Bitmain ETH asic
Either ETH bricks a bunch of Chinese shit as soon as they are shipped or crypto mining is ruined totally.
I think he'll brick all their shit desu and watching the salty tears will be awesome. All the butthurt over $5000 paper weights will be glorious.
>ethereum switches to POS in Q2 confirmed
Ethereum has a reason to switch to a CPU friendly hash mining algo now.
can you game on asic miners?
wait, 220mh/s for 3000$? This is about what you'd get from just buying RX480s, not even bios modding them.
Laugh at the asic cucks.
No it's not you fucking idiot.
>He buys graphics cards for 2x-3x overprice
AMD is manufacturing more cards, wait 3-4 weeks and you'll see new RX500s and vegas hitting the markets for a bit over msrp.
3000$ fr an asic miner that gets 220mh/s is ridiculously bad. You can get 220mh/s from 7-8 RX480s or RX 580s, which a few months ago was 250$ a card, or $1750-2000. Fucking nigger get out of here. Even right now this asic miner is hardly better than current 400$ grpahics cards. I fucking laugh.
If you weren't getting raped and were getting them for 300 that's actually about right.
So you are judging a current market price based on a non existent historical price of a consumer grade card that is highly in demand and no longer going for those low prices?
WTF why would you buy a new f150 when a mode T was only $100! You are getting fucked!!
read the last 2 sentences you illiterate pajeet streetshitter. 400$ current RX cards actually will be better anyway. because I forgot to include the cost of a PSU and computer you'd need regardless for a ASIC miner.
plus you can get these cards now vs waiting several months where difficulty will be higher and reward lower. Wait 1 month literally and AMD will have provided some cheaper VEGAs and RXs.
Plus if eth falls in the shitter you can still mine other shit with the AMD cards while the asic will only do ethash.
Yeah, when Money Skele releases the Spooky Ghost update there's no more Proof of Cheap Electricity, right?
You'd have to be fast to buy the cards which gets listed x2-3 above msrp
>ebay RX 480 4gb
>1st result
This should get you about 29mhs
I'm in the UK so its different
plus you can't do a goddamn thing with that asic miner while you can offload those gpu's on unsuspecting gaymers.
isn't 4gb worthless for eth?
Can i hook this bad boy up to my mac or iPad?
Not worthless but will likely be obsolete when DAG hits 4gb
the dag still fits in 3gb for now.
Someone should make a ram coin so we can finally inflate the ram prices to levels that we never thought where possible.
they're inflated so much right now because of phones