”you’ll never get rich working for someone else”

>”you’ll never get rich working for someone else”

>”businesses don’t exploit workers”


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Similar story from work.

A guy at work came up with an idea, designed and implemented the system to make it work. Had to jump through loads of hoops to convince management it was a good idea. He put himself under a shitton of pressure and increased his own workload for over a year before it was implemented. He's still running it now for them and working long fucking hrs, but the system doesn't require him to run it so he can't leverage the position. It's saved the company $300k already and his testing showed it would save them around $1m a yr.

They gave him a $100 gift voucher. That is all. No promotion, no wage increase.

The best part was when he came in complaining that the IRS taxed him on the gift card.

Working hard for other people is a scam. Make it look like you are working hard, make it look like you care, get in with the right people and you will do a lot better than anyone who actually does real work. 99.99% of execs/leaders/managers/senior members of organisation are paid mega bucks to just make decisions based on other people's work and then expect other people to make their decision happen.

don't be a giftcardcuck

yeah it's fucking bollocks...

I made ten thousands for my previous boss and received a 200 dollar bonus as a thank you.

Now I work for myself and run my own webshop.

Big if true

It's funny because politicians pretend to not know whats causing productivity stagnation.

The small business I work at could do with some grafting, but i'm already doing 30% of the work for about 5% of the the profits. All because the boss could afford to set up and leave it to run itself, whilst controlling the money.

His "suggest" were already being implemented anyway. They gave him a pat on the head and £10 for nothing.

My number one wagecucking rule: never trust your employer. Ever. The whole relationship is exploitation plain and simple. They might seem like good people, maybe even like your friend but at the end of the day you are a pawn for their gains. Dont give something for nothing expecting them to do the right thing. It will never happen.

That's why you never implement shit at your actual workplace. You go to the competition and sell your ideas there for a better position and a sweet bonus. Along with the corporate secrets and other shit they might be interested in.

If you have good ideas, keep them to yourself and make your own business

his idea was for company vehicles to use company petrol stations
not that mindblowing

>go to lunch with CEO and CEO of foreign sister company
>foreign CEO brags how they make a million per employee in revenue
>boss tells him "shh dont say that we have workers around"

yeah fuck these people I used to put in lonng hours and give a fuck. not anymore.

>implying not every fucking idea under the sun has been concocted.


Who in the absolute fuck do you work for that is making a million per employee? Better yet, who in the fuck is making this place a million in revenue? Why does this sound so fucked?

Also HR is a scam, wagecucks always tell you " hr here to help you, they looking after you"

There job is to squeeze the most money/productivity out of employees and make sure you either don't quit if they want you or get rid of you if they don't want you. There role is literally called human resources.

So many cucks at work who think they are there to support your "development" and "career progression". tragic

I learnt early on how bad hr can be, a guy working with us went to them saying he was bored in the job because he thought he could do much more and his manager was holding the team back. Suggested all these ways they could make things better. HR were really friendly and open even before he went to talk to them, they're like "yes we want you to grow inside our business too"

Anyway they told the manager and the guy I worked with got pushed out of the company for not having the right culture. the manager still runs that team like shit and nothing gets done. I saw the hr files because I do the tech and it was all shit like "gets bored easily at work, doesn't put in 100%" not what the guy meant at all and not what he said to them.

hr are the minions of the managers

Ever notice how it's always obese, butterfaced women who work in HR?

It doesn't mean what you think it means

>implying an idea makes a business

to start with you need two things to make a business profitable. the ability to create something (supply chain, production) and the ability to sell something (contacts, market research, leads, hard work). after that you can focus on expanding and making a good business. but if you have no way to make/distribute something and no one who will buy it then it will be worthless.

also the startup meme doesn't apply to normal people. it's either ran by already rich people who can afford to not make a profit for 2-5yrs or people who are good enough at marketing to get some stupid VCs to pay for them to not make a profit for 2-5yrs

I don't think anyone is under the delusion that HR is there to help them, they just have to pass that bullshit image to try to trick people into thinking they're necessary personnel.

Thanks nigger. It took one second to google that.

To be fair, maybe he meant they literally have butter residue on their faces.

i always thought if you arent getting promoted for putting in the effort its time to quit

That's what a shit load of makeup looks like. That's what I always thought it meant - a woman with so much makeup on her face that it looks like she smeared butter all over herself.

This is exactly why you job hop. Companies don't give the slightest shit about you once you're hired, so the only way to get what you deserve is get hired with it.

at the fs hotel i quit last year the hr juniors were the fuckable ones along with marketing.

Today, I went into work to cover for another workers day shift. I saw all the workers at the place I'm contracted out too.
The worker suite and HR suite had a bunch of old boomer types, pajeets, and a few numale faggots that come with innercity hippy college towns. The Design suite has few boomers and pajeets but many numales and couple younger wimmin.
Executive suite man if I didn't browse /pol/ I wouldn't have noticed all the hook noses and bald spots.
Then there's Veeky Forumsguy he got moved from the worker suite to executive suite.

No, it means "everything is hot, BUT HER FACE".

stupid fuckin commies, you put in your hours and be fuckin glad you have the opportunity to mess around on bullshit instead of doing your actual job

Your reading comprehension is complete shit you annoying fuck. Damn you're annoying.

this is truth. average 3% yoy wage growth if you don't move. average 15% yoy wage growth if you move jobs (if youre good at interviews and not autistic).

i move job every 2yrs, you end up going into a more senior position and getting a wage increase, along with all the kushy sign-up bonuses they offer to get you on board. it takes 6 months to fully understand their business/your role so you don't do shit for that time. all the while you've found out who you need to be liked by to get forward in the company and got cosy with them (again easy if you're not autistic). after 12months you know enough about the business/your role to make it sound like you're valuable and intelligent, all the while you're liked by the decision makers.

Then 16-18months in it's time to start looking for a new job. aiming to hand in notice on the 23rd month and leave 24th. never ever accept a counter-offer. not only will your company and decision makers resent you for thinking of leaving/having to pay you more/thinking youre valuable, they will lose respect for you because you took the pussy option

>acting like the workplace is a serious place.

What a fucking suck up.

That's why if you are a wagecuck you just do the absolute minimum.

Why break our back when you're already being exploited?

Wage cucking is basically getting back for 10% of the value you actually create.

I go in late, go home early, do the absolute minimum, keep my head down, act busy when necessary, and just chill out.

Pretty sure since the start of the year I've only actually worked about 100 hours tops.

ITT wagecucks

If you want to experience the ultimate wagecuck simulator where working hard doesn't amount to anything - work in government / public sector.

Have 2 weeks left before going to a startup.

Me too, except I've "worked" a lot fucking less than 100 hours. I have a comfy office job with almost no supervision, and I'm sure that out of the 8 hours each day I spend in the office I spend less than 1 hour actually working.

Go on...

i had a job like that and I wanted to kms
why hang around some fucking office just to pretend to work
I quit after like a week

would rather not dox myself m8
but yeh 9 figure company with a million per employee

This. You are essentially the TA bot making them big gains over time. When your TA boy makes a big trade, do you give it a cut or tell it to get back to work? The irony of automation is that nothing actually changes in our economic relationships.

I worked for local government.. You can easily get away with barely any work - nobody cares

I had an internship at a government statistics facility in the IT department. Nobody ever did anything unless someone called that some shit broke, then you just went there diagnosed it in 5 minutes and fucked off back to the IT room to browse memes all day.
Pay was shit too barely above minimum wage. God wagecucking is so depressing that's why I have high hopes my LINK stack frees me from these shackles.

I know that feel...

I kind of hate my job. Sometimes I get so bored doing nothing, I actually do more work

My last boss was pretty good to me
Just lawn mowing for $23 an hour
If we got a job that he was getting pretty good money on i would get a bonus, if i did a yard by myself sometimes he would let me just keep all the money if the client paid cash on those occasions and he even paid my rent for me when i was short on cash one week
There are good bosses out there but i dont think there are many

$10 gift card, i would quit that job on the spot and steal all the pens on the way out

>27 yrs old
>earn 6 figures
>have barely done any real work for the past 4 years
>able to make people think I'm a good person/clever/friendly/what they want me to be
>no wife/gf/kids

Please tell me again how i'm doing things wrong. I hope you enjoy your sporadic periods of unemployment, the disappointment of moving back in with your parents, the feeling of being looked down on by everyone you work for, the crippling burden of passing another year with dreams unaccomplished, the slow but sure realisation that your life has been worthless and no one would even notice if you were gone. You are the 30-40 year old guy in the office, I've seen you in every office I've worked in, they all have one. Slightly overweight but not morbidly obese, you don't really work hard or shine but you don't do zero, you once leered on someone in the office and they don't invite you to anything, you wear a miserable shirt/tie combination your ex wife bought you 5 years ago which you iron every night while watching netflix, without realising that if you didn't iron it no one would even care. You are a placeholder in the office. You are the coffee stain on the rug. The stain that occasionally can be seen, adding a dirty, yellow, obsolete feel to the office. In the end the stain remains until the rug is replaced, because it isn't a big of enough mark to be worth effort of scrubbing it off.

Funny how libertarians turn into communist (or at least endorse their rhetoric) the minite they actually have to discuss working instead of market abstractions.

It's ironic because the execs I talk to say they hate getting resumes with a bunch of 3 year work experiences, but then refuse to give raises to people who stay.

you either work for you own dream, or work for someone else's. the choice is yours, if your dream is really to sit in a chair 9 to 5 so be it, but deep down you know that you wanted more out of life.

t. engineering major who will probably never work a corporate 9 to 5 despite good job offers

I work in taxes - doing audits etc. Brought in $4 mill yield since April 17 which is half the entire yield of my team of 10 people.

No pay rises in 4 years. Manager started talking shit about delay in cases despite amount of shit I do so decided to bail, got headhunted by firm working with tech startups. Had a monthly meeting with manager who went through all my cases nitpicking and at the end dropped that my 1 month notice of leaving. Felt great.

I'm thinking it's the cheap oversea labor from shitholes.

Holy shit. Writing a book in response to my bait.

Had a feeling you were an absolute retarded cuck.

As a blind system, the market is extremely effective. Huge standards of living increase and all that. It's just that life itself gets a lot worse.

What about syndicalism?

My sibling is a solicitor for a law firm that was set up by (and is still run by) several accountants with 0 legal experience. Every solicitor who comes on board is told that they must earn the company a minimum of 1 million in fees from clients every year or they'll be fired. If they don't like it, there's about 50 solicitors waiting in line for the job, and a fresh crop of graduate suckers coming out every year. It's crazy what you can do once you have a certain amount of money & reputation.

I wish I owned a slave factory. Too bad laws prohibit western owned slave factories and only asian countries get to own slave factories. Then the slave factory owners get to buy up all this sweet western real estate. Anyone in China want to help me open a slave factory?
Life isn't fair :(

I warned you about capital bro

syndicalism only works if all parties involved are working for the 100% benefit of the group. the second anyone moves even a % onto themselves the whole thing fails. I'll let you in on a secret, they never work for the 100% benefit of the group.

That's sick.
>actually signing up for something like that

This is just a bunch of packed sardines

That image will be in a dictionary someday accompanying the term 'wagecuck'.

i thought they become natsoc

no wonder you hate HR, you have no people skills or knowledge of common colloquialisms

Seek help man, you sound like Patrick Bateman

thats why you never tell how you are doing it.
Especially if you can automate something.
Once you tell the company you were able to automate 90% of your work guess what happens... nope its not a huge raise, you end up without a job and they use your automation process.

>signing up for that
life is a ponzi

Natcucks don't give a fuck about worker's rights.

This unironically.

I had a buddy who helped the insurance company he worked for save a shit ton of money (and lawsuits) after he found a bug in the payment system. He told his team manager about the bug and they both agreed to present the problem to corporate at the end of the week. Well, said team manager decides to go in the next day and present, taking all the credit, being promoted to corporate manager, and worst off the guy told my buddy “don’t worry I’ll put in a good word for you” knowing that didn’t mean shit. My buddy is still stuck in the same position for 3 years and is on the chopping block for budget cuts. Moral of the story, always be ruthless and Always assume everyone will fuck you over no matter what.

neither do commies, but they kill everyone instead of just jews and niggers

Not much else to say. It's pretty laid back and I can come and go as I please. The owner hands me a sheet of paper every now and then for things that need changed on the website, which takes like five seconds to change. The rest of the time is spent shitposting on Veeky Forums and shuffling papers every now and then when people walk by to look busy.

well I'm a student. So it works out nice having such a laid back job to do while I'm in uni.

you just made that up

You know what people who code for a living call obtusely written and hard to understand scripts? Job security.

I was an intern at a tech company for the better part of last year.

Increased the company's revenue by a double digit percentage (=> *millions of dollars* per quarter). My mentors congratulated me and they were awesome but beyond that, I got ignored by the rest of the company.

I wasn't paid that well (although I can't complain) but I don't care about money. What really bothered me is that I am just craving for recognition and the CEO didn't even bother saying "Hello" to me in the morning.

What a piece of shit.

Anyway, it doesn't matter now. It was a valuable lesson if I ever manage people or start my own company.

I don't hear anyone saying we should enact "fairness" laws or regulate anything. Bitching about the workplace is different from demanding a legal and nequal pay no matter the position

you didnt ask for a raise/promotion?

Yes there's asymmetry in the employer-employee relationship, that's not an argument for central planning though.

What bother me is to see talented people like the guy OP talks about be at the bottom of the food chain (for lack of a better word) simply because they have no access to private capital to start their own ventures.

Guess what's the best way to efficiently allocate capital to generate wealth? That's right. Not Socialism.

In a free society, the hero would be able to rise quickly through his merit or even start his own venture. Because what brings value is valuable.

Senior execs are just rent-seeking bitches that would do well regardless of the regime.

should have gone straight to the ceo

I don't think you have a good understanding of actual communism if you are fronting liberalist welfare state solutions as the same thing. Most of the bitching I'm seeing here is related to people;
A. Calling the boss worker relationship exploitative as opposed to mutually beneficial
B. Complaining about having surplus value of their labour extracted from them as opposed to being happy they are in a contract agreed to by both parties

Lmao that guy got cucked

I didn't ask because I had no leverage (my time was almost up) and also don't care much for that.

I just wanted people to congratulate me and get a monthly award for engineers (some dumb fuck got it for doing a third of the work I did - fucking fuck).

Now I would do things differently for sure though. I matured.

>thats not an argument for central planning
government is another form of collective bargaining. right now its the only form of collective bargaining.

you fucking leech

So we can all agree humans at their core are greedy and will ultimately fail to be fair. So why on Earth would you grant more power to a central human authority to "remedy" (see Chinafy) that situation

Free enterprise is damage control for the inherent truth that we are going to fuck each other over, and that the absolute best ideas and ability will prevail in the end, as they have despite cases of impediment

Your boss is the person in the world who is willing to offer you the most for your services.

Where you would have nothing, he gives you something to do and a compensation.

If you think there's someone else who would give you more, try to find a new boss.

If you think you deserve more but nobody is offering more, create your own company.

If you don't think you deserve more but you want more, kys.

When you're working for someone else's company, do something great, and they still wouldn't mind losing you, that's because your greatness is a one time thing, they already got all they wanted from you. Get better and become more important.

>Didn't use the idea as leverage
>When initially denied by his lazy scumfuck exec overlords he didn't immediately sell it to the company's competition
So he was dumb
where problem sir?

dubs confirms fuck working for these kikes.

But then the solution is to atomize power as much as possible, not create a system were it can be hoarded via either political power or capital.

>>”you’ll never get rich working for someone else”
>>”businesses don’t exploit workers”

This is why I refuse to be taken advantage of by The White Man.

I collect my welfare checks with Pride because it means I'm not a slave of "The Man" and I can be my own boss.

there's literally no problem whatsoever with what happened.

This is the exact reason that crypto is the future.

Trustless systems. Human greed removed from the work-stream. Smart contracts, immutable history.

Half of my creams at the idea of a future built on this, the other half worries what all the unemployed people will do in a post-crypto world if we don't cull them.

Capital doesn't give you power by itself, unless you're advocating for a system where violence is tolerated.

Free market advocates claim for non-violent systems.

because the government "might" while your boss definitely wont

>Be me
>This guy driving one of my trucks contacts me
>I don't have time for your peasantry
>tells me about "his ideas"
>God damn one of those people
>even sends me an email
>get home, fuck my wife in my 1 million dollar mansion
>Shit it's fun being rich
>Smoke a joint by my pool
>Decide to check my finances
>Stupid email verification
>Spam folder: 1 new email
>kek from that fucking peasant
>actually has a brilliant idea.
>Use that shit, saves my company
>Thankful as fuck
>Contact branch manager
>Thanks peasant on my behalf...
>Manager: "what should I get him?"

In America companies can literally sue you for doing that and win. Literally any idea you have under them as long as they can prove it took place while you worked there belongs to them. It's become standard in almost all industries.

capital is the most important thing in capitalism

can someone plot this against the growth of numutts in the states


why not start your own biz and become "the man" fucking over everyone else.

>Population increases
>This is the result



They tried to fix it in Switzerland. usnews.com/opinion/blogs/pat-garofalo/2013/11/25/the-importance-of-switzerlands-112-ceo-pay-cap-vote

What they do in every non welfare state: find themselves a job. People rarely starve because of not working, he who wants to eat will feed himself.

You can have all the capital in the world but your power over me is limited to our voluntary contractual obligations, you only have the power people are willing to give you.
