
Cryptopia is preparing to make a run for it. This is a one off warning to start moving your holdings to your wallets or decentralized exchanges.

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based on what?

Where can I buy my shitcoins then?

Are you just trying to make liquidity thin to drive prices?

Isn't it registered in like New Zealand or something

Big if true.
But withdrawal FEES TO DAN HIGH

What's wrong? Feel stiffed on their withdrawal fees?

Remember guys FUD is difficult to verify and of course OP provides no mean to verify this.
Remember that Binance was supposed to exist scam last week, Bifinex and others before that...

on ur mum

I have heard reports of Cryptopia not crediting accounts with Ark deposits and the Ark.io team was unable to contact them.

fuck off cryptopia trying to generate extra revenue on wd fees

reminder that cryptopia is owned by irl white people in a country with a real legal system

I'm from NZL, and know where they work. It ain't gonna happen buddy.

thanks OP, immediately withdrew my shit, don't want to get bitgrail'd

I’ve not had a problem with it.

the best exchange, fuck off op

fuck it's still pending, have I been pajeeted? what is ETA on the exit scam?

fuck wtf it's still pending, fucking exit scam, fucking kiwis


Believe this Fud? Dumb Pajeets.

It's NZ, a great country, great legal system, great white people.

NZ is often in the top 10 best lists of the world.

Deposits are very slow. I've moved all funds off there.

haven't been here for a while. can i get a quick rundown on bitgrail?

It took one week for my omisego withdrawal to proceed but it arrived today, don't panic

they became insolvent and missing cryptocurrencies valuing at ~$150mln

it's now processing instead of pending, doesn't make sense though, there's no such thing as processing when it's literally "send" operation, unless they do manual processing which would be strange because amount is not that big

they would get absolutely fucked if they even hinted at running

This. Cryptopia is one of the only Legally recognized and registered Exchanges incorporated in a country that wont just let somebody 'exit scam'. Try getting ahold of the Poloniex CEO, their Physical Address of operations... Same goes with Bittrex, Bitfinex, etc.

They still didn’t credit my ellaism deposit from a month ago and are not responding to support ticket
They might actually be pulling an exit scam

They have a successful exchange that is making a lot of cash. They must be swimming in money and have done all the hard work to build up their business. If you said they were selling it I would believe it, the site is worth a lot of money. But closing it down and becoming a fugitive to steal the shit coins? Really OP? Or is this the result of a hack apparently? If so pls post some form of evidence. Wood tier FUD from a confirmed fgt.

Deposited Skycoin there today, still stuck at "unconfirmed" status ... Maybe I will actually be able to trade it in a month

Jesus you anons are impatient, for the longest time cryptopia was ran by just two dudes, when crypto blew up last year and all the exchanges got bum rushed with new users they were vastly understaffed for this scenario

>reminder that Cryptopia is held by the people who've stolen more than anyone else on the planet

sounds legit

Hi cryptopia owner, give me my ELLA back you bitch lasagna

Never had a single problem with Cryptopia. Can't say the same about any other exchange.
Their fees border on extortion, but at least I'm getting what I pay for I guess.

>not Australia

They might have tech issues, but damn sure no exit scam:


mine has been unconfirmed since Friday night m8. not the longest I've had skycoin in limbo there, they had their wallet turned off for almost 3 weeks in the beginning of January. for some reason I still deposited more thinking that was over with. oh I remember, i made like 200 skycoin selling my cryptopia coins and rebuying on c2cx... now I have 2.3k in limbo cause I went back for more ;_;

not really worried though, just bummed. that's about half my stack


>stolen more
That's called Right of Conquest and the Roman Empire holds the high score.

Cryptopia has always been super shit tier.

Just go hang out in their discord and look at the attitudes of the devs and wallet managers who hang out in there.

Unprofessional garbage.

I'm from NZ too and the consumer protection laws here are a joke. If you're a business you can get away with anything.


It is. They won't get away with anything. Even if government didn't rape them, some mad as fuck kiwis and aussies would.

OP you're kidding or not? My xtrabyte withdrawal is now stuck for 2 hours, apparently it normally takes seconds. Please say you are kidding, I don't want to get pajeeted.

>Can't prove your land was stolen when your ancestors were too primitive to keep written records

Sour grapes

they ALWAYS have problems with shitwallets, had a waves coin locked up for 3 weeks.

they got it back and honestly they probably arent thieves but they system sucks ass

lmao dumbasses who dont realize this are gonna get justed