Veeky Forumsingo

Veeky Forumsingo

If you win, you're properly diversified.

It's actually frightening that the middle row is my literal portfolio.

only these 2 :(

I didnt know i had to diversify.

Why hold AION and not also at least one of WAN or ICX?

because I sell my coins high and not hodl

Risk management. It's for those of us who aren't brainlets.

crypto currencies. Its for those that are brainlets

Risk management. For those of us who aren't complete brainlets spending allowance money from mummy and deddy, ya dumb NEET

But i only have TRTL

No xrb on the hpb no qash.. disappointed. Guess I’m not gonna make it

For those who make the same post twice with an extra sentence


How are you gonna list tron and not xrb. Tron has a plagiarised whitepaper and no working product or minimum viable product. Xrb is already working and accepted in e- commerce payments using brain blocks, a subsidiary of Paypal check out.

Praise kek


How does this fucking coin constantly get these numbers

Checked & Kek’d


Do you even crypto?

honestly every coin on there seems like a great investment

Feels so fucking good

10x Bingo. I have them all. No joke faggots. I care of risk management cause I put in more then your 5k mummy money.

kek is with us



row 2 is the best. column 3 is the worst

checked. no linkers rekt.



Checkidy checked

fuck, so close

you forgot DBC




What the fuck


If you want to see larger returns that go past regular market increase, then a less diverse (more risk) portfolio should do it.



Because it is fucking constantly shilled, its called statistics brainlets


no he didnt

What the fuck


What if I don't have Bitcoin? Shouldn't middle be a freebie?


No bingo, but the next best thing, many LINK