Is it okay to sell your gfs vagene for Bitcoin? I'm curious if this is acceptable to Veeky Forums...

Is it okay to sell your gfs vagene for Bitcoin? I'm curious if this is acceptable to Veeky Forums. I took her virginity so I'll always get to be the first.

why wouldnt it be? what are you some kind of cuck?

I'm starting bidding at .1 BTC. She is QT 3.14

tits or gtfo

Pics, general location, and what is "on the menu" so to speak?

Midwest. Everything

Bumping for a friend


How much to knock her up

I'm black and have a pretty big dick. Will I have to pay extra?

it's perfectly acceptable if she has a benis


NO, sell for TEL

The price for you has been upped to 1 BTC

I can afford it. Show me what that asshole do.

Probably bleed from BBC

And aids

Is there any question starting with "is it okay" that is actually okay ?

>there are girls lining up to show bobs and vagenas just for attention
Why would you pay for something you can get for free?

>he didnt auction off his boipucci virginity for 100BTC back in the day

never gonna make it

I would sell mine for .5 right now