Playing with a few dozens of dollars in crypto (a gift)

>Playing with a few dozens of dollars in crypto (a gift).
>Somehow manage to transform it into 350€.
>I save some real money in order to get into crypto.
>Buy 200€ worth of BTC right before the great dip of January.
>Hold during the dip. Stronger hands than Atlas after the Titanomachy.
>February 12. BTC is going to boom again.
>The best moment to invest!
>Unfortunately I have no money for this.

It sucks, guys.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Being this poor

You're a disgrace, get a job you bum.

>implying I don't have one.

" you sucks" fixed it for u

I bet her feet look and smell amazing. Imagine getting to rub them all over your face especially right after this pic was taken, her moist soggy cool feet all over your face. mmmm

Her feet, just for you.

Cool make better life choices and you’d have more money.

Donated to your address though, 1 BTC just check ;)

Wow, thanks for the imaginary money, sir. ;)

I'm in love with this girl bro

if this is a begging thread sum1 plz gimme ltc
im injured and cant even wagecuck today

Then you should check her Instagram and SoundCloud:

Asian women aren't real

They are made of artificial synthetic polymers and fail


thanks user. BTC will recover sooner than you know. Unironically try to get on the LINK train during the last week of Feb, first week of March.

Enjoy your b& op

You thought you were being sneaky didnt you

I hope u get hit by a truck next time u cross a street.

You're so cute, mate...

I appreciate the advice. I'll keep an eye open. Unfortunately I don't know if I'll be to move my crypto fast enough. I want BTC to recover, and I have faith in Bottos (BTO) as well as Agoras (AGRS).

Why tf is biz obsessed with this weak chin, puffy cheek, overbite fugo?

She also has the worst jagged-ass teeth I have ever seen in my life. She looks like she got kicked in the face by a donkey.


Nobody is going to mention my quads? She is for cuddling and loving, user. I don't expect you can understand that.


saged and reported

holy shit rajeesh.

This girl looks like she has no spring in her step, not a single spark in her eye. She looks like she would drain your excitement about anything in life. Please find a female worth dreaming about.

tfw no asian gf

Nice quads user.

There are waaaay cuter girls to cuddle than this uggo. Plus ones that dont rip your dick to shreds with her peasant teeth when she gives you a bj.

Normies detected. Keep your manly western women. Real Veeky Forumsness-men strive for asian qt's.