Will learning the Japanese language get me a job?

Will learning the Japanese language get me a job?

fuck off weeb

reddit pls go


learn Chinese instead. fucking weeb

if you're a native english speaker, then getting an english teacher job is easy af, also you don't really have to teach anything really, the japanese teacher does that, while you just sort of stand there looking western and exotic to them

Fun story: a couple of months ago I attended a meeting with a the representatives of a Japanese company. The meeting was arranged by some guy named Cory. Meeting time comes and it's six Japanese guys pretending they don't speak English and an ultraweeb from the Midwest named Cory who pretended to be their interpreter. Do you want to be Cory?

Chinese is fucking useless idiot

I want to translate and localize media. I've been studying for about 6 months but it will take me another year and a half to two years to be really good. Are localizers in demand? What about 30 year old ones...

you won't get a job but you'll get a jap waifu

That won't work either because I'm a nazi.

To anyone who says learn chinese
Someone post that pasta about guy working with fucking chinks

the only words you need to know:

Zenk you! Hajimasta!
Daijobu? Daijobu?

Only fat white girls that age like milk left in a hot car? Got it.
>muh white pwr

Sure. You can ask if anyone want the sucky-sucky in their native tongue. 108¥ per sucky multiplied 1MM times.

it's difficult for a japanese tokyo university student to find a job in japan; rarely any japanese related jobs in the west.
you can translate yaoi and hentai maybe.
I've been learning Japanese for the past year and half purely as a hobby, chinese comes in handy at work since they outsource to China more often.

Japanese was a good thing to learn 30 years ago. you would have made bank out of it. not anymore. not its just weeb territory.

putonghua is in a similar position that Japanese was in 1980. definitely not useless. its value will increase to peak soon.

Japanese is pointless by all accounts though.

Why would anyone learn any language but english?

no, but learning chinese will

>learn chinese
someone post that screencap of russian steel worker user


there is probably no point in learning Chinese in terms of getting a job, you will be competing with 2 mil chinese canadian.
learn software engineer or something

Learn Japanese only to read the porn. I did so, no regrets because they cater to my biggest fetish.

thats assuming the value of chinese is limited to where you live. if you are not looking more internationally it certainly has less value. but it might be enough to push you over the tipping point over another candidate. learning Chinese in itself communicates many things about a person.

what is it? curious

I'm learning not as much as just to read porn but I will probably enjoy a doujin/visual novel or two along the way

On it's own it probably won't give you a career. I'm learning Japanese as a hobby, but I'm a mech eng as well. I live in a small country where the density of Japanese speaking people is next to zero. We still have a bunch of Japanese owned companies in our country. By knowing the owners language it wouldn't be hard to become a more important asset than the ceo in my country. Since almost all kinds of work is rather easy nowadays communication is important.
But at the same time I just take it for what it is; a rather simple, but strenuous language.


Japanese are honorary Aryans.

You forgot one, you baka gaijin.

>he wants to learn pocahontas
It's a dead language.

You realize there are more English speakers in China than there are in America? Anyone that knows Chinese already knows English, because Chinese is such a worthless ass-backwards language.


you can translate VNs for shit pay

Why would you learn Japanese if you could learn Chinese instead?



You can't read visual novels in Chinese.

I speak japanese.
No it wont, unless you are an engineer and intend to work for a japanese company then it may give you an advantage but most gooks there speak english anyway.
Honestly, learning japanese was a waste of time, i use it mostly to watch variety shows (anything from downtown or matsuko deluxe will do), music and of course traveling in japan is another experience.
If i could go back in time i would have learn chinese, although if you dont have enough interest int he language you will never learn, so theres that.

nigga, studying wont do shit.
Go to japan for a couple of months, dont go to tokyo or kansai, go to saninchihou and tohoku areas, also hokkaido and kyushu are amazing, you will be FORCED to speak real japanese there.
Japanese from textbooks is not real japanese. My sister studied japanese for 3 years and she visited me in japan last year and couldnt speak shit. While i only took 6 months and started self learning and going to japan frequently.
School sucks.