph Poon
>Karl Floersch
those bags must be heavy
>ERC20 token
>No public code
>The code that is available on github is from EVERY fucking hyped stack
It's a scam coin.
they won't be when we are in space
When is omise gonna use omisego? And when is the 1mil tps happening?
Not at all, i know omisego is severely undervalued and once products starts rolling off the production line , i'll be swimming in wealth.
>Vitalik, joseph,karl.. All well known names ( i could continue if needed), but yet you call it a "scam"
>>ETH needs OMG
1040 OMG reporting.
End of Q1 I'm gonna laugh my ass off at ICX and VEN twats FOMOing in.
all my dosh tied up in alts - applied for 8 credit cards yesterday - cash advance on credit cards going all in on this shit. who gives a fuck about a shit credit rating when i'm sitting on on a 2k+ stack
This is stupid and you deserve to lose your money.
When plasma?
Q2, maybe even early Q2 since they're ahead of the plasma schedule, they're doing a fantastic job.
Will i make it with 63.2455532034^2 OMG?
why does it keep going down? i bought it back in october for around 200k and thought i was getting a bargain. its never gone up, only bled out
> the preliminary results so far that we've seen from Omisego has been wow... pretty incredible... really incredible
Hodl user, OMG is seriously bull flagging for some time now.
When it starts going up it will moon hard.
I think it will start sooner but if not end of march will be important.
This is an inefficient market, its not stocks. A lot of stuff gets priced in, but a lot does not.
OMG had a ton of hype early on and a lot got priced in to those highs of .0025 btc. We are now at a point where news is slowly dripping out, but nothing truly huge because people want instant gratification and the next big thing.
For that reason I continue buying. Once staking is live, it will be incredible. We will hit that old btc ath this summer and then sky is the limit. Whitelabel SDK wallet is coming in the next 6 months and they currently process 34 billion in sales annually and growing.
This has the best team in the history of crypto working on it. I still invest in other coins, but whenever I take profits I don't stash in anything except EOS and OMG.
Have the released details on the staking? Numbers needed? Any important thresholds?
>Thinks it'll moon when it's already done it's 1000% run.
Good luck user, good luck.
What are you talking about, stop the bad fud.
>Thinks it'll moon when it's already done it's 1000% run. Haa, just like bitcoin. right bois? ..
isn't Plasma a sidechain aka ADA?
Just took out a bank loan for 100k and sold my house and car to go all in on this shit - who gives a shit if i'm homeless and without wheels if i'm sitting on a 30000k stack
have fun sitting on your 100 stack when i am eating lambos for brekkie and hanging out with Elon
>the only thing that can happen to a coin is a pump and dump
You're an idiot but thanks for the slut picture
pls proof. its the safest bet in crypto though
>Jun or Vitalik dies in a car crash
Wat do
You're supposed to be swing trading it. If you hold something for more than a day in this market you are retarded.
>EOS and OMG
you're a smart user, you're gonna make it
maybe even good
r.i.p crypto