
How do I get started as a Twitch streamer? I'm a black girl. Should I wear afro hair or colorful wigs? I want to make money obviously.

I am really bad at gaming so can someone recommend easy games?

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just pander to white guys with jungle fever and stick white dildos up your twat.

the state of Veeky Forums

you should start by playing KYS, it's the easiest.

>nigger cosplaying

maybe hit some sit-ups or something damn

Unless if you are god tier at make up and wig styling, just wear your hair either really fucking straight or big and picked out. As for wardrobe, anything suggestive should work, and given that your a sista, you likely have a decent ass of which you should twerk for decent level donations. Personality, just be you with an added tinge of flirtatiousness and bubble. Good luck, you're doing more than most of us niggas could do

You're a few years too late, honey.

just do this, works every time

Also make sure for decently fit, aim for a slim thicc figure that's all the rage at the moment, tights should accentuate this

what i mean by hair

colorful wig:


Both would do fine, the hair is not that important unless you want to cosplay.
The most important part is the looks, if you're not hot forget about it.

i know what white girl hot is but what do white guys consider hot for a black girl?

Just have a pretty face, slim body.
I think you can figure out your own if you have a pretty face or not.

If not, post pics.

um i think im cute, not hot
but i have tits and a butt

but at the same time i dont want to be a whore like some other girls

nothing m8
sheboons are disgusting

give us an example of ur face, like a similar looking celebrity or some shit

the fuck how are we gonna give advice otherwise

pics or gtfo

>i dont want to be a whore like some other girls

yeah op you're not gunna make it

you're a nigger
ergo you can't be cute or hot

obvious LARP

why do you treat people like this?

idk if youre like the black girls you see in rap videos your hot.

You either have to be a whore/hot or really good at games, and you're none of those two things.
Not gonna make it senpai.

Those ratchet nigs in rap videos are ugly asf


skin whitening

padded bra

play those point n click conversation games

smile a lot

white/blonde wig

thanks me later

Kinda sad that I knew this was the response I was going to get. I don't know what the point is anymore


This. I hooked up with a black girl that only liked white guys and it was hot.

I think the key to getting started as a Twitch streamer is to network. Get on other people's streams. Play with other people constantly and interact with fans constantly.

I couldn't handle that shit, you'd have to be on 24/7. It'd actually be hardwork.

>Twitch streamer
>I am really bad at gaming

the site youre looking for is called chaturbate. possibly myfreecams.

yeah lots of people get depressed doing it. when you're forced to be online 24/7 you end up shutting people in your life out, which would fuck most people up badly


As everyone else has said just pander to your views to no end. You honestly don't event have to be good at any games to get viewers just network a fair bit and views will roll in.
To be honest I'm actually a mod for a twitch girl turned myfreecams model and she makes bank. If you have no shame sell your body, if you can't do that be good at games and have good interaction.

If all else fails dip into crypto gains and view bot a bit to get real people interested.


get a nose job and a perm. larp as a palette swapped white girl, essentially.

>skin whitening

kill yourself. Don't do this OP you're going to get skin cancer

Go with the afro, wear a custom black-fashion crossed with Japanese sailor suit uniform, and copy the videos of Kizuna Ai.

I'm pretty jelly that black people get to wear bold colours and they work with their skin tone.
Like this. Those sunglasses are fa

I like what I’m hearing here. Any pics ?

Oh yeah, do some kind of hair highlights or colourful ribbons in hair. The more unique the better. Be consistent over your videos, ignore trolls, speak the truth, don't sell out. be someone your viewers can rely on for joy and fun after their hard day of wageslavery. This means preparing new interesting/fun things to do in every video, and having sound effects board, video effects to pop up over your stream and heighten interest, emotion, and fun.
aka it's had work

you can start by sending me nudes


There is already a bubble forming for the hot girl streamer market, this is so 2010-20 ish and will become lame with the next paradigm shift.....If you still want to go for it, my best suggestion would be that you pick a game and train with it for atleast 100h before you stream and make a point for your skill with the game and put looks to second priority, actually go for a more tomboyish style coupled with 'edgy' troll comments here and there (bant with the audience)

That bitch is a bed wench. OP, don't sell out your race. Be you. Ignore the racist fags, they've only smelt their own mothers pussy.

>How do I get started as a Twitch streamer? I'm a black girl. Should I wear afro hair or colorful wigs? I want to make money obviously.

I would just start paying games with some kind of cult following to draw in hardcore crowds. Then wear a slightly more revealing outfit every week.

white and asian women have really cornered the market, you might have more of a market to yourself.

Ino is a roastie

act like a white girl who is trying to act like a japanese girl


Pic one, you would have better luck just going on seeking arrangements or some other sugar daddy site if you aren’t willing to get naked on camera.

we like black grills

Lol nice try nigger.

wow that does not suit her

Play an online cardgame like Hearthstone or something

Post face op

We don’t 95% of the time. Some go for the pink on the inside shit apparently so giggle and wear pink lipstick. Or become white or Asian.

Big old nigger nose is fooling no one.

Ugh I hate black people that support Trump to appease racist white people.

Stop the self hate!

Race cuckery

What's your palette? Be a darker version of Brittany Venti

We don’t care about that shit. We like innocent and pure with a hint of naughty. Us white guys like teen rosey cheeked virgins with light skin. This is true for most of us like most black guys like ‘dat booty’. Some of us are different but the majority go for cute but naughty and not sexy so you lot are out unless you are 5ft nothing like that girl CM Punk married. Check her out. If you are black and can’t pull that off then you will not appeal to 90% of white guys.

Still better than being a shaved ape.

black girls are sweethearts, maternal and very faithful unlike white women who will stab you in the back at every possible turn. also if you have a body paint thing and she is into it you basically are the luckiest man on earth. pic related. yea its my fetish I also like white girls with fangs and girls like to dress up anyway, go fuck yourself.

>black girls are sweethearts, maternal and very faithful

how everyone else on 4 chan has gotten this far without realising white men and black women are the best you can date.



All western women are degenerate with a few exceptions. Black women are the worst baring London skanks.

kek iv been on pol for 5 years. im not going anywhere. I also invest in stocks not internet chucky cheese coins.

you dumb shits are worse than those people that buy.0001 penny stocks lmao

13 whites, 2 Asians girls all long term fucked and only kissed one black because I was drunk. I’ve kissed more guys than that. Fuck, I’ve fucked more guys than that. No ty.

>what do white guys consider hot for a black girl?
The being white part.

what did he mean by this?

You’re going nowhere in life then? Good to know! See you on the moon.
t. Real old fag.

Quick question why are you asking biz? You know we buy high and sell low aka we have no money and are not good at making money.

I’ve turned down more black girls than most of Veeky Forums gets laid in a lifetime. Twice.

>closeted gay nazi guy like fucking men more than blak women
no way


I’m not a nazi. I’m a race realist but that’s beside the point. The guys were before the age of 12 though (we were all that young) so it doesn’t count. We were practicing ;)
Like most white guys, as I’ve explained above, don’t fancy ‘sexy’ black women. I go for cute and innocent.

AJ Lee! That’s the blik I would but she’s barely a quadroon and she’s also fucked a black dude so that’s a no from me.

read the news twitch put out recently, come monday the titty streamers are going to have a harder time assuming twitch admins actually stick to their guns.

t. self hating white liberal faggot

this is some serious weapons grade autism

Only hot white girls can make it on twitch. Black girls are ugly (even black guys think so) sooo good luck

>The guys were before the age of 12 though
>I go for cute and innocent.
go on

Well you can’t go for girls who like black guys. It’s very revealing of their mentality 90% of the time. I don’t touch girls who only fucked for physical reasons. They are no good. It just so happens that as a race realist I am aware that 90% of black guys are just animals. I would be fine if the guy was civilised but it’s easier to generalise. Hence ‘no coal burners’ but the same goes for any chick that ducked off the quarterback under the bleachers too. No thanks. I have standards. I would not want a damaged roastie being the mother of my children.

I turned down a 14yo girl when I was 18 and I’m 34 now and don’t date under 28. Mostly because they are degenerate hoes who grew up sexting and watching porn who have tattoos and nose piercings. It’s easier to generalise and rule them out. Some are ok but most that aren’t are will be up their own arse too so it’s easier not to bother. Maybe one day they will learn to keep their legs closed. Single mothers are out too. I ain’t no cuck.

Are you from the UK?

What is the fucking point of this thread.

>no tits posted
>thread receives 85 posts anyways
the absolute state, etc...

>I’m 34
this keep getting better and better. a fascinating insight into the mind of a /pol/tard

But yeah. Cute and innocent. That’s what makeup is supposed to do. Also why it doesn’t work on black chicks. You can’t give them the youthful cherub look with it unless they are tiny and really pale. It’s literally the reason makeup exists.

I don’t go on pol. That place is full of shills and tribalism. Every single one of my male mates thinks like I do, even if not openly. Like everyone I know over 40 secretly hates immigrants behind closed doors and in private but are to scared to say it openly. Like most things, people are only silent about things while they think they are a minority. The trick to sjw activism is making people think they are a majority. That’s their biggest lie.
It is most evident on social media where moderation and bans are given for dissent and wrong think. You need force to suppress a majority, not a minority and they know this.


Are you the same bitch that keeps saying you're a black girl in random biz threads? If so it's obvious to me by now you're a house nigger looking for white acceptance kys why the fuck would you ask autistic racist ass Veeky Forums for help on this

I love watching you blacks get triggered when one of your own doesn’t follow the plan. What’s next, calling them an Uncle Tom and some BLM communist chanting to shut out the conversation? Only people who know they are wrong chant in the face of conversation.

this is best thread ever tell us more

Buy LINK obviously.

I hate niggers

wow you are just the worst human bean ever, hey I fucked two black girls once,think that was some sort of primal urge? im irish living in florida help me though it user.

Reminds me of this