Bad choices

>be me 25 year old guy with some engineering degree
>born in Venezuela, never left but also have Spanish citizenship because mom is Spanish, came from Spain in the 1980s
>make about $1k a month by doing online work for people on other countries
>can feed and provide for my family (mom and wife)
>attempting to save in order to leave current shithole, need about $10k to go to spain with family and have enough to survive while we find work
>hard to save as good friends and wifes family are starving so i help them as well; can't just see them slowly die because it is people i love
>find crypto in 2017, knew about it for years and i found it to be quite great tech wise, but never really looked at it as a way to make money/investments
>realize it is a great way to make money
>invest $2k
>at some point convert those $2k into $30k mostly by day trading.
>quit freelancing(programming) completely because i have to trade 24/7
>decide to put those into a single good coin and stop day trading
>put all of it into XLM
>weeks go by, stagnation
>suddenly, price spikes and after a few days XLM is worth $1(lasted under 2hours), my stack is worth $130k
>feel extremely happy, start day dreaming about our comfy apartment somewhere in spain and how great our life is going to be
>can't cash out though, no way to hold USD safely as a Venezuelan citizen and don't have bank account anywhere else


>mom and i are good to go documents wise but wife has some idiotic problem with her passport, when they took her finger prints they forgot to put them into the system and thats caused her a huge lot of problems as well as to other thousands of Venezuelans
>can't do anything but wait until they sort that out, she can't do anything, we can only wait for them to sort it out, it has already been two months and nothing...
>consider going to spain with mom and leaving wife here until her passport issues are resolved so that i can take that money out somehow by opening a bank account in spain or something
>can't find the strength to leave wife here alone, people are killed, robbed, kidnapped everyday, i have to be here for her or else something bad could happen to her i say to myself i have to protect her, we have to protect each other
>can't cash out but wait and hope for the best until we can finally leave this shithole together
>see price crash and remain stagnant around $0.6-$0.7
>see it crash lower, then rise, then crash lower and rise for several days
>sad, but really can't do anything to withdraw the USD
>decide to day trade
>increase stack by 20k XLM
>aunt who is like a mother to me is having issues in London, she left Venezuela a few months ago but also has problems with her papers, she is divorced but her documents still show her married name, and government useless pigs are taking forever to fix that shit
>aunt loses job because she can't provide documents with proper name and so they tell her they can't keep her anymore and that she has to fix her documents until she can work again
>aunt depressed and having health issues
>decide to help aunt because she was always there for me, every single time i needed her she was there for me and always got all kinds of things i wanted as a kid... through localbitcoins find a buyer and deposit 2k gbp into her bank account


I'm Venezuelan and I won't read your shit because I know you'll just beg and post your ETH address or something.

>shes happy with what i have done for her and can't stop thanking me for doing that (she never asked for my help at any moment, in fact it was my mom who told me she was going through those issues...)
>price crashes next day hard
>panic, decide i at least should attempt to day trade as a way to increase my stack to what it was or at least higher, want to have at least 150k XLM
>fail miserably over several tries, stack down to 120k then down to 100k as i refused to buy in again as the price kept rising
>after lots of bad choices through several days i am left with like 43 eth (converted to eth when it was at 1150 just before it crashed)
>crash after crash after crash and i see my money dissapear because of my bad choices
>Jibrel Network is up on exchanges
>invested like 1.5eth in the ico and i have 6k jnt, i know its potential
>decide to buy in, put 30 eth in in different amounts at 0.00043eth, 0.0006eth and 0.00072eth
>got 51k jnt total
>ask aunt if i can deposit some money on her account to keep it safe until we leave
>deposit like 8k euros that i will use to buy our plane tickets out of here, at least thats safe
>current portfolio worth $29800 in jibrel network tokens, reached $14k in the previous crash, was almost killing myself at that point

I was so fucking happy when i felt i had enough to buy a small apartment for my family in a good country, and that i at least could give them somewhat of a happy life and then i fucked it up so badly, those jnt are my last hope...

I don't have anyone to tell this to, that's why i post here, don't really want to tell my friends about how much money i have or anything about this really... Really needed someone to tell this to...


Estas equivocado.

Just keep going friend, I went down to 2 btc in my crash in October, I stopped using blockfolio because it was too painful.

>>see price crash and remain stagnant around $0.6-$0.7
>see it crash lower, then rise, then crash lower and rise for several days
>sad, but really can't do anything to withdraw the USD

you fucking moron, why you just didn't sell on the exchange and keep it there?

Te deseo buena suerte user, ojalá cumplas tu desea de salir de allí

What exchange? I could only use binance, i couldn't use exchanges that use actual USD/EUR like bitstamp or gdax or the like as i don't live in their allowed countries or have a bank account.

My only option was to convert to tether, and with all the tether fud pointing to the possibility of it all disappearing any day i could not take that risk.

>Another venezuelan begging thread


Binance is legit enough.

What are your holdings? Thats an incredible rise... I was in Omg, BNB, NEO, etc. at that time and didn't experience nearly a parabolic rise like that.


Guess you're loving the communist utopia you all strived for faggots also not giving you any donations shitstain

I've seen you post on Hispachan. You could have talked to us there.

Instead you're here soft-begging.

Thanks for sharing commie user, 14k is still higher than you started with, and now you're even at twice that. Don't let your poverty get to you, don't go all in on shitcoins you dingus.

Just hold BTC.

Why the fuck you want to cash out in a shit hole like Venezuela

You could’ve stored it in a wallet you idiot

I'm sorry to hear your story, OP. This right here is the reason I find it abhorrent when upper middle class young adults in this very board and everywhere else on the internet go blabbering about how socialism is beautiful and how it's not violent or evil, it's all capitalism's fault.

Why didn't you pull out of XLM to a more stable coin when you reached 130k? Maybe XMR as that's also anonymous and doesn't fluctuate too strongly.


Yes but there's no way i would convert it all to tether and risk losing it back then, unless what you meant is convert it all back to btc, which is more of the same, XLM was solid enough for a hold.

I never posted there. Also how am i begging? I have $30k in crypto + 8k euros

Do you think i care about $10 or $100 begging like i have seen people do?

I'm just venting.

Oh come on, i'm not a commie, me and my family we always voted against them from the very beginning. Anyway, if i reach $130k again i'll make sure to withdraw at least half right there.

>Maybe XMR as that's also anonymous and doesn't fluctuate too strongly.
Are you joking? Monero took a big hit, as anything similar to BTC does. He should have cashed all into Ethereum and he would be fine with like $80k minimum.

I've read posts of a guy wanting to move to spain, and he had 130k too. So, I do believe it was you.

Why didn't you sell all the XLM for ETH? Now let me tell you, you're really gambling now being on Jibrel...

>Oh come on, i'm not a commie, me and my family we always voted against them from the very beginning. Anyway, if i reach $130k again i'll make sure to withdraw at least half right there.
I'm just mocking you for living in commie land no need to taking it personal, this is Veeky Forums friendo

The problem with how you act isn't whether you need to cash out, but what you throw your money, and what you do when you lose. Throwing the entirety of your stack into a shitcoin with no product is a quick way to get burned. You may have been lucky so far, but who knows what'll happen next. You're in an uptrend market anyway, you should diversify a little and hedge yourself against shitcoins failing.

I am very new to crypto/trading/ i had no idea it would crash so hard after reaching $1, and since afterwards everything was crashing i felt like it was safer to keep holding XLM instead of converting to BTC because if XLM recovered i would have far more than by holding btc even if btc recovered.

Might be dumb but i admit i didn't have enough experience to be able to tell the right move.

Not taking it personal dude, i am just taking the joke forward, i know you are joking.

Right now i'm in between waiting till it reaches over $100k again and buy an apartment, or waiting for jnt to double if it does and see how the market is doing at that point, if it seems like the better thing to do is to withdraw i'm going to use my aunts account option to withdraw another $10k and have the rest diversified into 3 or 4 coins i have my eyes on, and then hope for the best in the next couple of years.

I just want to take the chance and wait for now as if i withdraw those other $10k now and diversify the $20k although it'll be much safer it'll also take much longer to see what i want to see.

>I just want to take the chance and wait for now as if i withdraw those other $10k now and diversify the $20k although it'll be much safer it'll also take much longer to see what i want to see.
As you wish, but going all in is risky, keep that in mind. What'll you do if your 30k become 1k? These things happen. I can't exactly relate to your conditions since I've never lacked basic necessities.

>buy an apartment
In Spain I hope, right?

Yes in Spain, i am looking to take my family out of here and never to return.

I know many of you think we should fight for this shithole but for me that makes no sense, when i was old enough to work and be able to build my own future this place was already in ruins, i didnt have a chance here so why would i give my life for what retarded people before me are to blame for.

Once i leave this shit place i wont ever come back, not even if the government is no longer and the country is in good standing, i at least have spanish citizenship so i guess i can say all of this because of that too.

I can go on and explain to you why it is not possible for me to manage usd/eur from this place if you are interested, it is quite good knowledge.

I for one welcome you in Spain, amigo.