Where were you guys when the prophecy was deleted by mods?
>NWO economist pics everywhere, dubs and trips all over the thread, uploading the pics now
Where were you guys when the prophecy was deleted by mods?
Why was this even deleted
I saw it too user I have screen shots too and THOSE DIGITS AGAIN
It’s because your shill group is shilling this scam too hard
Takes away any form of appeal
What the flying fuck is that?
Nope too many digits. Mods want to accumulate
I agree that the shilling is bad, but ffs remember when REQ was all over the place. Shit's nothing compared to this. LINK on the other hand
you retards post about these two shitcoins more than everything else combined, no shit you're going to "get digits"
here we go again HOW IS THIS HAPPENING
The odds of this photo are less than 1/100 and people post hundreds of prediction threads a day.
This is really no big deal, unless of course I post digits
Checked. $100 confirmed
No other threads get digits like this unless the prophecy is mentioned
Link will be $12 end of Q1 2018
I saw THREE threads in a row, all pushing insane digits, and it was ONLY REQ threads mentioning the prophecy of $100
Im capping this thread too, theres a reason Nikola Tesla and big powerful people talk about "numbers" in their life
req and link are hand in hand my friend
3, 6, and 9?
Not really. Req uses link. Link doesnt use req.
I agree, which is why Im in Link and not Req. Buying Req is double dipping on Link's sucess. Link fails; they both fail. Im also in BAT because it is the only token that doesnt need Link's oracles and can stand on it's own.
Why not both?