Soon stinkies

Hey you
Yeah you stinky linky
Im talking to you
Very very soon sir
We will be made
Imagine it if you will:
>wake up
>check you link node payout
>only made 10 link over night
>"Damn only made $600 today"

These will be your problems soon user.

I have 13k link, I ran the numbers and I'd be comfy with even $20-30 Link. I'm going to keep buying until my minimum wage checks no longer make a reasonable impact on my holdings.

we are going to be so comfy user.
Reddit has written us off (good)
Nubiz thinks its a meme
They will see.
They will fomo so hard by the end of the year.
I have never been so sure of anything in my life
It feels so comfy
So so comfy


You do realize that Carvertical is going to blow LINK the fuck out of the water right? How delusional are you linkies? Holy shit.


thanks for the tip just sold all my linkies for the decentralized car blockchain of the future

How much for a masternode?

>Reddit has written us off (good)
because you shilled it like pajeets, thinking you were clever enough to trick redditors into buying your bags. they arent that stupid

>Nubiz thinks its a meme
it is a meme. just look at all the nubiz fags filling entire threads with shitty memes and "kek magic", pathetic newfags

>They will fomo so hard by the end of the year.
heard this in 2017 with "$5 by end of year dont miss out!"

>I have never been so sure of anything in my life
>It feels so comfy
>So so comfy
because you are a delusional bag holder


Im less than 100 linkys. QQ

getting in the game almost too late. I am going to get more as often as i can between now and end of march. i hope i can break 500 because poor and stuff


no such thing

>t.Nu/biz/ Redditor

this is the best LINK meme yet

says the election trash who discovered Veeky Forums in 2016 and thinks "kek magic" is real or something.. fucking pathetic

Hitler created a currency backed by hours worked and goods produced. The Rothschilds create fiat currency by lending it to nations at an interest. The Rothschilds owned Britain, France, America and Russia when Hitler came to power. Questioning the legitimacy of an historical event can land you in prison in over 40 countries today. You do the math.
Also, buy link.


a bunch of well meaning retards.

LinkPool sounds like dream came true BUT you have to give link ownership to them, not so comfy..

You'd be surprised user, I've taken no stake in the election and have been visiting here strictly for buisness, mockery and Link; I'm a /co/mrade through and through, a little more knowledgeable than your fitfeen year old white boy newfag, and see deeper than the meme coins at hand.

dubs confirm, thank you user.

you'll never make it. 10k minimal. 2k for fun money. Anything less is pathetic.

that's $100,000 in a year or two

Any sources as to how much you get paid for running a node?

Linkpool have no way to predict returns yet but if its 5% /month as they suggested, niggas will be biting your hand off to provide pooling services.

Linkpool may be the only one promising this service rn but in the near future the market will be flooded with competitors.

does anyone have any realistic reason to believe price will go up after the conference?
not sure how long time one has to accumulate, at what price are you planning to stop accumulating link?

>they arent that stupid
Yes they are. Look at Bernie Sanders and bitconnect.
>heard this in 2017 with "$5 by end of year dont miss out!"
It was practically EOY by the time link started trading. And they did FOMO hard as balls the end of that year too. I wish I could have made a binance account sooner I could have bought link at $0.01

Poorfag here.
I did the math on how much i need to survive for the next 28 days until paycheck arrives. Just spent my last exposable dime on some more Linkies


I sold what ETH i had an moved into LINK as hard as i can for now. I am sitting at about 180 coins +/-. I am thankful that i got in at all. If i can top 500 i will be happy but it may rocket before i get the chance.

In the same situation and thinking of doing the same thing, I may not have the balls.

Who wants to touch me?

t. 70k stinky linky

82k, suck my dick

Nobody knows the time of the price singularity.
But when it happens, everyone will know.
All across the world, voices will echo "..what's wrong? Is everything ok?"
A few vehicular accidents will occur seemingly for no reason.
Several pilots, delivery drivers, and one pajeet who forgot to close a submarine hatch will all last be seen yelling at their phones.
Binance will crash. Everyone scrambling to buy LINKs will see 404.
Etherdelta will become so overwhelmed with traffic it will slow to a halt. It will become unusable.
The only orders that will happen will be buy orders that have already been placed.
LINK will reach unimaginably high prices within minutes.
Every noLINKer's eyes will watch. The tiny LINK cube on coinmarketcap will be reflected in their eyes.
However, the ones who knew...the ones who had heard, but didn't listen...
their cubes will be distorted by tears.
As these tears fall onto rapidly moving fingers that are refreshing binance or etherdelta multiple times,
Haunting music rings in their ears infinitely.
The harrowing noise of the bells causes the noLINKer's soul to shiver...and scream.
Biz will be filled with LINK memes. All threads will be titled "You had your chance."
Monitors will be smashed. Laptops broken in half. Weddings, family reunions, graduation ceremonies, and other social events across the world will be plagued by the audible cries of noLINKers who knew the path but didn't take it.
Their hopelessness crushes them inside, but they keep having to wageslave, and forcing a smile on their face every day to avoid ever being asked "what's wrong?" again will eat away at their sanity.
This soon becomes a worldwide phenomenon, and noLINKer syndrome will be added to DSM-V and heavily studied.
Most normies will continue enjoying their playpens.
But the ones who knew...
they will become uncomfortably intimate with despair...
For they know they missed the opportunity of a lifetime, and another precious path to freedom has disappeared forever.

So it was fortold

I’m going to shit my pants