Daily gains thread. How much did you make today /Biz?

I made $6.

Spent $10

I made 5 dollars.

made 2%

-2% SAT
-3% $
+10% total coins

I Miss 2017
Best gains ever
So far 2018 has been shit

Will normies ever return after getting burned?

lost 17k margin trading.


lost 1.6%
still very comfy with the 7 day



$8 Playing futures I'm fucking done with that shit.

with LTC, about 5k today ty that user that pro-tipped
from my own business, about 1k

Good gains on LTC today. The market is a mess at the moment, tomorrow will be another random coin mooning... I'm stumped atm!

Made $4 feels good

i won't :((

up 10%


Made 1.5%

896.67, ss of right now

Not bad trading with 2k

Made $200 from real work today.

The absolute state of coiners, lol.

I’m up $3000, or 2%. And I know I’ll go down by that tomorrow. I’ve been hovering around 150k for a week, uhhhggggggh.


Invest in crypto and turn it into 2000€ in a month you faggot

>Profit Trailer


tomorrow its ICX you heard it here first

$3000 just hodling

Yes with feeder

Half my portfolio is in LINK and somehow I only made $20 today.

>sell at 7000, okay I did well
>fuck it's gonna moon again, buy back at 6800
>guess the pump is over, better pull out
>sell at 6300
>fuck it's mooning again, buy back at 6700
>oh no another dump this might be it, sell at 6350
>afraid it will moon again while I'm asleep, buy back at 6500

Now I know why you hodl, some of us are too stupid for trading

i lost 4 dollars

They'll vow to quit, at first. Their friends, CNBC, &c will all be telling them to get out now, it had its fun, now crypto is done. Peripheral-normie friends are still buying in, scoff at their imprudence, buying into some ponzi scheme. Then the coins start mooning again, they get anxious - think this might be spring 2017 all over again, seriously consider it (already deleted their coinbase/poloniex accounts, too stupid to save the passwords, have to wait weeks to verify). Ebbing ambition constantly, resolve to buy in, think of all the money they'll make, their confidence wanes and they're once again reminded of the losses. Coins continue to moon, they buy in, late as usual, find some TRON/XRP equivalent that their favorite streamers are shilling, and thus the cycle begins anew.

I have it, took 13 days to get x2 my ROI.

Haven't used it since things took a dump

I made more than that from sitting on my ass though.

Down about $200 so far.


blockfolio says i'm up 10 dollars in the last 24 hours

>Invest in crypto and lose all $200 in a month you faggot


> implying this isn't the end of the bear market

Not much but still a lot.

Why not in ETH ?

Why in ETH?

>believing in buttcoing


Same damn thing at this point. Fucking bots and tether make this equilibrium so boring.


I guess the game is boring when you're already at +2M

Sold 102 xlm for 100 of another coin. Later that night sold 100 of that coin and got 200 xlm back. Waiting for btc to drop, buy, and then buy something.