I hope their coin miners burst into flames. Greedy, lazy degenerates.
Hudson Phillips
Hopefully they'll make it illegal then
Grayson Martinez
And while they're at it, make video games illegal too. What a waste of fucking energy
Jaxson Gomez
The Switch uses under a 20 watts though.
Jaxon Williams
>tfw you could literally power a switch with a foldable solar panel on a sunny day
Matthew Lewis
Will the price of graohics cards ever go back down? I wanted to build my first PC.
Nathan Bailey
Prediction: >Iceland passes legislation to limit bitcoin mining to "sustainable levels," probably based on an electrical allocation limit per-business >And then nothing else really changes Also, Cryptocurrencies were a mistake.
Jace Sullivan
They won't. Unironically
Colton Cook
Can't wait for bitcoin to continue crashing and being able to get a 1080 for $200 on ebay.
Lucas Thompson
>wanting one after a miner has been using it
Dominic Cox
there'll be tons of unused ones from miners desperately trying to get their bucks back
Landon Collins
fucking nocoiners! stay poor
Benjamin Collins
Assuming you're talking new cards, they can't go below their old price because of their implicit use for vidyagamen.
>Donald blumpft dident sign the Paris Accord he's litterly hitler. He is single handedly going to melt the earth > don't mind my crypto farm or weed farm that is proven to do more damage to the environment than any thing else
Ryder Anderson
At this rate wouldn't the electric bill alone be far higher than the money you actually mine from this shit?
Leo Anderson
Nobody mentioned Trump retard. Fuck off.
Jace Scott
At least once the stocks plummet, Hans and Axel will be able to make us of it.
Oh why do I even bother, /v/ has never read a book in their lives.
Aaron Hernandez
What point are you trying to make? Cryptocurrency is a libertarian fad, not a liberal one.
Tyler James
Most Miners, now after the recent crashes, are mined in the assumption they'll rebound.
Andrew Reyes
I genuinely don't understand cryptocurrency.
So some guy made a program that makes fake coins, who people decided had some kind of value, which are now a thing because fuck you?
Ryan Roberts
I still don't understand how you generate a currency, and who the heck made it a thing. I've even seen a couple of local small stores with "we accept bitcoin" signs
Julian Murphy
Or you could just buy a bitcoin and get a 1080ti with the profits , fyi free money = free games
Blake Butler
Basically yeah. Just like all currencies. Only difference is fiat has a gun pointed to you.
Aiden Stewart
Hunter Bennett
Austin Evans
Lincoln Adams
>just like all currencies No nigger. Currency is the evolved form of bartering.
I don't understand how people running server farms creating numbers that turbo-autists give back and forth to each other is the same thing.
William Ortiz
Let me amend his post for you. just like all modern currencies* Is there anyone still on the gold standard?
Ryder Long
>dude guaranteed profit lmao :) Except crypto is a closed ecosystem that doesn't generate revenue by itself, so someone must lose on coins for someone else to earn.
Robert Phillips
Chase Parker
>just buy into my ponzi scheme, my dudes
Camden Myers
gold was used as a currency because it was rare bitcoins are basically the same thing, they take loads of calculations to find and there's a limited amount of time
Jaxson Bennett
same principal with paper money, it is something with a value which can be traded for goods..
difference with crypto currency is that not the authorities (federal reserve, central banks) are regulating the money flow, it is the decentralized proof of work done by millions of GPU/CPUs
Ryder Lopez
Forgot image.
Jack Walker
Same way people decide what Modern Art is valuable and which isn't.
Adrian Peterson
Just keep paying taxes, my goy. Fund my niggernomics.
Ethan Collins
It's easy to forget that paper money is the exact same thing when you live in a stable country. Plus when the country implodes, your money becoming worthless is really the least of your immediate troubles.
Justin Rivera
Andrew Wood
Well that’s why I did while you cry for prices I got a hybrid 1080ti with profits in 1 day.
Matthew Anderson
Yeah but... what's the value when most people and businesses don't even know what bitcoin is, let alone accept it? Do the private "investors" just hope that by generation enough shit it'll sooner or later be accepted by a bigger audience? Do they expect to be able to feed their families with it? Can they even keep up since the process seems to burn so many resources
Isaac Mitchell
Sure thing kiddo
Cameron Campbell
the only reason bitcoin has any value in the first place is that some people believe in it
Austin Young
It's used to launder money and buy drugs, nothing more.
Hudson Hill
Sure, but I'm saying it comes off as the Ouya of finances right now
David Bennett
Real life
Gavin Jenkins
>Cryptocurrencies are bad and must be banned!!!
Dominic Collins
I dont disagree
Landon Cook
Why do crypto investors so often act like goddamn cultists?
Henry Mitchell
>Trying to connect a secret super-computer to the internet just to mine coins Holy shit they should be arrested for treason and spying, what a bunch of morons
Isaac Gutierrez
how else will they find suckers to give them money?
Matthew Gutierrez
Ayden Lewis
Jonathan Collins
>he thinks jews aren't going full power on crypto banks are literally implementing crypto to make transaction easier and because the government can't do shit about it (yet) they are also stealing millions by tricking people who don't know shit about cryptocurrencies
Evan Davis
Can't really blame poor bastards to try and do something to not starve to death.
Tyler Ortiz
How is cryptocurrency determined in value anyhow? It's also odd to me that something that isn't tax-able is considered a valid currency. Not that doesn't sound great, but realistically how can it be legal?
Sebastian Price
Fucking cryptocancer.
Caleb Morris
>Working for goverment on super secret facility >Starving Supply and Demand, economics 101
Parker Rodriguez
It's going to be taxable soon in The US.
Michael Sanders
It's not illegal by the virtue of being new and not understood by governments.
Bentley Anderson
Shhh, nocoiner pajeets.
The kike can't use crypto in its schemes because it can't speculate with them. That's why the ZOG is so afraid of decentralized currencies they can't control.
The transaction fee bullshit only applies to Bitcoin. It's the most popular, but by far not the only crypto out there.
Christopher Ward
>Russian >not starving
Gavin Phillips
Who's ready for 9000?
Landon Anderson
So why exactly do you blame Jews for all the world's problems? Why do you think they're some all-consuming, cosmic, evil entity?
Robert Cruz
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you're not allowed to criticize.
Charles Phillips
>not understood by governments >de gubberment is stoopid lol! Are you literally 12 years old?
Leo Scott
Because /pol/ told me that, and /pol/ is red pilled as fuck bro.
Connor Gomez
I heard that famous quote too! You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar *tips hat respectfully*
Aiden Brown
No, but you seem to be. Democratic government by its nature moves at a snail's pace and it's not weird in the slightest that it's only now starting react to a very young market trend.
Connor Lopez
Because they're literally the master race, and the untermensch will forever be envious.
Nathan Taylor
People shit on them all the time, the fuck are you talking about? I also hear people say thwy're pushing all the liberal ideology but why would they push something like LGBT shit if it's against their religion?
Joshua Allen
xd epic
Carter Rivera
banks across the globe are implementing crypto because it is easier to manage their big ass transactions.they are also already thinking about using it for when the fucking bubble burst again. Ike The Kike knows how to fuck with it too. the moment that shit starts getting implemented for commom use because the noone will want to use bills they will get hold of it
Sebastian Jackson
So, cops, churches, the one percent and Trump supporters? Always seems people who criticize them are demonized as ivory tower elitists.
Jace Diaz
Doesn't mean they don't understand the concept, as the earlier post was implying. The government consists of more than le Dlumpf man and often employs some of the most competent people in any given country.
Thomas Lewis
Are you? Do you seriously think that over 50 politicians are constantly up to date with shitty internet fades?
Matthew Perez
>Why do you think they're some all-consuming, cosmic, evil entity?
Ah, loaded questions right off the bat. I'd expect no less from a brainlet libshit. But okay.
The kike has been expunged from countless European countries throughout the millennia for usury, degenerating the community, shaving bits of gold off coins, poisoning wells, etc.
There's a reason they were supposed to wear identifying yellow pointed hats in the middle ages.
Ian Jones
yeah man the 80 year old cancer patientss and boomers in congress are fucking brilliant, they're only pretending to be retarded
Lincoln Torres
All those things get attacked constantly by nearly all media outlets.
Dylan Torres
Do you seriously think that elected people are the only people who work foe the government? Even if they were the ones who ultimately make decisions, they always consult with experts who actually do the material thinking and planning.
Adrian Gutierrez
Guess what, "le Dlumpf men" are the ones who decide what things have priority and what things get ignored.
Connor Butler
Sebastian Rodriguez
What's your source for these claims? Also, not hating Jews makes you a liberal now?
Cameron Diaz
>Even if they were the ones who ultimately make decisions Yeah, and that's what actually matters.
Julian Wilson
Trump has very lityle influence, his own party hates him because he's fucking up their status qoue.
Henry Rivera
Except they don't make those decisions independently. They are glorified rubber stamps of acceptance for the people who actually work on this stuff.
Jason Murphy
Aiden Taylor
Here's a quick rundown.
Jacob Davis
Oy vey, pic related literally looks like anuda shoah. You can see from color of the smoke its chosen people burning!
Ayden Peterson
I wanted to upgrade my computer but current GPU prices make it a nightmare, how long until the bubble bursts? Will it ever?
Jacob Richardson
What does this matter? When you use more energy you get a higher power bill, sure, but so what? Is there LESS energy to go around then? That doesn't make any sense
Easton Stewart
>and often employs some of the most competent people in any given country.
jesus christ the boomerposters made it all the way to /v/
Dominic Gomez
And yeah, there are only two possible opinions on kikes and the ZOG - you either hate them or have been brainwashed to love them against your own interests.
Joseph Clark
wake up, africa
Cooper Roberts
>this retard. We were talking about over 50 politicians in general, the plural was in that post for a specific reason, you know.
>Except they don't make those decisions independently. You are right they are actually just slaves of their own staff, especially of the youngest and most irrelevant members men that actually know how internet fades work. Just stop trying to save face.
Justin Myers
Here's your 1080 bro.
Ethan Wilson
Where's that paragraph at the top from? That doesn't seem biased at all.
Caleb Campbell
Not that user, he's not completely bullshitting, the stereotype of the greedy and sneaky jew basically started in medieval times when the first banks were basically just getting started and, since the church decided to brand usury as anti-christian, jews and non-christians in general ended up taking advantage of that. Historically speaking the hate against jews isn't something Hitler or /pol/ made up out of a whim
Of course there's still a difference between learning that and believing in modern conspiracy theories