How do i fuck a girl 5 years older than me that makes more money than me

how do i fuck a girl 5 years older than me that makes more money than me



Push your penis into her vagina

have you tried that?

You don't. She fucks you.

tell her you have 20 million dollars worth of crypto

Smile and be yourself around her

Just make more money than her and get older

i frown around her because i feel inferior desu

Are you 2 entire points above her in physical attractiveness?

get used to being cucked

shes and 8 and ive been lookismed to be a 7-9

Then you'll never fuck her. Girls don't like low confidence betas.

I’ve fucked a much richer girl five years older than me. Everyone said she looked like a model too, no LARP. The secret was just being myself, made her laugh, I acted normal and didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. So, beats me.

Of course I’ve been single for years now too and so that laissez-faire approach can bite me in the ass.


very carefully

i'll tell you how not fuck her: by thinking that your money and age matters when you're trying to just have sex with a girl

I dated a girl when i was 25, she was 33, she was so fucking insecure about it that we broke up fast.
We dated again when she was 38 and i was 30, same shit, she was insecure and dumber, we were together for almost 10 months and she was actually learning from me. Sex was so fucking bad, she didnt had a lot of experience so i dumped her.
Basically this, but dont show any weakness, if you dont have a car and she does, tell her and dont think twice.
I think i was more attractive than her. She was not fat, so it was ok for me.

That said, i want some 18yo pussy right now. But only sex, younger girl are annoying as fuck and require shit loads of investment.

tell her to invest in tron


hands off my Kenyan Queen

Grab her by her balls

An 8 and older than you?

She'll hunt you down or nothing will happen. Sit back and relax, either she makes a move or you're fucked.

If you have a 20cm dick just take it out when no one s around you. She will get down her knees and suck it 100%. No joke.

You don't.

Who is this semen demon? Seriously want

High Level Goldman Sachs employee aka out of your league