Is self-improvement and making money a meme?

Is self-improvement and making money a meme?

>Be in college
>Be about 75% Chad level jacked
>Have money from internships and investing in crypto/stocks
>Still social anxiety and low-self esteem
>Only life goals are to get QT gf to fuck and play vidya whenever I want

What the fuck is wrong with me?

It's your mental state user. As soon as you change that you're golden ponyboy

How do I even do that? I'm like a born pessimist, kinda wish I wasn't

Well if you have a lot of money then you can do whatever the fuck you want, that's the point isn't it? I mean, I'm only 22 so I've got to fucking do something with my life and of course I will have some sort of job in the future, but hopefully it will be a job that I go to because I find it enjoyable and satisfying, not because I need it to pay my rent.

Do whatever makes you happy user, but for most of us that means having enough money to not have to wagecuck.

user you're exactly like me. Do social media management.the money is dumb easy. All you need is one good connection and it just builds on itself.

Unless you're in tallahassee or tampa, then fuck off. those are my fucking clients

Self improvement and making money are all good and well op nut you need more in your life than (((materialism))). Find sone higher purpose for your life devote yourself to god and the 14 words and you will feel better.

Yes. Men weren't obsessed with self-improvement before cultural Marxism took root, they simply existed and tried to improve themselves as a consequence of nature and community.

Listen to Zig Ziglar

Being a chad is literally a state of mind, not a physical state. There’s countless of examples of this irl.


once I had the motivation to make money, it spilled over into every other aspect of my life


nobody changes, try everything you want. in the end you can never run away from who you are.

You mean personality wise?

yeah like mentally

Fucking whiners... Self esteem isn't something you're born with. Phisique has nothing to do with it. The trick is to forget you're a piece of shit and to have in mind that women are attention black holes.

So I should literally just kms

>and play vidya whenever I want

if you are introspective and truthful, there is no better way to improve yourself, or atleast find out what kind of bitch faggot you are, than by daytrading

if you are really 75% chad, read a trading book (thats one more book than a 100% would need to read) then put some of your own money on the line, and see what kind of person you are. stocks, cryptos, forex, it doesn't matter

Just buy 1 BTC and go into a comma for 5 years.

Nah I meant in terms of lifting. I'm literally 0% Chad in terms of personality.

i have qt gf to fuck whenever and play vidya whenever i want. it's pretty good.

nah, get rich, then you can fuck whores

God, friends, family, community and purpose through your work is what makes a man happy. Life is meant to be simple but Westerners in their hubris think living in constant competition until they burn out is the best thing

we completely lost track of whats important to live
stop listening to the kike media and go back to basics.

holy shit, why do you think this changes anything? you'd be 100% chad already if you didn't have shit holding you back

That's just it though. People tell you to change your viewpoint or change your state of mind, but that's pretty vague. Like it's easy to tell yourself that, but I don't know how to even start the process.

gotta find a purpose in life. sex& money are shallow and empty. more like treats.

overly critical father? parents disapproving of your decisions and hobbies?

its fucked, but its possible to put it past you. its ok to play vidya and sit on your ass. if you start to love yourself and accept yourself those emotions will go away and you will want to do more stuff.


>overly critical father
I haven't heard that that causes a pessimistic attitude but it makes sense.

well of course if whatever you do is never good enough. then you start believing that no matter what you do makes sense or is of worth. your thinking becomes your reality. well we can always get into the nature vs nurture debate. or some people with an opposing personality take it as motivation etc...


This has to be peak moron.