Today Vechain CEO Sunny Lu met with a bigshot in Belgian politics. He spilled the beans on VeChain:

Today Vechain CEO Sunny Lu met with a bigshot in Belgian politics. He spilled the beans on VeChain:
(it's in Dutch)

He says he wants to use VeChain (VeVID I suppose) to replace the eID Belgians now use.

Other urls found in this thread:


there is no point in posting this shit to the retards on here. they will post that same old 'shady shit' or 'sunny is a rapist' and laugh to themselves at how clever they are...

oh wow more empty hype

>yes vechain is good buy at $8! gonna moon because of dnv announcement!! dnv announcing something big about vechain!! trust us :^)

this faggot is a perfect example of what i'm talking about


Sunny Lu is the new Justin Sun?

Hype and no substance? What have they delivered? Where's their github?


>Looks for public repo for iPhone source code

Apple is the new Justin Sun?

Hype and no substance? What have they delivered? Where's their github?


Vechain is nothing but fluff, I cut my losses after it hit $3.85 yesterday total shitcoin. BNTY looks like it's going to moon.

mfw i hold both VEN and walton. Literally can't lose, get at me fggts

you obviously know VET is legit but dont even bother defending it on here. just wait til price explodes then you can come back and drop a fat turd on all these fuckers

I met sunny lu in the elevator once and he asked me "you want to pray game buy vechains scam coin now you burgerman"

I felt so uncofortable and knew that supporting a rapist would be problematic.

hahaahahahahahaa buy high sell low way to sell one of the best projects in crypto if not the best


is this just a wanabe walton cone


0.00048597 $4.24

fuck ven chain. waltencoin is a true Veeky Forums coin. ven chain is full of racists and /pol/ posters. fuck the racist and buy diversity.

Sell low
Nice work user

Exactly. Walton is the favorite coin of sjw soyboy trannies.

I agree. I bought WTC to get some extra money for my wife and her children, and it's never been better

i mean, they did say blockchain was going to be part of everything they do. that's pretty big
but yeah i don't know why people think that would affect the price

coca cola kid is a racist, he refers to people of indian origin as pajeets.

Why would Sunny hire such a insensitive human being?


people haven't gone all in yet?

*breathes in*


This coin is racist, sexist, homophobic,
transphobic, unstable, corrupt, evil, stupid,
mean, and scary. Basically Donald Drumpy.

the coin, HAHA


shut the fuck up you kike

The coin isn't. Just its fag shillers.

Sunny has travelled around the planet in 6 months that anons couldn't hope to do in 6 years

>no whitepaper
>no blockchain info
>no scaling info
>no token value info
>lied about Vitalik being advisor(tweet now deleted).

and still has more contacts and actual IRL agenda than 90% of all shitcoins on coinbase combined

Holding 10,500 VEN is the comfiest hold in my folio. Even beats out the 20,000 DRGN I picked up for a quarter and the 250 NEO. To anyone who is serious about not having a bit of VEN in their portfolio I don't know why you bother investing - VEN is almost a sure-fire bet.


you mean cmc?

u dumb shit, vechain is already priced in. have fun with your slow gains

meant to say binance


You can’t lose, different winners, never understood why people think they are related.

But you don't know what makes the token valuable, it's true value might as well be under the current value.



If this was a scam, don't you think they would have exit scammed by now? So many exit scams have whitepapers, blockchain info, scaling info...everything on the surface to make you think they're legit. That's the purpose of a scam - to APPEAR legit. And once they ICO, they take the money and run.

Instead, VEN is trying to scam you by intentionally looking like a scam with no whitepaper? And instead of immediately running away with their money, they're falsifying partnerships over the past 6 months? That's some patient, next level scamming. Or, OR maybe they're legit. Whether they'll succeed or not is a different story.

I've worked a few startups in my career and they all made the mistake of creating a product first and then looking to see if there was a market for it. Again, I don't know if VEN will succeed, but building partnerships, ensuring a market FIRST and then building the product is actually a smart move.