I made the Tesla one and here's a HyperLedger one. What other companies do you want logos for? I'll probably make a few more tonight.
ChainLink Logos
mobius link lol
eth link also
finally someone else started making those fucking shadow fork logos so I don't have to and I can focus on Sergey memes
LV monogram link cube
>mobius link lol
THIS. Also, KikeLink, ZeldaLink & Sega DreamcastLink.
I just went to a hyperledger meetup today and the whole time I’m thinking to myself, this kills the linkie. It’s super easy to use and deploy, it’s super robust and dynamic with infinite use cases. Hyperledger is the chainlink killer. If you think they are “partnering” in any significant way you do not understand these 2 technologies.
JR (Japan Rail)
LINE (chat app which will soon have a crypto exchange)
Apple (chrome and rainbow editions)
link already works with hyperledger
are you tarded?
After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that hyperledger is the mobius killer.
You're not entirely wrong.
However, their blockchain solution is not ideal UNLESS you use oracles.
>To ensure accuracy of the data, multiple oracles are ideal.
>I'm tired so I went go into detail on why it is beneficial to have decentralized oracles, but there are quite a few use cases. Not all, but a good number.
White castle
thx, man!
brazzers. we need smartcontracts to confirm that soyboys are actually soy and boy. we need smartcontracts to confirm incest rape scenes are actually incest and rape. we need smartcontracts to confirm that japanese is japanese and not a cleverly disguised gook. these are a few of the use cases for chainlink that no one has brought up and its concerning. just goes to show how many newfags are here
We need smart contracts confirm how many orgasms white girls have for each BBC session
Facebook and RSA
In honor of Ari Jules and Evan Cheng
And swift lol
These are some good suggestions
JP Morgan
What about PepeLink?
pepe link pls
Bump for SWIFT and RSA
Bump for a gold and black lamborghini cube
Would pay 1 LINK lol
No need to pay
I'll do SWIFT and Lamborghini and that's probably it for tonight
May Sergey bless you with warm toilet seats
wrong font for chain link
pls repost tesla link
I don't have the font
thanks bro these are fantastic
definitely need and Apple (rainbow and silver 2 versions), and a Visa one
Is there a Nazi version or should I make one?
nice, I have something a bit different in mind though gimme a sec
Throwing out a bunch for your consideration
gay link
cup and handle link
moon link
singularity link (like a black hole or some shit)
dennis (assblaster) link
reddit link
trump link
oracle logo link
fleshlight link
fuck spelled deutsch wrong gimme a sec, dont speak kraut
Niggercoin LINK
Amazing job bro, ya just fix up that typo
It's Carbon Regular.
T. Link logo generator user
god tier
great thread.
I love it great job bro
I fucking love you!
>using ChainChink instead of ChinkLink