A few hours before BTC hits bottom, user claiming to work for Deutsche Bank says they're buying BTC

>A few hours before BTC hits bottom, user claiming to work for Deutsche Bank says they're buying BTC
>Same day CFTC/SEC/US Senate endorses cryptocurrencies
>Mario Draghi, president of european central bank, does a 180 and suddenly says European banks could soon also take positions in BTC
>JP Morgan suddenly does a 180 and says crypto is here to stay


Was Deutsche bank user for real? Did banks make their big entrance in crypto?

Other urls found in this thread:


This is your signal to sell.

Kill yourself. This is the signal to buy.

Kek. No.

Notice how the massive MSM FUD campaign against suddenly stopped? That's because they want it to go back up.

Buy the dip

No, they bought low and now they need normalfags to buy from them while its still high.

If only wall street was as dumb as you, the world would be a much better place.

>banks are crooked

not really surprised

buy BTC and IOST
so cheap right now

banks are a euphemism for jews

Dimon is a goy though

what's up with the "JPMC" project?

Not so fast.


>They were married by a rabbi, as the Kents are Jewish.

He's a jew in disguise.





>Cryptocurriences here to stay
So is herpes, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing

Fuck off, Jamie. We're not telling you anything.

You're all being played.

His wife is jewish, he's not. Smart man though for making sure his children would be of the tribe.




This means no more exchange bans possible

Those things are not equivalent.

Can confirm she has the requisite Khazar Milkers