Will the bubble burst?

Is the stock market going to crash and burn or not?

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Trump and the 'plunge protection team' won't let it yet. Expect inflation to rise

how would any US president be able to influence this? It seems to me they have very limited power over things like the stock market.

Fed is buying up stocks right now. Spending taxpayer money to prop up capitalization of private companies, more or less. The miracles of central planned trash market economy.

How long will that last?

how do you know this is happening?
Why the fuck would the federal reserve bank be in the business of owning stocks?

It won't crash. Trust Trump.

>Trust Trump
We're getting universal healthcare?

it's just one guy in one office

who here knows which branch of the fed this occurs in?
let's see who's got insider info


You can see every bubble from this graph 1990, 2000, 2008. You can also see we are not ready for another yet

Lmao this guys from /pol/ that's not how this works

Learn some economics you tin foil hat fucks

what am i even looking at?

what is that measure?

plunge protection team staring back at you boi

>ShareBlue manginas in every single thread


It's widely accepted that the fed buy into futures to stabilise the market

interest rates. we reduce rates to incentivize borrowing during recession. Interest rates are aready low tho, so wat do??


Negative interest rates, we can keep going lower

I know this board is lol no lolbertarian, but it's been kind of working loverly no? HAVE YOU NOT ENJOYED THE RIDE?

Bingo, every recession has begun after negative interest rates.

Has there ever been a recession we haven't predicted after the fact?

The stock market growth was fueled by cheap money from the fed via low interest rates and share buybacks.

Its a fucking giant bubble

Can we have that in English please?

Leftypol needs to leave before I Doxx every single one of them

I don't see any lefties in this thread

libertarian or not, ride the bubble up. shes going to 30

Bubble is over